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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Hello All. I run the EU Trivia thread over at the EU forum, but have had requests to try one specifically about the films. I am also interested to see how it goes, so here we are :)



Some very SIMPLE rules


1. Ask Star Wars MOVIE questions only. Episode III questions ARE NOT PERMITTED until after May 19, 2005 :) Therefore feel free to ask about *any* of the other movies until then :)


Nb. I will also allow questions about The Clone Wars Cartoon Series


Anyone who asks 'Ewok Adventure' movie questions will be shot ! :p


2. In asking a question be careful that it doesnt stray too far into EU. You can ask for character and locations names (for example, no one calls Mace Windu "Mace" in the films, but we all know his name :) So try and keep it directly movie related :)


3. ONE ACTIVE QUESTION AT A TIME- If you are reasonably confident of your answer, feel free to ask the next question. If details of your answer are incorrect, this will be clarified and may affect whether you are assigned points.


therefore, if are only speculating you CANNOT ask a question

eg. Hmm.. I think you are referring to Mace Windu, but im not sure


If you dont feel like asking a question or have gone blank, just say PASS and anyone else can ask a question




5. A TALLY will be kept of posters and their number of correct answers. Unfortunately no cash prizes are available for the winner :p


* * *


Lemme start !


Q. Name each instance of when someone said "I have a bad feeling abou this" in the films. Who said it in which film ?



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TPM – Obi-wan (his first line, aboard the federation battleship)

AOTC –Anakin (when the 3 creatures are led out into the arena)

ROTS - ?

ANH – Luke (when they’re approaching the death star) and Han (in the trash compactor just before the walls start closing in)

ESB – Leia (when they exit the Falcon to explore the “cave”)

ROTJ – C3P0 (before meeting with Jabba) and Han (as the ewoks try to cook them


i think it will said twice in ROTS, one of the times will be most likely when...

obi-wan lands on Mustafar to find Anakin (or Vader, as he will be known by then)




Edit: damn it!

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Ord Mantell



Q) what is the name of the Imperial Officer that Vader force chokes, until Tarkin orders him to release him (ANH)


Bonus - what did he say that prompted Vader to do this in the first place?

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Originally posted by Sivy

Ord Mantell



Q) what is the name of the Imperial Officer that Vader force chokes, until Tarkin orders him to release him (ANH)


Bonus - what did he say that prompted Vader to do this in the first place?


A. Admiral Motti.... he was insulting Vader about his "sad devotion to that ancient religion" when Vader said that the destructive power of the death star was "insignificant next to the power of the force" :)


Q. Quote *all* of Boba Fetts dialogue in the OT :) (theres actually not much of it when you think about it) ?



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Originally posted by Darth_Kismet

Q: How many characters appear in more than one movie?


Bonus: Who are they and what are their races?


Heh...weird question.... not counting things like Rodians and Jawas


1. Luke - Human Male/Tatooine farmoy/Jedi

2. Leia - Human Female/Alderaanian Senator

3. Han - Human Male/Corellian

4. Chewie - Wookiee Male

5. Yoda - Male/Race Unknown

6. Vader - formerly anakin shywalker

7. Obi-Wan Kenobi - Human Male/Race ?

8. Boba Fett - Clone of Jango Fett

9. Admiral Piett - Human Male

10. Jabba the Hutt - Male Hutt

11. Jar Jar Binks - male Gungan

12. Senator Palpatine/Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine - Male/Sith Lord

13. Count Dooku - Male Sith Lord

14. r2D2/c3po

15. Nas Amedda

16. Ki Adi Mundi

17. Mace Windu

18. Plo Koon

19. Padme Naberrie - Human Female/Naboo

20. Schmi Skywalker - Human Female


Im not counting ppl like Bail Organa because they have only appeared *once* so far


I hope thats close enough :p I know ive probably left out a couple of jedi council members, whose names escape me :(


* * *


I'll ask a new question to keep the ball rolling :)


Q. Lando bragged about a nifty manoeuvre he pulled off in which battle ?



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A: Barquin D'an is the estranged older brother of Figrin D'an, frontman of the Modal Nodes, the cantina band. StarWars.com/DataBank


Q: How many times was the line, "What a wonderful smell you've discovered," said? Who said the line? Who was the line said to? Where where the characters when the line was said?

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A: Obi-Wan to Anakin on Munnalist and Han to Chewie on Death Star 1


Q: How many Zabraks are in the arena scene in AotC



Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Heh...weird question.... not counting things like Rodians and Jawas...



First of all OBI-WAN IS A HUMAN!!!!!!!


And you forgot DENGAR!

