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Getting better school lunches


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I know that advertising is against the rules, but this is too important to miss out on. This could change childrens future.


Basically, Jamie Oliver is trying to change the school lunches in schools. He has already made a big difference and has helped many schools get the children to eat healthier food. It is important that we help change change diets across the United Kingdom, and some day things will change internationally.


The amount of crap in the food that children eat in school these days is obsurd. The average 'Turkey Twizzler' - a highly processed product consisting of only 34% turkey, and the rest a mixture of rusk, pork fat, water, additives, preservatives and flavourings. But Jamie Oliver has already gotten one company who supplies food to thousands of school companies to stop making this junk.


What we eat affects everything. Mood, behaviour, health, growth, even our ability to concentrate. A lunchtime school meal should provide a growing child with one third of their daily nutritional intake. But the processed junk foods served in most school dining halls these days don't.


Soon Jamie is going to take a list of all the people who have signed this petition to the Government to try to get them to improve the dinners children eat at schools. [i'm glad I don't eat this rubbish]


So if you would, please visit http://www.feedmebetter.com and sign the petition. It could really make a difference, thank you.

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What grades are we talking about? Because if it's for middle school and below I'll sign it.


If this is the same guy that got the us to change the lunches in schools, then I should slap him. Sorry, but I think that highschoolers can make their own decisions at lunch time. I want my Mt Dew and doritios back at school damnit ><

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Originally posted by tags

school dinner?


Basically its a meal you can get when you go to break for 20-40 minutes.


Originally posted by BongoBob

What grades are we talking about? Because if it's for middle school and below I'll sign it.


If this is the same guy that got the us to change the lunches in schools, then I should slap him. Sorry, but I think that highschoolers can make their own decisions at lunch time. I want my Mt Dew and doritios back at school damnit ><


Its all grades, but the sooner we can get schools to start getting healthier food the better it will be for their future.


Also, I don't think Jamie tried changing lunches in the us at all.


Edit : Oh, sorry for double posting, didn't realise that. Fixed.

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i have school lunch not dinner.






Well, I don't really care because i'm homeschooled and eat whatever the heck I want. :D


But I would like to see schools have healthier food. In the U.S. at least. Too many fat people here.

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If people would keep this bumped and sign the petition for me, I would appreciate it greatly. I'm going to bed, I can't wait to see where this goes in a few weeks. This is the start of something huge.

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Originally posted by IG-64

But I would like to see schools have healthier food. In the U.S. at least. Too many fat people here.


"It doesn’t trouble me that the US is such a fat nation. But if we could get the rest of the world to start eating a cheeseburger or two, we could fatten them up. Then wouldn’t it be fun to make fun of those fat asses!!!" - Jaret, lead singer of Bowling for Soup


X )

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Originally posted by legameboy

I signed the petition.


I like my school's lunch. We have everything from salad, water, and yogurt to fried chicken, coke, and twinkies.


... and it all actually tastes good, too. :p


You...you bastage...

We only have the first three...and they suck...


I'm movin to leggies school.


That's what we need in vegas, give the kids a choice. If you want a coke, you can friggin have a coke.

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