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The Real Sith---Beyond The Veil

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(hey guys..i'm so sorry, i couldnt post, but i am here right now)


Lord Raad has known the plan Khaos and his friends has put, though he didnt trust Enigma, he had to carry on with them,


"ok i'll stay with Zarlak and cover your backs..." he said to Khaos "but you have to be carefull, Sinceros is a snake he is too manipulative.."


he shaked hands with Khaos and Exuro then he said "may the force be with you"

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(Hope you don't mind a bit of time skipping :) )



The shuttle of Lady Enigma swept low over the palace on Samaraa before landing in the royal hangars. The ramp lowered and Lady Enigma descended the ramp with her companions following on either side of her and slightly behind, forming a triangle. Anyone in their path stood aside and bowed. Enigma ignored them all as she strode confidently through the palace.


"My daughter has returned," Sinceros said when the party swept into his throne room. "What have you to say for yourself, Enigma? Where is the head of El-Zayka's weakling son?"


"El-Zayka's weakling son was disintigrated," Enigma answered. Sinceros frowned.


"And where is Drekker?" he demanded. "And who are your cloaked companions?"


"Drekker was struck down by opposition we ran into," Enigma replied. "These two loyal Sith warriors aided me in avenging his death."


Sinceros rose and approached the three. Enigma stepped back, allowing Khaos and Exuro to step forward. Sinceros reached for the hood on Khaos' head and lifted it off. He stared at the face for several seconds before reaching over and removing Exuro's hood. He growled and stared at his daughter.


"Betrayal, Enigma?" he muttered. "This is how you treat your own father?"


"Treachery is the way of the Sith," Enigma answered. "Your own words, I believe." He started to open his mouth, but Enigma shook her head.


"Don't be a coward," she told him. "Leave your guards out of this."


"So this is what it is to be, then?" he snapped. "You're not getting me without a fight!"


"That was the plan," Enigma answered. Sinceros backflipped away from Khaos and Exuro, igniting his saber as he did so. Enigma's saber was out in a flash. She attacked first, driving her father against the nearest wall in a move so aggressive even he could barely defend himself.


"Know this, Sinceros," Enigma hissed as their sabers clashed and locked. "You killed the elder El-Zayka. The younger El-Zayka will kill you."


"Not if he's dead," Sinceros laughed. He used the Force to throw his daughter across the room. She fell hard, but bounced back immediately, rushing forward to join Khaos and Exuro in combat.

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Sinceros ran forward towards Khaos prepareing to strike. Exuro then jumped infront of him igniting his sabre in the process.


"Before you can fight him, you have to get through me." Exuro said relitively calmly as exuro's and sinceroes blades met.


"your father said the same thing before struck him down."


This comment enraged hades and he got more aggressive in his attacks, a flurry between the two men began exchangeing blows and and strikes. Sincero managed to stab Exuro in the side then threw him to the side. Exuro crashed into the wall and calapsed bleeding from his side.

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Khaos gazed at the bleeding Exuro, the he moved his sight to gaze at Sinceros who was laughing…


"You will meet the same fate as your father El-Zayka scum…"


And then he aggressively attacked Khaos with several mid attacks, but Khaos was able to handle Sinceros attacks until their sabers hit eachother forming an 'X' position…


"No…Sinceros…you will pay for your betrayal…."


He pushed him toward the wall using the force and stood in a defensive position, Sinceros started to laugh while he was lying on the ground; he gazed at Enigma and said…


"Looks like you've picked up some bad habits from your mother…" then he continued to laugh insanely…


"fool El-Zayka…how could you trust a woman who betrayed her father?…"


Khaos looked at Enigma who seemed more beautiful than he ever dreamed, she gazed at him with her charming eyes and then he knew…he knew that he can depend on her, he turned his face to look at Sinceros…


"I can trust her…I know that because…because I love her…"


he looked at Enigma to see the reaction on her face…

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"Knew it. Khaos, I'm in the hanger. I've walked into a trap. Noones here. The hangers doors are shut and looked. I cant escape but Im still bringing this space station down. Good bye Khaos. Its been good serving under you. May the force be with you. Give Exuro my regards"

