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hi i know i always say that im coming back. Then something happens and i cant this time how ever i want to come back.


I'm making a freah start, a whole new character and starting profession.


Any ways is the Star wars galaxies still a popular game with out the expansion? (properly get the expansions later)


Every one here is on Starsider right ? if so can i joi your group for a while ? just until i can fight on my own two feet ?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If you're starting over, you may as well fork out the £19.99 bargain price for the 'Total experience'. Sell your Barc speeder for 6-8 million then make use of the free 30 day trial.


I hardly ever visit Kashyyk at its a truely awful experience and a shamefully rushed expansion



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only people that actualy enjoy Kashyyyk are loot whores and Jedi, cuz BH droids don't work on Kashyyyk. Great work devs for making jedi a very easy profession to do!:rolleyes:


but anywasy Starsider is the "unofficial" roleplay server and yes most people here play there. The game is still very popular but did lose some people awhile ago. And your barc won't sell for that much anymore, they top out at like 4mil now days

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im not so keen about rage of the wookiees. The so called glithes dont bother me, its just that im not soo keen on wookiee (there hairy and smell and flea invested oh and noisy)


I like the idea of jump to light speed and owning my own ship.


Any ways i wont have enough time to enjoy all the features of the expansions so for now im just sticking to SWG.


Do people with the expansions play in diffrent servers ? or does every one no matter what the expansion all play in the SWG orignal servers ?

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

If you're starting over, you may as well fork out the £19.99 bargain price for the 'Total experience'. Sell your Barc speeder for 6-8 million then make use of the free 30 day trial.


I hardly ever visit Kashyyk at its a truely awful experience and a shamefully rushed expansion




To each their own. Many of my friends love Kashyyk.

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Originally posted by adey12

im not so keen about rage of the wookiees. The so called glithes dont bother me, its just that im not soo keen on wookiee (there hairy and smell and flea invested oh and noisy)


I like the idea of jump to light speed and owning my own ship.


Any ways i wont have enough time to enjoy all the features of the expansions so for now im just sticking to SWG.


Do people with the expansions play in diffrent servers ? or does every one no matter what the expansion all play in the SWG orignal servers ?


orriginal server. and you need to get JTL, it makes travelling from starport-starport quicker and free

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