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Romance Handmaiden

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A shame too, I wanted at least some female interaction with my character... :naughty:

Instead I just get this preachy white haired chick, a blind humanoid force woman, and a war scarred bounty hunter... :(


Right on man... Totally agree!!! :):):):)

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The quote is refferring to when the original Star Wars movie was being made and all heck was breaking loose. They had only a couple of months left before release day and nothing was working properly. George Lucas was very stressed and wasn't communicating with the actors very well. Another part of the quote I believe is "He wanted us to just do this or do that... and sometimes you cant just do that"


Correct me if I am wrong but I believe thats correct. (seeing as how I have watched the documentary around 3-4 times I oughtta remember something ;) )


Oh and uh... we're going off topic here <.<

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