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suddenly a door opened and three persons entered the room, there were hooded, the two on the sides took of their robes and ignited their light sabers, the other one in the center, said while still hooded…


"looks like Lord Raad has succeeded in the mission I once gave for him…"


she took of her hood and Khaos was totally shocked...it was his mother queen Norrah…he wanted to say something but his mouth wouldn’t open…


"Surprised Azdashir??" she let out a slight smile on her face…"it was I who set the trap with my beloved master…lord Sinceros…Darth Babek was getting too weak to hold the throne and he must be sacrificed if we are to keep it…"


Azdashir lied on wall beside him, his eyes full of tears…


"how could you?...you've killed your husband and your son…all that was not enough for you… you are willing now to kill your young son…how cruel is the heart you bear…that if there is one…"


Norrah started to applaud…"impressive…very impressive Azdashir…the knight has became a poet now…well…I really wanted to have the pleasure of seeing you suffer…but we don’t have time now…yes…I've killed my husband but he was not my beloved husband as you have mentioned…and I've killed Atal because he reminds me of that pathetic weak fool I have married…my only child that I always felt proud of is….Jessa…"


Khaos fell down when he heard this, his world was tearing away, and void began to suffer his aching mine, he couldn’t bear the idea of his mother's betrayal and that the woman he loved is his sister…




He shouted in agony, and tears started to fall from his eyes…

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Enigma stared at Norrah for a long time before her wide eyes shifted to Sinceros. "Like my mother, you say?" Her eyes shifted back to Norrah and narrowed. "If you were the mastermind behind all of this, you are to be involved in the revenge taking as well!"


She went over to Khaos and said gently, "Come... brother."


She threw a glare at Norrah. "We'll be leaving now, but you will fear our return... for our return will signify your death!"


With that, Jessa deactivated her lightsaber and stalked out of the throne room, pulling Azdashir with her.

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"you are leaving no where…" Sinceros shouted as he waved his hands to close the doors… "we will end this once and for all…" he said


Meanwhile Norrah started to laugh, as she stared at Khaos miserable situation..


"brother you say!!! I thought that you are smarter than that Jessa, this collapsed man isn't your brother…your father raised him, he is his friend's son, the one called Iluvatar…and it seems like he is weak just like him…"


then she began to laugh the same way Sinceros laughed…


Khaos, now remembered…Babek once told him how great sith lord Iluvatar was…he rose and dusted of his black robe…


"Iluvatar was great Lord as Lord Babek and his son Atal…"


he lunched a great waves of lighting storm toward the two sith lords who entered with Norrah and they were killed at once…


"we shall not discuss our family issues now…we are here to have our revenge…"


"you will try…" Norrah said confidently…"so my beloved daughter, with whom you'll join…your family or that pathetic fool…"

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"Khaos dont beleive all she says. She's only trying to weaken you. Im at the controlls of the space station. I was wrong, there was no traps, just a hazardous warning. Anywhom, tell me when you want this all to end. The space station is going to fall with a push of a botten. Say when I should push"

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Enigma glowered at her family. "You were right about one thing," she said quietly. "He may not be a brother... he's nearer than a brother. A bond like ours will not be broken by a lying and scheming family."


She glanced at Khaos. "I am with you, Azdashir."

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he gazed at Enigma and smiled...


he activated his lightsaber and attacked Sinceros who successfuly blocked his attackes while he was going back, then he pushed him using the force, Khaos hit the wall and fall into the gorund but he got up fast and jumped in the air waving with his saber then before he got back into the gorund, Sinceros jumped right to avoid his attack thus his saber hited the contorl panel infornt of him causing the alarms to be activated...he stared at Sinceros angrily, the other gave him the same look and unleashed his lighting upon him which Khaos succesfuly absorbed...the two stayed like this for a while, before Sinceros's power began to fade, he threw a metal object toward Khaos then he ran to another room...

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