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^ bookworm


< wants to install starwars battlefront that he's had for about a year without playing. Mostly because he was stupid and didnt check the system requirments and only noticed when he got home that his computer didnt have enough memory or the right graphics cards. But now he has a new computer that should be able to play it.


V wishes i didnt right a paragrah about <

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^^ IS that the on from lost????

^i love everything about you babe er.... yeah... *ahem* siggie... thing.... riiiight..

<has got THAW!!! yayay

V hopefully isnt the FBI, CIA, RAF or KFC (I stole from all 4)


(ok so i didnt steal from the fbi or cia but i definately stole from the RAF and KFC. oh wait... tell a lie i dreamt about the raf. at least i.... oh wait.... i did pay for that popcorn chicken....)


edit: damn you capn i missed your post!!!! NNNGGGGGGHHHEEEEEE!!!!!!

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