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Unused Armors Models From TSL : Do you want them ?


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I have found some unused model in TSL that some of you may be aware of. There is also some models that may be used with Sith opponents by the end of the game and/or by Sith Assasins in The Harbinger, i can't remember how they looks like exactly...


But adding them to the game may be quiet hard. It is not technicaly impossible of course; in fact it will be pretty easy i guess. But since the Base Item Ref for armor is quiet limited and that there is already a lot of mods altering armors i can't figure out how to add them without messing with the entire looks of other armors and simply to add them all to the game with one mod... Revan robes can be a track to follow and/or the slave outfit... But it will make any mod based on those armors incompatible with other mods...

I'm trying to find a way to add them all and make it compatible with other mods but every attempt i have made simply made me to belive that it is not possible.


I have made some shots to show them to you all :



Sith Female Robe | Sith Male Robe


Sith Female Low Robe | Sith Male Low Robe


Sith Female Mid Robe | Sith Male Mid Robe


Sith Female High Robe | Sith Male High Robe


Sith Assassin Armor


Sith Commando 1A | Sith Commando 1B | Sith Commando 1C


If anyone of you has any idea about this i would welcome it gladly...

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Originally posted by MattColejk

Hey, i'm no sith lover but i do love those armours!!!!!

whats are the names for the armours?


There are no names really...

There are only references from Appearance.2da


Here are the references (Row, Label and Model name) in the same order as the screenshots.


Row : 19 Label : Dark_Jedi_Female_01 Model : N_DarkJediF

Row : 20 Label : Dark_Jedi_Male_01 Model : N_DarkJediM


Row : 525 Label : Dark_Jedi_Low_Female_01 Model : N_DarkJLowF

Row : 528 Label : Dark_Jedi_Low_Male_01 Model : N_DarkJLowM


Row : 531 Label : Dark_Jedi_Mid_Female_01 Model : N_DarkJMidF

Row : 534 Label : Dark_Jedi_Mid_Male_01 Model : N_DarkJMidM


Row : 566 Label : Dark_Jedi_Hi_Female_01 Model : N_DarkJHiF

Row : 562 Label : Dark_Jedi_Hi_Male_01 Model : N_DarkJHiM


Row : 459 Label : Sith_Assassin_01 Model : N_SithAssn


Row : 508 Label : Sith_Commando_01_A Model : N_SithCommando

Row : 509 Label : Sith_Commando_01_B Model : N_SithCommando

Row : 510 Label : Sith_Commando_01_C Model : N_SithCommando

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hehehe... the Nightsister Witch in my Darksword mod uses the Sith Female High Robe model... (just used the appearance type in the .utc file)...


But I agree, these models have a high potential for getting used in future mods ;)


What you can do to get them in a game is create a new appearance.2da line for the model, then use the disguise feature in your item's .uti...


A good example is svösh's Juhani Sanctuary Robes (or my Juhani Dark Robe)...



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Originally posted by Emperor Devon

Then why's it called Sith Assassin armour?


They could have called it "grape jelly" but it wouldn't change the fact that its the armor that the Ubese Assassins wear in the Jekk Jekk Tarr.


...and I'm with Fox Redux. The "low" robe would be a great alternative to the default robe model.

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Yup, these are great armors. I reskinned some Dark Jedi Hi and Med armors for my darkside characters. (Although for mine, I also made it so they used my pc's head since I did not want the helmet on him-I didn't want any look-alikes :D.) Turned out quite nicely. Great potential for future mods.




Here are a few quick shots of something I was working on. (Red mask and armor for my evil guy-the yellow one is new, it was supposed to be golden, but it came out bad so I have to rework it. Also have to rework the red mask a bit so it is shinier :D)








Sorry for poor quality screens-I uploaded them in a hurry ;)

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Hi guys, i been watching this forum since KOTOR I, but even vandar knows why i never write a post, so here is my first one.


First of all, sorry if my english is not good so i will do my best for you to understand me :)




What you can do to get them in a game is create a new appearance.2da line for the model, then use the disguise feature in your item's .uti...


