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Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge Of The Sith

Darth Groovy

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Well I rented it, I beat it in less then 24 hours, and I even slept dureing those 24 hours. It's very fun, but they said there'd be grip and I don't see my force choke. I see hold, but it doesn't hurt them! Oddly enough, you all say he's hard, but I beat


on the first try.


Was the hardest boss for me.

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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

Well I rented it, I beat it in less then 24 hours, and I even slept dureing those 24 hours. It's very fun, but they said there'd be grip and I don't see my force choke. I see hold, but it doesn't hurt them! Oddly enough, you all say he's hard, but I beat


on the first try.


Was the hardest boss for me.


As was for me too. After finally beating him, I quickly got through half of the game. It is not as repetetive as critics made it out to be, but there was one spot where I am playing as Obi-Wan, and i'm trying to cut through this door, and these two brute droids sneak up on me. So I turn around and hack those suckers up....go back to cutting through my door, and the same guys come up on me again......i'm like....WTF? Didn't I just hack you two suckers up? Kind of annoyed me. But the game is still pretty fun. The story skips about too quickly to really feel like your in the movie though. :/


While the saber work is excellent, I STILL feel Jedi Academy is a better saber MP game.

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