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Who did That?


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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

I think I remember Anny killing a woman when he was killing the younglings, but I'm not sure?





Nope sorry Johnny, just cued it up and watched that part again he only killed padawan younglings in the great counsil chambers.

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I believe there were two parts where he was fighting and I think I remember there being a woman in one of them,

Wait, I just realized she might have been one of the bodies on the floor?


And "Nice huh? GL choose to "show" Senator Organa leaving that pad and an unknown padawan got a 5-10 second cameo fight scene; One of the Jedi Counsil (who was female) didn't even get shown. And I'm sure Shaak Ti was and is a favored character What was he thinking "Guys only club?"

What did you mean by all that:confused:

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

I believe there were two parts where he was fighting and I think I remember there being a woman in one of them,

Wait, I just realized she might have been one of the bodies on the floor?


And "Nice huh? GL choose to "show" Senator Organa leaving that pad and an unknown padawan got a 5-10 second cameo fight scene; One of the Jedi Counsil (who was female) didn't even get shown. And I'm sure Shaak Ti was and is a favored character What was he thinking "Guys only club?"

What did you mean by all that:confused:




There is a scene sorta during/after the Jedi Temple massacre that Senator Organa lands to see what's going on. He approaches the buttress entry off the pad to walk it up towards the building and he is met by Clone Troopers. They inform him there has been a Jedi Uprising and he has to leave. As Organa backs away he looks back and a young padawan drops down and proceeds to defend himself and (I believe) intended to "back off" while defending himself and leave with the senator. The clone troopers shoot him down.


meaning it sucked that an unknown padawan literally got more camera time than one of the most popular Jedi Masters. Like lucas opted to just "omit" Shaak Ti from III.


Hope that helps ;)



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Actually I can't think of a single movie where there really was a "major" character that was female. I guess Leia Skywalker is as close as we get.


I'd liked to have seen her be trained with Lucas movie vision. I know it happened in the expanded universe or whatever but I would have like to have had more return of the jedi where luke has her up to a novice padawan or something. Maybe sit down in the ewok village bridge with her and at least "awaken" her to the force like we do thanks to USM.



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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

So who was the female body that was lying there, I'm pretty sure it was there, when I think Obi (maybe) and yoda returned to the jedi temple:confused:

I thought maybe that was who you were talking about (because I can never remember character names:( )


Now you got me wonderin' again man; check this post in 5 mins and I'll find out for us really quick....


EDIT: When the doors slide open and anakin enters there is no one or nothing save for a normal chamber. The padawans are all hiding behind the left side chairs.



Nope watched anakin approaching and nothing, watched the chambers like I just said, and then yoda and kenobi's entering the temple again and nothing then either.


I really don't think she's in III at all. :confused:


Re-EDIT: Ooh Shaak Ti is a very kewl alien. Check out Aash's Icon Avatar that's her ;)

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Ok so I have my FX guy, my two stars, Kate and Ashley, who else?

I'll see if I can get Matt Damon, "the Transporter", and Jackie Chan to play the other knights (for their fighting styles)

I woul get GL to do character dialog, and character/actor directing J/K

The USM modders to do props, the best reskinners to do wardrobe...


I just realized this is nowhere near the thread topic, I guess we got carried away, I apologize to the thread starter:)


Look for my new thread...:D

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