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Making a 2 Color Saber Blade: Thread link request


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Some time ago I read a thread that discussed how to edit a saber .tga to make the blade have 2 colors, unfortunately I am unable to locate the thread even after using the search function for a few hours. :headbump


Does anyone remember what thread this was? Link please?


Many thanks

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do you mean a single blade having 2 colors... or a double-bladed saber with 2 different colors (opposing ends)?


For the single balde, it's just a matter of editing the .tga file for the color you're wanting to change (or make unique)... or you can use the method below (2 of 4 entries)..


For the double-saber, it's a little trickier, but nothing too difficult. You'll need to use MDLOPs' 'renamer' function in order to change 4 of the 8 different entries for the saber blade color...


Let us know and we can get more specific :)

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I am refrencing a single blade with more than one color.



***Chainz.2da: "For the single blade, it's just a matter of editing the .tga file for the color you're wanting to change (or make unique)... or you can use the method below (2 of 4 entries).."



What is the visual diifrence (how it looks in-game...?) between these methods? I understand the .tga edit method, but I would like to know how the other method works. I already have Mdlops installed in the same .dir at KoTORTool.


I'm going to go follow some more tuts n-make stuff....maybe I'll understand this better.


I need to re-read "How to Ask Good Questions"!

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What is the visual diifrence (how it looks in-game...?) between these methods? I understand the .tga edit method, but I would like to know how the other method works. I already have Mdlops installed in the same .dir at KoTORTool.

Not really a huge difference, but the MDLOPs method is a little more precise if you can't get the .tga 'just right'...


A saber's blade is divided into 4 different planes, equally divided, intersecting one another.

...1 .2 .3

... \ | /

. 4 --- 4

... / | \

...3 .2 .1

On top of this, the blade actually rotates 360°... you can actually see the planes if you've seen the examples here on the boards when a saber doesn't have a .txi file associated with it (blending additive)... looks similiar to a funky windshield wiper blade.. hehehe..


When you use MDLOPs, you're telling the saber to use a particular color for each plane... for example, an all red saber would be:


1 = w_lsaberred01

2 = w_lsaberred01

3 = w_lsaberred01

4 = w_lsaberred01


BUT, if you wanted an alternating blue/red, it'd look something like this:


1 = w_lsaberred01

2 = w_lsaberblue01

3 = w_lsaberred01

4 = w_lsaberblue01


Keep in mind, the diagram above may not be the correct "order" of the planes... just serves as an example of how it works. Some experimenting will need to be done, but that's pretty much the basics. ;)


Hope that helps :D

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Woot! Thats awesome! I'm trying to swallow the idea of buying photoshop (Have to anyway for buisness but dang .......$639..... thats almos half what I paid for my 'puter!) but ooooo once I do.......lol.


Btw @OK:Did you use PS or Mdlops to do that?



Edit: Interesting typo....its supposed to say: did you......

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I bet the flourishes look cool on those sabers, Keeper. I know you say its light purple/dark purple but it lookts blue/dark purple to me (and I quite like it).


Thanks... :)


Btw @OKid you use PS or Mdlops to do that?



Edit: Interesting typo....its supposed to say: did you......


i used Paint Shop Pro for the sabers... but you can use Photoshop just as easy... basically all you need to do is just edit the tga file... ;)

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To do my Nomi Sunrider lightsaber's custom yellow core with green outter glow saber blade I used Photoshop I tried the other way BUT the biggest problem out there (I think) with custom saber blade mods is they look oversized, blocky as heck, non blended. I'm not sure if they did the MDLops thingie to get their blade colors but I was never a fan of that look. If you've ever seen my Sunrider blade alteration it's very blended so there are no "hard" edges or color intersections anywhere. ;)


I'd recommend trying it first off with Pshop then go from there. You can always try it the other way but I've found the smoothest looking results come from Pshop. I do my edits at about 700% zoom and up and utilize the hue/saturation layers a bit as well as the curves layer to get the looks I want. ;)


In addition if you need any help just ask and I'll answer if I can.


Hope that helps a bit :thumbsup:



General Kenobi

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@GK: Woot! Thank you! I just got PS CS on my home computer (OMG 700 dollars! At least its tax deductable!) and I'm having a blast learning it....


Now its time to go put that advice to good use. I'll post up anything that comes out looking decent.


Thanks again

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This is what I've done so far..... Allthough I'll admit this is not the look I was going for at least I'm kinda starting to partially understand how what I do will show up in the game ...I think Im adjusting the levels toomuch as its really transparent <moreso than usual> Anyhoo If you like it or have a suggesion let me know.






Whee back to the drawing board

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