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My first saber...hope you like it


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mate, for your first sabre,




the only thing i will say though, is, when the blade is out, the hilt looks excellent, but when its not, it just looks like blobs coming out of the hilt, maybe, you could 'sharpen' (make them like spikes) them? other than that, well done on a great hilt idea



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Originally posted by JarrekStar

Hmm...How do I make the textures show up ingame? I place the texture in the override folder it has the same name as the saber and I have textured it in MAX before I exported it but it's just no good...:rolleyes:


Oh gawd, dunno mate. I'm absolute crap at modding.

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Originally posted by JarrekStar

Hmm...How do I make the textures show up ingame? I place the texture in the override folder it has the same name as the saber and I have textured it in MAX before I exported it but it's just no good...:rolleyes:

Easiest thing to do is name your hilt skin something easy for you to remember (pertaining to the saber helps)...


ie - myhiltskin.tga


then use MDLOps "renamer" function. You can specify your custom hilt skin, plus whatever color of blade you want the saber model to be with it... :)


Maverick187 is right though, you'll need to UVmap it (though it sounds like you have already since you said you've skinned it in MAX).


I usually set my hilt skin as the material in MAX, so after it's exported... it already has the proper .tga name assigned... :D

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