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Knock-out Ending!


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First of all, Hi Alphanaut64, and welcome to LucasForums. I hope you enjoy you stay with us. If you have any question about the site, feel free to ask me, or any other staff member, any question you want via PM (private messages), and we'll be glad to help you out as best we can.


Now, down to buisness :p I seriously doubt the movie's ending was a shocker to any Star Wars fan as we've all known for 20 years this was gonna happen. Besides even if you're relatively new to the SW movies, it must have been hard not to guess the ending with all the advertizing surrounding the movie. Anyways, I can only speak for myself so, no, the movie's ending wasn't a surprise at all for me ;)

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Welcome Alphanaut64! I was not surprised by the ending of the movie since I am an avid SW fan and knew how it had to end, but I was surprised to the degree they took Anakin's injuries. I had no idea he would burst into flames like that. But yeah, I did know that Obi-Wan would cut 3 limbs off because I played the game before I saw the movie.

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Originally posted by Alphanaut64

Well actually I've seen Attack of the Clones but the ending wasnt as tragic as Episode 3's ending.

If you haven't seen the original trilogy but liked episode 3 you should definately watch them, and episode I if you haven't seen it either.

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Originally posted by Alphanaut64

Hi, everyone.I'm a new person on this site.:D I want to post so I can get familiar with everybody. So did every one who saw the new Star Wars Movie think the ending was shocking?:eek: I'm not really a Star Wars fan but I really liked this movie.


I did avoid spoilers as much as possible, but I wasn't really shocked about anything in the ending, except what struck me as stupidity of some of the stuff like the Death Star already partly finished 20 years before ANH), Padme losing the "will to live" (despite her claim "there's still good in him...").


And yes I know there are various fan "explanations" and planned EU explanations of these seeming inconsistencies (and it doesn't bother me that the Falcon and the Tantive IV don't look the same as they do in ANH). And retroactively adding another lie to Obi-Wan's total in ANH with the part about Anakin's lost saber ("Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough but your Uncle wouldn't allow it").


Everything that happened (not how they happened, just the events themselves) we pretty much "knew" were going to happen from what Lucas had been saying all along and what was simply "left" to happen.


And we didn't necessarily "know" that Padme would die, but everyone just assumed it, along with the common "everyone new in the Prequels must be killed off before ANH" assumption (which is really unfounded, but the lazy storytelling method I guess). I mean Jar Jar didn't die (I figured he just wouldn't be mentioned again, since the fans hated him.. I didn't expect Lucas to kill him off onscreen as so many fans wanted).


HOW was he going to handle Palpatine's aging, how was he going to handle the transition from Republic to Empire. HOW was the Jedi Purge conducted, HOW was Anakin burned (we all thought he would "fall" into a "molten pit" but I guess this is slightly more realistic), and HOW the Jedi "learn the disappearing trick" which could have remained a mystery but one that Lucas promised he would explain as soon as audiences were shocked by Qui Gon's lack of disappearing in TPM.


And yes, other small contradictions were introduced like the apparent ages of Owen & Beru from one trilogy to the next, Leia's memories of her mother vs. Luke's, etc. And I realize there are convoluted fan and upcoming EU explanations surely for those, but still. These struck me while watching the film.


So no I wasn't shocked, just a few things struck me in the theater as "oh well that was a dumb way to do it" and afterward thinking about it more some others cropped up like "oh well George you could have handled that better or just left it out and not caused another contradiction." Loved the film.


The ending would only be shocking I think if you hadn't see the Classic Trilogy. A lot of the "backstory" is spelled out in the movie novelisations, but most of it is simply well known fan lore. But it has basis in what Lucas said previously, so it's not all just BS.


Maybe I was a little surprised how easily the Jedi were killed off by Stormtroopers, but then when Jedi aren't surprised they seem to do ok (Obi-Wan, Yoda, that Padawan played by Lucas's son).


PS: I'm sure the people who thought that Emperor/Chancellor/Senator Palpatine and Darth Sideous weren't the same person would probably be shocked, but then that has to be a minority of fans. ;)

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

That was Lucas' son? Interesting. Lucas kills off his own son...


I never looked at it that way. And since the troopers were CG, he killed off his son with CGI!


There's some odd philosophical metaphor hidden in here I'm sure... j/k ;)

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Originally posted by Alphanaut64

They have the original trilogy on DVD right?


Yeah, but it's the super special editions (2004) only. Officially. If you want the original originals, you'll have to look for out-of-print VHS or LaserDisk...

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

That was the worst part of the movie.


To me that was the best part of the movie. It was the only part of the movie that made me laugh, and the only part of the movie to get me thrown out of the cinema in hysterics.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Why? Anakin is always saying NOO so how come just because he's in his suit he has to act all calm and cool now?


It was the most emotional part.

It just sounded so cheesy.


And I thought the most emotional part was when Obi-Wan is yelling to Anakin as he is lying on the ground with his missing limbs.

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

It just sounded so cheesy.


And I thought the most emotional part was when Obi-Wan is yelling to Anakin as he is lying on the ground with his missing limbs.


Now, whenever I watch the movie, I pretend that Obi Wan is the one who jacked up Padme. It adds a new element to the movie, not only making it more interesting but more emotional throughout by expanding throw-away lines. It even gives him furthur reason to turn to the dark side! For example...


Anakin says something to the effect of, "You're with him! You brought him here to kill me" and it's not just Anakin thinking, 'Oh dear, she doesn't agree with my plans' it's Anakin realising they've been at it the whole time.


Obi Wan asks if it's Anakin's child and Padme refuses to reply, looking away, to which Obi Wan replies, "I'm sorry". It's no longer, 'I'm sorry that it's Anakin's child' instead becoming, 'I'm sorry, I blame myself'.


It's not plausible if you're running by canon but the script and the way the characters are directed adds so much to the movie if you watch it from that angle.


The big, "Noooooooooo" was more lame than emotional, IMO. I was crying after watching it. With laughter.

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Originally posted by DarthMoeller

That was the worst part of the movie.


I dissagree. I think that it was a stupid part of the film, but not the worst - it was too much like Frankenstine.


Why? Anakin is always saying NOO so how come just because he's in his suit he has to act all calm and cool now?


Because he isnt Anakin anymore. He is a sith. And i'd just like to quote Obi-wan (as well as i remember from memory)


"He seced to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader." Hence he is effectivly a different person. Vader never "promisses" anyone that he can do everything like he does in the PT, so why should he be a whiny little kid?





Also, I think the worst bit of the film was the little kid in the Temple -


"But master Anakin. There are too many of them - what shall we do?"


Who is that kid? He can't act?!

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Also, I think the worst bit of the film was the little kid in the Temple -


"But master Anakin. There are too many of them - what shall we do?"


Who is that kid? He can't act?!



So what if he cant act, he like seven years old and probebly his mom was the one taking him to the audition. Still, I cryd afterwards.

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So what if he cant act, he like seven years old and probebly his mom was the one taking him to the audition. Still, I cryd afterwards.


I'm just saying that it's quite funny - or is it just me? (I'm evil at times - i think this is one of those times.)

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