There is something that i could never understad, how i a can assign a x model to the texture variation in the .uti file, so when i add the new line in the appearance.2da the game will recognize the model that i want to appear.


Did i make my self clear?, if not, tell me but not blast me... it hurts :p

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Here is what I did for mine. Took appearance.2da and under the line of the male PC references (PC male characters) I went to texl (Used for slave costume) since that column is not used by male PC's, and put under all tex and model columns for male PC's the reference N_DarkJHiM. Then I made my uti file and put item type slave outfit and texture variation 75. (Just an example, you can use many texture variations.) I then reskinned the texture for N_DarkJHiM to my liking and renamed it N_DarkJHiM75 so my uti would reference it. Then the uti, edited appearance, and texture files (do an icon as 75 as well, or whatever number you choose)-put them in override and spawn your new item. (UTI filename.) Please note, this assumes you already know how to use KOTOR Tool, open and edit the appearance.2da, and you can make/edit uti files. :D You can read tutorials to help you learn how to do that stuff.

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Originally posted by SoNico717

There is something that i could never understad, how i a can assign a x model to the texture variation in the .uti file, so when i add the new line in the appearance.2da the game will recognize the model that i want to appear.

What you would need to do is copy the appearance.2da row that references the new appearance...


ie - in this example we'll use Row #562 the "Dark_Jedi_Hi_Male_01"


paste the row at the end of your appearance.2da and change the Row # to the next consecutive number and give it a new label (name). I would use the model's name with a number suffix (such as "N_DarkJHiM41")


Next, change the race, modela & texa column values to the same entry you used for the Label (it's easier to keep track of this way)...


NOW, find the .mdl & .mdx for the new models you're wanting to incorporate and rename them to the same name you used in the appearance.2da


ie - if I named the app.2da row.. "N_DarkJHiM41" I would name the .mdl & .mdx to "N_DarkJHiM41.mdl" "N_DarkJHiM41.mdx"...


What this does is adds a new appearance property that can be used in a disguise feature. I used the modela & texa columns (clothes) because you can utilize texture variations for different looks.


Whenever you edit your .uti file for the armor, give it the disguise property along with your other stats.


With Fred's new KotOR Tool, you can use the drop-down to select your new appearance you just added (should be towards the very bottom of the list)..




Using Roboius' GFF Editor:


Click the [-1] to see the tree view.


Click on Properties List & browse the properties till you find one with a "PropertyName" value of '59' (don't change it, this is the disguise feature).


Underneath the entry you'll see a "Subtype"...click it and on the right side you will see a big value box with a number.


Change this value to whatever Row # you used in appearance.2da...


The reason I use this method is because it preserves the standard in-game clothes models, as well as it doesn't tamper with the "L" column (so both male and female can use the item)... just make sure it's the appropriate gender model used...


Hope this helps! :D

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Originally posted by darth makaan

when ya releasing them? they're great


well, as of yet, there not available to the player ...... YET, so the approx time for completion of this mod is: Unknown as its only just being assessed, it maybe that they cant be Player applicable, but i'm sure that one or more of our spectaular modders will be able to assist whoever will undertake this mod(s)


@ lord_yig

Dude, no-ones said this, but Well Done and Thank You for finding these textures, this mod wouldn't be in progress without ya!



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Originally posted by MattColejk @ lord_yig

Dude, no-ones said this, but Well Done and Thank You for finding these textures, this mod wouldn't be in progress without ya!


MattCole [/b]

Thanks, I appriciate a lot MattCole.


There's no doubt that someone out there would have found those models lurking around the files with Kotor Tool...;) ChAiNz.2da and others already had in fact. ChAiNz.2da used one of the models i haved mentioned in his Darksword mod (i didn't realized that since i don't play anymore :eek: , I don't have time to, I'm modding... :D)


I haved just put this to the attention of everyone... That's nothing.

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In regards to this thread I'm sure I remember fighting Sith Commandos in one of the last areas. I may be wrong, but regardless I do have an apperance.2da that replaces the regular Sith troopers with the commandos and can post it or send it to anyone interested. I'm sorry if anyone feels I just highjacked this thread.

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