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Altering Saved Games

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Lets say I played all the way through Peragus and Telos now I'm on the Ebon Hawk, to forfeit having to play through all that again when I create a new character I just alter the character I have. But what I haven't been able to find is what the game uses to recognize it's a different character on the load/save menu. Any idea?

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

Lets say I played all the way through Peragus and Telos now I'm on the Ebon Hawk, to forfeit having to play through all that again when I create a new character I just alter the character I have. But what I haven't been able to find is what the game uses to recognize it's a different character on the load/save menu. Any idea?

I can't confirm it and I haven't really look into this but I think it's simply your PC name. When you start a new game the normal way, if you name your character the same as in your previous game, he will appear in the same menu as your previous game. If you use a different name then you'll have to press "switch characters"

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If you're right, that explains why Obsidian added PT_PCNAME to the savenfo.res file... KotOR only used the FirstName field in the module.ifo file tucked inside each savegame module. Using that would've been difficult.

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So KSE doesn't let you do what you want to do? I assume you want to change your name/gender/portrait/appearance or something of that nature, all of which can be modified with KSE. You could simply duplicate your original savegame folder and perform modifications as you like.

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I'd recommend using the "Skip Peragus" mod we have out now on the forums. I tried it out and got through Peragus in like 10 mins. A very nicely done mod, they put a lot of work into it you could tell. That would at least speed up that part of the game for ya.


Hope that little bit of info helps :)



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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

KSE does let me do everything to alter it BUT if you change the name of the character then load that particular save even thoe your character has a different name it always points to the old characters save area unless you put it somewhere else manually.


Oh, so that refutes that theory. :) Thanks for letting me know this.


(Just to clarify to my thick head...


You mean that you have Savegames #1- #5 who's PC name is "Char1" and you modify savegame #5 so that "Char1" is now named "Char2". And when you load up to choose the savegames, "Char2" is still grouped with "Char1". And you would like to have "Char2" separated so that you have to click 'Switch Characters' to be able to see "Char2". Is that right? )

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

KSE does let me do everything to alter it BUT if you change the name of the character then load that particular save even thoe your character has a different name it always points to the old characters save area unless you put it somewhere else manually.

If you resave the game after loading it with the changed name, it will put it in its own save area.

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Originally posted by Daebryn

If you resave the game after loading it with the changed name, it will put it in its own save area.


TK102:: Your clarification was correct.


As for Daebryn, actually it did not.


I'm going to use names here.


Char1 is Lendon Dire I alter the backup save and change the characters name to Mod Master, when I load the game his name in the game is modmaster, but in the save file above the picture that shows where you saved it still says Lendon Dire above it.


EDIT: Hence the only way I see around this is to start a new game with a character named modmaster, save it, then load char1's mod master and save it to the newgames modmaster set, I haven't tried it yet, but by all means it should work.

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Oh I think I found something...


It seems there are actually 3 fields associated with the player's name.



1. The FirstName field in the module.ifo inside the [area].sav inside the savegame.sav -- this was carried over from KotOR


2. The PT_PCNAME field in PartyTable.res

(this was fixed in KSE 3.2.5)


3. The PCNAME field in savenfo.res...

I'm almost certain this last one is the cause of the problem. I'll update KSE to modify this field as well.

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:eek: Awesome.


Oh yeah and to the poster who said use the skip peragus, I did, I just don't like Telos either, atleast after telos I'm given a choice of planets. I have very fickle tastes and tend to start new games all the time and never finish them so I've basically played through Telos in every form imaginable. :D

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

:eek: Awesome.


Oh yeah and to the poster who said use the skip peragus, I did, I just don't like Telos either, at least after telos I'm given a choice of planets. I have very fickle tastes and tend to start new games all the time and never finish them so I've basically played through Telos in every form imaginable. :D




I bet you could do a MOD Request post and get one done that maybe could skip it.


I'd go here and ask the author if that would be something they would consider.


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