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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Easy one here.

Q: What happened to Anakin's lightsaber in...



3. ESB


1. Gets cut in half on a conveyer belt on Geonosis

2. Gets taken by Obi-Wan after he defeats Vader on Mustafar

3. Falls down the chute in Bespin after Luke's hand was severed by Vader

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Q. In the original release of ANH, what was wrong with Vader's saber right after he had killed Obi Wan ??

I believe that you could see the wooden rod they used as the blade, like the glow didn't cover it up. But just at the handle area if i recall.

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Q. Describe 3 instances where pilots went extra-vehicular (across all 3 films) ?


2 point bonus - a pic of any instance



Wooo!! Good question.


By "across all 3 films" I believe you are referring only to the orignal trillogy. I'm sure we can think of more if the prequels were included.


1. In ESB on the asteroid Han Leia and Chewie left the Falcon to examine the cave/space slug.

2. In ESB Lando leaves the Falcon to retreive Luke from the weather vane.

3. In ESB, during the asteroid chase, a TIE pilot jumps out of the TIE before it is destroyed. This is a split second clip, but it's there.



Not sure if this is what you were wanting, but it's what I got (tell us what events you were thinking of). Whether I'm right (plus the bonus for the pic) or wrong, here's another question:


Q: Put these ROTJ events in order: I'll give 2 points for this one.

a. Emperor Palpatine is killed

b. Falcon's communication antenna is ripped off

c. Wedge blows up power regulator

d. Han blows up shield generator

e. Luke takes Vader's mask off

f. Luke shocked by force lightning

g. Lando enters Death Star superstructure

h. Executor is destroyed

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Those you stated are valid jedispy, I was sortve thinking of 'emergency exits' though - these were my three :

*Tie Pilot, as you have illustrated

*Clone Pilot (Oddball ?) in ROTS

*Luke from snowspeeder in ESB


still, i'll give you the points :)


* * *


current questions stays active


Q: Put these ROTJ events in order: I'll give 2 points for this one.

a. Emperor Palpatine is killed

b. Falcon's communication antenna is ripped off

c. Wedge blows up power regulator

d. Han blows up shield generator

e. Luke takes Vader's mask off

f. Luke shocked by force lightning

g. Lando enters Death Star superstructure

h. Executor is destroyed



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My guess is:










Its been awhile since I watched RotJ


Edit: Just curious, whats the name of the music playing when Obi-Wan is fighting Anakin on Mustafar?


The ROTS soundtrack merely lists it as "Anakin Vs Obi Wan" ... it is also referred to as "Battle of the Heroes" (or something similar) :)


I will let jedipsy verify the answer, in the meantime, a new question :


* * *


Q. What did Beru Lars serve for drinks at Breakfast on the day of her death ??



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My guess is:










Its been awhile since I watched RotJ

Oooh....close, but the correct sequence of events is:

d. Han blows up shield generator

f. Luke shocked by force lightning

g. Lando enters Death Star superstructure

a. Emperor Palpatine is killed

h. Executor is destroyed

b. Falcon's communication antenna is ripped off

c. Wedge blows up power regulator

e. Luke takes Vader's mask off


I figured it was kind of a hard question, so I though I'd just supply the answer.


Passing on the next question

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What were all the squad colors in the assault on the Death Star 2?


Extra: What was the ship model of the Medical Frigate?


For my gain: What is the piece of music played in RotJ when Admiral Ackbar says 'May the Force be with us' as they prepare to enter hyperspace to attack the DS2? Also the Rebellion Flourish in Galactic Battlegrounds.

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Squad colors....There was

*Red squadron, made up of X-wings led by Wedge Antilles,

*Gold squadron, made up of Y-wings & the Millennium Falcon led by General Lando Calrissian

*Green squadron, made up of A-wings led by "Green leader"

*Blue squadron made up of B-wings led by "Blue leader"


The medical frigate Redemption was a Nebulon-B frigate.


What is a frigate you ask? Well if you don't know the name, then you just Frig'it!



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Plz note, Nebulon-B is EU.... that terminology didnt appear in the novel/script/movie. I'll still assign points for now.


@Kain..... alot of soundtrack questions recently :p The answer is "The Battle of Endor I"


Some samples here : Linkage


* * *


Q. This is sort of an interpretative question.... Why did Yoda send Luke to the cave ??



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To show him his future if he would fall to the Dark Side.


Q: What does Darth Vader's chest plate read? Hint: its in Hebrew


IIRC, its "His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits"....


Im not sure if it was ever clarified who actually put that on there and whether Lucas was behind it....


theres a little article on it at TFN



* * *


Q. Who wears a skull on their head ???



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*There was TC-14 on the Trade Federation ship in TPM

*Another cybot galactica protocol droid was on Tantive 4 behind 3PO

*There was R-3PO (the red one) at echo base.

*There was U-3PO (the white one) at echo base.

*There was the "familiar face" at Bespin who said "E Chu Ta."


I do not recall any others.

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