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Grinding is the term for constant lvling with no fun involved. Its basically what you call a hassle. When you have to get combat xp for example, there is no easy way or high xp creature to kill to get it. You just have to fight, and fight, and fight, and fight..... ect.

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Grinding is the term for constant lvling with no fun involved. Its basically what you call a hassle. When you have to get combat xp for example, there is no easy way or high xp creature to kill to get it. You just have to fight, and fight, and fight, and fight..... ect.


All of the above..but with more fighting;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grinding can be fun if you don't do it all day every day for a week (or however long they're giving us double-experience for screwing something up, heh). However, I find the most fun in grinding comes from the group you're in. To me this is what guilds are for. Everyone has a fighting style, whatever professions they've chosen. Fight alongside the same people long enough and you become a well-oiled killing machine that doesn't even need to bother typing or using TeamSpeak to get the job done.


This is especially useful when something goes dramatically wrong, like a wandering kimogila wanders too close to the lair of gurks you're taking out and get annoyed with you for causing so much noise. If you're experiencing that 'group high' you should be able to take it in your stride.

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