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PREVIEWS!!! of *VaS*Map


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I've been working on a map and decided to post my first previews here. Orbitius has been helping me greatly with bugs and lights and fixing errors so great thanks to him. All these pictures are still of an early beta so.


Ok so you start of outside in a courtyard:






From there you go inside the main hallway:








Ok the next pictures are taking in RADIANT so you will see some unussual objects. From the main hall you can go to a smaller hallway which is unfinished:




Then you can go to 3 bedrooms which of I started 2 so far. 1 is the girl bedroom (warning its pink!!!)






And the guy bedroom:










Remembre it;s all beta's but you will get an overall view :)


I will also be making:


A bar

A training ground

A race track/ Flying area



Hope you guys will like it :)

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You looking at the Coke machine in a mirror?


You've got some weird texture stuff going on, like the "anyone bedroom" fireplace. You need to be much better at picking your textures to fit the architecture.


What's with those slat thingies in the roof of the 'main hallway'? Are those patches? Are those errors? Whatever they are, they look funny.

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mind you those pictures are taking in radiant you really cant see what it is unless u actually been playing the map.


About the fireplace i'm still playing with textures don't worry :p non of those rooms are finished yet I just like to give everyone an idea of what it will be like :)


Lol about the coke machine I thought i fixed that lol it's not supose to be like that but thnx for pointing it out :)

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