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Action Figures

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I blew a bunch of money on Invader Zim action figures. I damn well like them.


Also I saw SMNMX looking at the forum for the action figures at their site. I know everything about that asshole.


Action figures are really pricey though. If they were still only 6 bucks a piece, I wouldn't feel like such a loser. But I suck everyone's dick everyday at work, so I deserve something for my exploits.

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Invader Zim is the ****, one example of a decent cartoon show (in my mother ****ing opinion )*pats DVD box set* I do like his Johnny The Homicidal Maniac also though *pats stack of comics*


I dont have any action figures of em though....I did always wanna get that Indiana Jones action figure from Kenner....

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Yeah, well it depends. I think the story is awesome and it's a nice body of work, but then some people complain it's too childish. But I wouldn't say it's as childish as say Disney or Dreamworks.


I think you should get it, Skinkie, you've got nothing to lose when you can get the whole collection from Amazon.com for only about 30 bucks with shipping from what I hear.

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I think Bone is good.


I havent finished it yet, have a few more issues to go, but yeah, yo can buy em all for pretty cheap, thats what i did.


I admit though, i never took the time to read it till the game was announced.


But so far, great story, keeps you reading, I wouldnt say childish either, its just not full of horrible acts of violence and girls spreadin their legs....But its still good.

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Wow, I'm amazed Gerbil found my assholey self over in those forums. I posted there about 7 times in total...


ZIM is the best show ever. Anyone who doesn't like it (or any of Jhonen's uber-cool comics) can go and screw themselves, as they obviously have nothing better to do


Hey! You can't have the DVD box set yet! It comes out April 12... but I won't get it for 4-5 days after that... stupid Super Saver shipping...


Bone sounds cool, though. I guess I might have to shell out some greens for those books...

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I dunno... I've only read Filler Bunny, Squee!, and I Feel Sick, so I've only read about half of Jhonen's work, missing out completely on the Johnny The Homicidal Maniac series, so I can't claim to be an expert on everything he's done.


There's only one Bone book though? Oh, cool. I'll have to pick that up sometime, then.

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It's actually the Fillerbunny and the side comics that I hate most about him.


I don't think he's funny when he has characters scream "dookie!" a lot. I think a lot of his humor worked better in Invader Zim, because it requires better acting. I think a lot of it doesn't run too well into a comic book.


But he's main plotline, situational, storytelling whathgsdf is great.

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I Feel Sick and Squee are my favorites, since they follow a bit more of a plot. Squee is simpler, since it's broken down into short stories, but IFS is colored and follows a very coherent plot, which is just cool.

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Originally posted by SMNMX


Hey! You can't have the DVD box set yet! It comes out April 12... but I won't get it for 4-5 days after that... stupid Super Saver shipping...


Well, maybe it didnt come in a box.


But I have 3 DVDs with all the episodes ive ever seen on them. If something more amazing is coming out, then cool.

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Ah, yes. The box (can be bought with or without all the DVDs) comes out soon, shaped like ZIM's house, coming with a bonus DVD (containing over an hour of soundtrack picked by the composer, extra stuff like voice tracks, animatics, or scripts from cancelled episodes, and the uncute Xmas episode) and an exclusive GIR action figure hidden in the roof.


But the DVDs by themselves rock too!

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I'm not a huge fan of Invader Zim... the first episode was complete ****, but the rest are OKAY, I guess. There are some moments in that cartoon which are doubled-over laughing moments, but those are few and far between. For the most part, I find the show repetitive and irritating, much like the kids who watch it. The majority of the audience for that show seems to be kids who think they are dark and mysterious/vampires/emo, but there are, of course, exceptions to the rule.


It's a show that tries too hard to be funny, and as a result of that most of the humor just comes out awkward.


That's my two-cents, but I watch SpongeBob, so what do I know? Now, I just gotta figure out how to **** myself, and I should be okay.

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Well I mean, I do understand how repetitive Zim can get, but I think some of that just comes from the fact that it's a TV show. And you do watch Spongebob. I can assure you, I'm not one of those fans, since I got into Johnny the Homicidal Maniac about a half year before Invader Zim came out because a quote was made by the creator on the back of one of my Scud TPBs, and that's how I figure out what comics to buy... by going through a web of artists that have similar ideas one what can be done differently in comic books. In fact I was thinking of stop liking him for a while just because of the fans, but then I felt that that would be denying myself of stuff I thought was cool.


Also the fan problem is known to the creator himself. So here's some quotes from the guy. These help me when I feel like a dumbass for liking Zim:


The ZIM fans (or "horrible screaming goblins"), they went nuts and started a petition, and pretty much kept the show alive online through fansites and whatnot. They dressed up as the characters at conventions, and they wrote nightmarishly bad fanfics that creeped us all out. The ZIM awareness was bigger than it ever was when the show was on the air.


I hate feet. Hot topic sells ZIM sandals... that people put their disgusting feet in. I hate anything that results in people showing their rotten toes with the help of ZIM brand sandals. I like making merchandise for things that I'd actually want, but we were pretty cut out of it early on. ZIM sandals, man - what the fuck?


"Dear Joehononoonannim, I'm your biggest fan." If you're my biggest fan why can't you just fucking spell my name right. It gets me so angry sometimes I just have to stuff my ears with cud and throw myself down the stairs until I am so messed up I can focus only on my shattered bones and not the sanity crushing horror of how badly some of these people write. And it's not all kids, either. You get 16, 18, 20 year olds who "cant fome a sentince 2 save their lifes. LOL!!".

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Now, I wouldn't say he hates his fans. He hates the crazy ones, by the sounds of it, as would I. I have some respect for that Jhonen guy, Invader Zim is trying to be a little different, it's just a shame so many creepy people have latched onto it with such a tight death-grip.

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