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If its broke - dont fix it...Rage Of The Wookiees

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Thats my thoughts on Rage Of The Wookiees. Having got my hands on it, all excited, i discovered that SO much was broken! Quests didnt work properly, and, there was an instant where I was under attack but couldnt fight back so I had to run to escape.


Today was the final straw when i got lost and rode into a bunch of Wookiees (lvl 28s) - had my speeder disabled but managed to run, to come up against one Wookiee - lvl 28 - who shot at me (of course I couldnt fire back, its broken!) and hit me with a knock down...and down i stayed until i was slain!


Since ROTW is BROKEN, i couldnt even clone and still remain laying dead in the water, waiting for a useless CSR to say to me ' try logging out'


So, for those of you wanting to get ROTW early - wait because nothing is working!



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hehe you really need to use the damn map on Kashyyyk....as it's mostly linearish since they won't let you climb over the mountains. =\ doesn't really feel as big as most of the planets cause of that.



however.......those trandoshan slaver camps more than make up for the linear part for me, as I'm a Trandoshan. And oh what fun it is to hunt wookiees down...


now all i need is to get some of those wookiee pelt clothing and i'll be freakin set!!!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I just think its disgraceful releasing a broken product early to cash in on those poor long suffering players who have gone through so so much already.


The mission quests in ROTW are the same thing as in World Of Warcraft and with Kashyyk, I found the whole experience to be a drag and a bore. You cant use your mounts or rides in certain areas and you are forced to take certain routes - you dont have the freedom to explore like in WoW or elsewhere in Galaxies and with some much broken makes the whole 'experience' a depressing one from a gamers point of view.


I've been told it will all be fixed and Galaxies will be a totally different game in 6 months - but like i said - Ive heard it all before. Whether you love or hate the combat upgrade, its affect in game is evident, with guilds reporting dozens of players leaving. Despite, SOE's attempts at throwing free 6 month accounts at people, it's going to take something extremely special to bring them back. Heres a thought - its a Star Wars game - so how about making it like Star Wars?


I find it truely amazing how you can land in Mos Eisley and it has half a dozen 'rebel guards' at one end and an imperial outpost at the other!! Wheres the NPC combat?


ROTW will be cheap to buy but not cheap enough.



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