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How long does handmaiden stay in her 'temper'?


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So yeah, when I got Visas she got all pissed at me and refused to talk to me, this was at the beggining of Dantooine (second planet for me, after telos). I've now completed Narshadaa and converted all other characters to jedi and she still won't talk to me.... Bug? Do I have to wait for something? What?

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Possible spoiler




Have i ruined my chances with everybody?



SPOILER]I was talking to Mira, and she asked me about me and the handmaiden. Of course a wanted my options open, so I said something like "She is like a sister to me"... Now the handmaiden wont become a jedi (even if she was going to the next time i talked to her), and Mira tells me I`m to old or she have to fight the other girls in my party!!





Edit; didn`t get the "spoiler" thing to work... ;)

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