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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

A) The actor who played Wedge was the uncle of Ewan McGregor (who played Obi-Wan of course).


Wow....did not know that. Is that the Dennis Lawson Wedge Antilles?



Q: What family of creature is a Tauntaun? (for example, ducks are birds, dolphins are mammals, Green Bay Packer fans are soulless creatures of the nether region, etc...)

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cmon, jedispy, be weary of those borderline EU questions....


it would be nice if you could confirm teh answer tho :)


* * *


correct or not, im moving things along :)


Q. How is it possbile to identify different xwings from Red/Rogue Squadron ?



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LOL!!!!! Hey, it's fair game IMO. In original Ralph Mcquarry art, it shows a Rebel mounted on a taun taun that looks reptilian. I was looking for the word reptile, but guybroom is close enough.


Apparently there are different breeds of Taun Tauns, some with more hair than others. All smell bad.


* * *


back to the action :p


Q. How is it possbile to identify different xwings from Red/Rogue Squadron ?
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Q. How is it possbile to identify different xwings from Red/Rogue Squadron ?


wow, I was certain someone would have known this.....


the number is designated by the amount of stripes on on their wings...eg. Luke had 5 stripes on his in all 3 movies :)


* * *


New Question


Q. What did Owen Lars tell Luke about his father ??



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Close enough. You have the correct definition, but I was looking for the word governors. Yeah Yeah I know, I can be @#$% picky. Twice they are referred to as governors. The first time is in the DS conference room, and the second is when Leia refers to Tarkin as "Governor." I wonder if since all the bad guys sound British (refer to commentary on ESB), would Tarkin's evil butler wake him up with a good ol' "mo'nin' Guvna."


o.k. let's see here....let's see.....


Astromech droids are wonderful for calculating hypernav routes. They also are great as beeping swiss army knives on wheels. R2-D2 is notorious for possessing enough gadgets that would make Batman's utility belt look pathetic.

Q: of the following devices, which is NOT one used on/by R2-D2 in any of the movies thus far (keep in mind EP3 is not out as of this date).


A. Jetpack

B. Catapult/projectile launcher

C. Holonet transmitter

D. Short range scanner

E. Parascope

F. Restraining Bolt

G. Grappler

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

Didn't he use a parascope on Dagobah when he fell in the swamp?

I think that was just his eye bit raised out.


Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

I don't think he ever used a holonet transmitter, though.

In AoTC, when Obi-Wan send the message to Anakin, and A New Hope, he basically acts as one when playing the message for Obi.
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I think that was just his eye bit raised out.


Could be, could be. But I think it was included as a choice because he considered it to be.


Originally posted by InsaneSith

In AoTC, when Obi-Wan send the message to Anakin, and A New Hope, he basically acts as one when playing the message for Obi.


Artoo doesnt transmitt anything in either of those cases. In AOTC, R4 transmitts the message to Anakin, and it is retransmitted to Coruscant using the ship's comm equipment. And when he plays the message for Obi-Wan, all he does is play back a recording. I don't record my voice, play it back and claim to be broadcasting on the radio.l

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sithy, any part allowing vision above the surface of the water when submerged is a periscope....


I cant remember the projectiles though ??


I will let jedispy confirm this, and move onto the next question...


*btw ET can have another point for regional director, close enough to governor for me*


* * *


Q. General Maximilian Veers is one of my fave Imp characters :) Who is he ? What did he do ?



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Shok_Tinoktin is the actual correct one. I tried to make it a little tricky because it was R4 (I believe) who was attached to Obi Wan's starfighter that used a holonet transmitter. R2 was scanning the holonet receiver on board the Naboo ship on Tatooine, but he was using his scomp link interface.


A. Jetpack/rockets were used in AOTC

B. Catapult/projectile launcher was used on Jabba's skiff to launch Luke's lightsaber to him

C. Holonet transmitter - not used

D. Short range scanner - ESB to scan for life

E. Parascope - ESB on dagobah swamp, ROTJ when submerged below sand.

F. Restraining Bolt - used on R2 in ANH and ROTJ

G. Grappler - Used in AOTC to drag 3PO's head on Geonosis.






A: General Veers was the Imperial commander of the ground assault during the Battle of Hoth. He was in command of Blizzard 1, and ordered the destruction of the Echo Base shield generators. In spite of being a subject of Admiral Ozzel (whom Vader hated) General Veers was confident around Vader and acted in pure competence, which is rare among Imperial commanders.


I hope this is what you are looking for.


Q: Name Jedis in the movies who disappeared when they died.


Bonus: Name Jedis that didn't.

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Back tracking to my prior question: Yeah I suppose you're right. It's been debatable whether or not Anakin reall vanished. The others who do vanish do so immediately after death. It's all good though.


Now for current one:


Obi-wan Kenobi - blue

Anikan Skywalker / vader - blue, then red

Yoda - green

Luke Skywalker - blue at first (anakin's saber), then green

Mace Windu - Purple. Has bad@$$ mother@#$%^* written on it. (just kidding).


As for names....uh....is this something that's actually in the movies?


I got no questions....sorry

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