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Room for improvement?


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Don't kill me just yet. Grim Fandango is still the best game I have ever played and I know all of you love it as well.


But is there something you would have done differently? An insane puzzle? A character's fate? More focus on some character? A plothole? Anything?


For me the only thing I didn't like was Year 3. It was such a disappointment after Rubacava, which was deep, mysterious, dark and full of, er, life.


Year 3 was pale and apart from Meche, Glottis, Chepito and the two Angelitos you couldn't interact with anyone. I don't count Domino because of the removed dialogue tree. There were no colourful characters and the overall atmosphere was a little blank to me.


I would have liked to speak with the other slaves and would have loved if they had had their own agendas. Perhaps some of them were enemies or in love? Perhaps one had a family member they had not seen in years somewhere in the Land of the Dead? They could have built so much emotion and tension with those characters, but we never learnt anything about them. I think that's a real pity.

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Yes, I agree completely with you. It could have made Grim Fandango a little more stand-up with your examples. We could have met someone who was familiar to Manuel Calavera or somebody else that we haven't seen before. Chepito was ok, but more could be done. It can be better than this, don't you think?

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Originally posted by JofaGuht

I disagree. You're right about it being not nearly as interactive as Year 2, but Year 3 you stillhad a lot to walk around. There was a lot of locations and possible things to do.


True enough, but I also found the entire underwater mine to be incredibly boring. It has to be one of my least favourite places in the history of my gaming.


But I guess that is one of the things we can't help but agree to disagree.

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Well, there are not many things I'd have changed.

For a start, year 3 was good. Not nearly as interactive as the rest, but I loved the whole 'Depressive' theme in it.

However, I would have changed minor and unnecesary things, like being able to go to the parade in El Marrow, visiting El Marrow in year 4, I would have liked to interact with others in Rubacava, I would certainly like to get a trip around the ship in year 3, etc., etc. Sure, these things are not needed but they would enlight the game more than what it already is.

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi

True enough, but I also found the entire underwater mine to be incredibly boring. It has to be one of my least favourite places in the history of my gaming.


But I guess that is one of the things we can't help but agree to disagree.


I think what made GF great was its diversity. Year 3 definitely was a different chapter. Year 2 seemed like a collection of subplots when year 3 has arcs concerning the main storyline.


Actually, the underwater mine kept me exploring. I remember how excited I was when I found the S.S. Lamancha hanging over the edge of the world.

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Year 3 was a great place for exploring it once, but after I had seen it all I didn't feel the need to walk around anymore. During the other years I got joy from just standing somewhere and enjoying the atmosphere, but Year 3 left me cold in that way.


On the other hand, it's the Year that I have played the least (I often start playing but stop somewhere in Rubacava). If I played up to Year 3 now I'd probably like it more.

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I'm one of the few people who didn't vote for year 2 as my favorite year in some poll or another years ago. It's very good, but I gotta say that year 4 was my favorite. The variety of locations, getting to see the changes to places you'd been to before, Nuevo Marrow especially, was awesome. I really liked the feel of Nuevo Marrow, and the greenhouse/mausoleum hillside setting at the end was also painfully good.


As for year 3, it had some really good adventurey puzzles! Plus, I enjoy running around with the bust-all. The crane was also brilliant. Perhaps if it weren't so buggy, the underwater scenes like the conveyor belt would have sold more people on the year as well. I thought the idea was nice, but it was hard to tell if you were doing the belt puzzle right since you seemed pretty constrained.

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Originally posted by Metallus

...year 4... ...the variety of locations, getting to see the changes to places you'd been to before, Nuevo Marrow especially, was awesome.

I agree. That's the thing i love the most of this game. The use of time.


btw, the new rebels HQ in year4 is great.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In Rubacawa, every location had a memorable

character -including the "martyred" cat racer...

As it was already said, El Marrow had a tremendous potential.

I think the reason of the 1st year's limited

envoirmental limitedness is to adapt the players

to the workings of the game...but I surely wouldn't complain if it were what it could have been...

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