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Lack of colouring/Markings.


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I find it very irritating that the StormTroopers in the OT have no colour markings indicating rank. Though Clone Troopers have them, I find that very odd and I think they should have been added digitally in the OT DvD. Any comments on this ? o_O

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

They're supposed to be like that. Uniformity = scary.


This man speaks the truth.


George did away with the colors and fancy designs to show how grim the Imperials are.



At the end of RotS, the Star Destroyers and V-Wings lack the red coloring they have at the start of the movie.


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Originally posted by Pho3nix

I find it very irritating that the StormTroopers in the OT have no colour markings indicating rank. Though Clone Troopers have them, I find that very odd and I think they should have been added digitally in the OT DvD. Any comments on this ? o_O


Lucas: What was I thinking??!!


*changes OT again, releases new versions with colored markings added*


*fans payout to get the new version, like loyal dupes*




Personally I am glad the OT and the Prequels are not identical in every way. And I think attempts to make the Prequels and OT "gel better" in style or whatever should be done from the bottom up (ie: the Prequels should change to match the OT) not the other way around.


Stylistically, yes, Lucas's idea was to make the bad guys look "colorless." So as the Stormtroopers become evil (from the supposedly "good guy clones") they lose whatever bit of color they originally had, which was just for the benefit of Non-stormtroopers identifying them anyway.

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