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cate_kroft's WIP


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Thought it would be best to start a new thread and have the images made in a way to save money on my bandwidth.


Click Here for a Preview


Mods Finished/Updated & Waiting for Upload to Website:


The Sith Robes v1.1 (now with Male versions!)


The Wookiee Amulet (saber crystal BW left out of the game for some reason so I put it back)


Force Crystals (6 brand new and powerful crystals that I've made to upgrade your lightsabers with. They'll work with all the default sabers in the game and with any crystal combinations.)


Mariana v1.2 (changed the reflection on her ponytail holder so it has more of a ribbed look and there are a few other changes as well that I can't remember but they were all for the better!)


Silver Crystal v1.1 (looked too white for me so I added a more blue-ish silver hue to the beam.)


Carth Upgrade (In the game he has as many wrinkles as Jolee. He's only supposed to be 38 so I whipped out some wrinkle cream and gave him a slight makeover.)


All Mods Compatible v1.1 (Just updated to include compatibility with the new mods I've made incase you download one or more of them. Mostly .2da files.)




Things I MIGHT work on if you ask me to:


Upgraded Carth: I've already made a mod so looks younger but after reading some of the fanfiction and other posts I thought I may change his jacket a bit too. I'm open to color suggestions!


This may be a spoiler so...


Bad Bastila: If Bastila has fallen to the Dark Side, shouldn't her face have changed? I could make a mod to make her face DS just like what can happen to the Revan.



Changing SideQuest People: Most of the important people that are met for the character's sidequests like

Bastila's mother and Jagi)

are just common NPC and not the least bit unique. I could change that... make the game a bit more realistic.


I'll start work on TSL soon...

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Ahh, a younger looking Carth, nice I like it.


Though just as a sidenote if you ever meet some of these 20-30 something veterans of the war in iraq or even the earlier Desert Storm/Desert Shield/Desert Cleanup actions many of them have come back looking 10-15 years older just because of all the stress. So it wouldn't be hard to imagine Carth who had seen his homeworld destroyed looking 15 years older than he was.

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Very true.... Living thru hell can make someone look older. When my dad was 34 he grew a mustash so people would stop carding him at bars and such. He still doesn't look nearly as old as most 56 year olds but a few years of bad business has really made a difference.


We'll just asume that the PC used her Jedi powers to make him a bit more appealing..

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Ok, just got the website updated with all the new mods and some previews of mods to come for both KotOR 1 & 2!


Check out the new mods at my website . Just go to Games-->Mods-->KotOR 1


Want to see a preview of what I got in the works? Including the Bad Bastila, Sith Ceremonial Lightsaber, and new undies for K2 so Atton will actually have something to comment about. Click here!

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