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improved AT-st take 2


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ive started this a while back but due to a comp crash and several other matters it never got finished.

Now i've started all over in Maya (last time i used Blender 3d)


why i'm doing this?

i think ravens at-st is just plain crap its a box on 2 sticks thast are suposed to look like legs.


i'm planning on making new animations for it and a cocpit view


this wil be released with my battle of hoth map wich is curently at hold (and nearly finished)


here's what i have done so far



if someone would be willing to help me to skin and get it into the game i'd realy apriciate it i'm pretty new to modeling for JA so any help is welcome.

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Originally posted by {xg}darthVADER

if someone would be willing to help me to skin and get it into the game i'd realy apriciate it i'm pretty new to modeling for JA so any help is welcome.

why dont u use the skins of ravern? maybe the model wasnt good but the skins are pretty good

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thats what i plan to do dunno how to rig it for animation tho or skinning for that matter hehe any help is still welcome


ok the modeling part is finished



alls thats left is the animating rigging and skinning and the getting it ingame.

if anyone knows any tutorials then feel free to gimme a link


also if anyone has a recommended program for skinning (3DSMax, maya?)


any sugestions for the model itself are welcome

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Hey Vader, Here use this link. It's a pretty good tutorial, I was able to get a few vehicles ingame, so it should be pretty straight forward for anyone else. Also take time to look at a vehicle pk3. Look at the animation files... Youll notice that the files will show the numbers corresponing with the animations frame number... This will give you an idea of how alot of this stuff works. I'd look at the vehicles npc file too, that way youll see how the vehicles performance is done. Just check out every file in the pk3. Most files can be opened using word pad. Dont mess with the vehicle files in the models actual folder (like the glm). you can open the animation files in the main vehicle file.




Vehicle importing is alot easier than character models... good luck!


Mars out!

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Originally posted by {xg}darthVADER

thats marz thats a very usefull tutorial but i dont supose you have one that will tell me how to do the UV mapping and skinning ect.


and does anyone know how to rig the model for animation?

you should use the animations of the atst.xsi instead of doing another set of them

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look, once you are done with the skinning ill rig it, that was what you were wanting to hear right? :p

btw it works perfectly, just look the hazardtrooper vehicle in my sig, i rigged again the model to the hazardtrooper skelleton of the xsi and it worked

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Originally posted by LightNinja

look, once you are done with the skinning ill rig it, that was what you were wanting to hear right? :p

btw it works perfectly, just look the hazardtrooper vehicle in my sig, i rigged again the model to the hazardtrooper skelleton of the xsi and it worked


ok thanks =]

but i still gotta figure out how to skin it if any has any pointers how to do it and wich program is recommended?

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