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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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heh....the reason i didnt ask for *names* jedipsy, was because TC-14 is the only one we can actually name, the rest if EU.....you know that :)


did R-3po exist outside the CCG ? I think there was another similar protocol droid in ROTS, but we''ll have to wait til Nov 1 to confirm :)


anyways, correct :)


* * *


Q. Which members of the jedi council have died on screen ??



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Ooh, I don't know all their names but

Kit Fisto

Mace Windu



Aayla Secura

Ki-Adi Mundi

Plo Koon

Anakin Skywalker(he was on the Council ;))

I don't know the other 2 who were with Mace when Palpatine gutted em like fish though.

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IIRC, its Saesee Tinn and Agen Kolar.... actually, Im not 100% sure that aayla is on the JC... will need to dbl check when I get the DVD...


but the main ones are there, so points to Kain.


Ive just remembered, ?Yarael Proof, the alien/jedi who gets shot off the balcony by Jango in AOTC....


* * *


Q. True or False.... Leia *never* says the word "Skywalker" throughout the entire PT ?

(If false, please list instances)



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Well, I didn't think so because he was in the films, and if you look at the Visual Dictionary of Ep III it specificely tells you that he is Iktotchi. Unless even that is considered EU.


there is a great thread on canonical classification at the EU forum :



the DK visual dictionaries are indeed EU :)


Basically, its the film itself or the script. Unless it has been mentioned in them, it falls under EU :)


* * *


Now back to the question !


Q. Why was it necessary to use proton torpedos to destroy the DS1 ?



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guybroom, you should know that you shouldnt guess out loud :(


yes you are wrong. The answer is in a line of dialogue spoken in the movie, so it shoudnt be that hard to figure out....


so, to re-iterate

Q. Why was it necessary to use proton torpedos to destroy the DS1 ?



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guybroom, you should know that you shouldnt guess out loud :(


yes you are wrong. The answer is in a line of dialogue spoken in the movie, so it shoudnt be that hard to figure out....


I know about the guessing thing, but i really couldnt be bothered to check and it was worth a try.

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indeed. though 'the power to cheat death' was the one that anakin was moreso interested, to enable him to save Padme from death in childbirth(as per his visions) Despite this all this concern for her, he still thinks its a good idea to choke her when he sees her on Mustafar :(


anyway, point goes to kain :)


* * *


Q. Describe George Lucas Cameo in the saga ? What did he look like ?



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He was a blue alien at the opera and his daughter was there with him, this scean is in EPIII


Yep, i'll give you a point for that....but....


Q. There is also ANOTHER confirmed cameo. Where is it ??

Hint. Its actually a *picture*, not Lucas himself


2 point bonus : pic



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Oh was it Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) he played Captain Colton in EP III


I searched on the web for a picture this is the best one i could find




sorry Bastila, I was after the other one of George Lucas :)


so, the question stays open :

Q. There is also ANOTHER confirmed cameo. Where is it ??

Hint. Its actually a *picture* of GL, not Lucas himself


EDIT : No takers ?


A. It was in TPM, high on an archway in the Naboo Royal Palace...


* * *


Q. What destructive natural event befell the making of a film each in the PT and OT ? Which films were they ? what happened ?



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Oooh Oooh Oooh...I know this!


They were filming "Phantom Menace" in the Desert (not sure which desert). Well..not desert, per say, but, desert AREA.



They were going to film Pod Racing scenes, and overnight there was a BIIIIIIIG storm, and some of the Pods (i.e. Anakin's (and a few others)) were devastates/absolutely trashed.


I ALSO think some guy lost his hat..or lost something of his. (I THINK it was a hat)




There's my answer

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Oooh Oooh Oooh...I know this!


They were filming "Phantom Menace" in the Desert (not sure which desert). Well..not desert, per say, but, desert AREA.



They were going to film Pod Racing scenes, and overnight there was a BIIIIIIIG storm, and some of the Pods (i.e. Anakin's (and a few others)) were devastates/absolutely trashed.


I ALSO think some guy lost his hat..or lost something of his. (I THINK it was a hat)




There's my answer


The podrace scene was CG, it was never filmed in the desert.

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The podrace scene was CG, it was never filmed in the desert.



Well..not the podrace scene....but, if you watch the Behind the Scenes of Phantom Menace (sorry..VHS owners...you can only access this with DVD--sorry) then you find out that they had the podracers in a desert and were filming a specific scene (it MIGHT have been the scene where it's before the race, when they're announcing the racers ~dunno...been a while since I've watched it~~) anyway..there was a biiiiiiig storm overnight, and some/most of the podracers got absolutely wrecked (AND during the day it was HOOOOOOTTTT ~duh!)...


I never really meant that the actual racing was filmed...I know that it is CG..but, they had lifesize models of the podracers with them in the desert)


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Youre only half way there joshua05, read the question....I asked about PT and OT.... A sandstorm also happenned during the filming of Tatooine scenes in ANH in 1977...


Im giving you half a point !


* * *


Q. What was the tiny blooper in the TPM scene where Padme/Amidala takes control of the throne room back from the Neimoudians ?



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