King of trivia? My lightsaber(s) could ask better questions than that


And you'r a moderator, for shame. When you start a forum (or a website) be shure you know wat you are talking about! because now that I am here you will be eaten ALIVE!

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Easy there, Captain Pretentious.


Please don't double/triple post. Try to get it all into one.


Perhaps you should trim down that oh so immense Star Wars knowledge repository you carry around on our shoulders and try to make some room for even a smidgen of any of the information you've absorbed in an English class? ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Obsidian

First of all OBI-WAN IS A HUMAN!!!!!!!


And you forgot DENGAR!

King of trivia? My lightsaber(s) could ask better questions than that


And you'r a moderator, for shame. When you start a forum (or a website) be shure you know wat you are talking about! because now that I am here you will be eaten ALIVE!


First of all, he said Obi-Wan was human. I think he meant race as in planet of origin, or planet of origin of ancestors. Much like we have 'races' despite being one species.


What movie other then ESB was Dengar in? Please enlighten me. Where did you pull that 'king of trivia' comment from? His question was much better then the 'how many' and 'list every' questions that are more exhausting then challenging. I can count, I'm a SW expert!


What does being a moderator have to do with anything? He didn't start the website/forum. Regardless, he is a mod at the EU forum, of which he does know a lot about (not that he doesn't know a lot about this).


Well, that was off topic, but I couldn't help it.

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Ah, Darth Obsidian. As I did state, Obi was indeed a human, that constitutes his species. His race is ? This would of course be what planet he is from. There were confusing statements about this on EU, as it was originally stated in the ROTJ novelisation that he was Owen Lars brother, which of course was refuted by AOTC :)


No need to be rude, re "king of trivia" biz, but is not an entirely inappropriate description, as I have taken on the task of running two trivia threads :p


The best place to show us how good you are is to participate in this and/or the EU trivia thread. It will be great to have another knoweldgeable member around, but play nice :)


thanks Rhett for doing cleanup, and that "brain trust" of JK mods wondered why I asked for mod status in here when I wanted to start this thread :p


Now *please* keep content on the *questions* only....Like Garvin Dreis said to Wedge Antilles during the trech run :

"Cut the chatter !"


* * *


Shok Dengar is indeed in ROTJ, lurking in Jabbas palace. It is important to note that as he was the person responsible for saving Fett later on. He also was seeing Manaroo as well, one of Jabba's dancers :)


* * *


now I believe the current active question is, a patented Darth Obsidian Fisher Price counting task :p

Q: How many Zabraks are in the arena scene in AotC



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Ive had a quick squiz. I actually can only see one clearly(see below) Im pretty sure this is Eeth Koth, because he seems to have a long hair thang goin :p There probably are others, but I cannot be bothered freezeframing and squinting :p


Therefore, if Darth Obsidian can enlighten is, with supportive images, it would be much appreciated :)


the points will be jettisoned with the rest of the garbage :p


* * *


Next question... How many scales on Jabba's left nut.....




Q. Describe the appearances of the famous 1138 in all of the films so far :)




the zabrak guy/eeth koth



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Originally posted by InsaneSith

astro attachment

That's Agen Kolar.


yes it is, my apologies :p


*Eeth Koth was at geonosis but he was killed in an accident involving his landing craft(this obviously wasnt in the films)


*Agen Kolar was one of the handful of Jedi that survived the geonosis battle. I have a feeling me we might be seeing a bit more of him :)


* * *


now, back to the active question :)


Q. Describe the appearances of the famous 1138 in all of the films so far
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ANH: "prisoner transfer from cell block 1138"


ESB: "send rogues 10 and 11 to section 38"


ROTJ: i'm told that 1138 appears in the stars at the end battle. but i've never seen it myself.


TPM: 1138 is the number of a battle droid (end battle, droid ship goes critical, and the 1138 droid turns off right in front of jar jar)


AOTC: when Padme falls out of the transport and rolls on the sand she leaves a 1138 in the sand.

and there are a couple of '1138's on clone trooper helmets



commander 1138 is one of the clone troopers that is ordered to turn on the jedi



i'll let Astro carry on asking questions seeing as he's so good at it.

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Gah... I was just gonna post the answer to this. However I have a little correction to make about Siv's answer. In AotC, "1138" doesn't appear in the sand where Padmé Falls, but on the back of the clonetroopers' helmet, abeit impossible to see on screen. Technically it's still there, it's just impossible to distinguish it ;)


As for RotS...


The clone commander's "name" is Bacara, he is serving General Ki-Adi Mundi.



I just wanted to give some more info on this, props still goes to Siv though ;)

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