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What would be the beggining of your version of the KOTOR 3 story? [MAJOR SPOILER]


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I think that a simple republic agent(smuggler, soldier, scout whatever) who is agile enough to survive some importante event and get the attention of the new jedi order in order to train him would be fine. After being trained our jedi would find himself in the middle of a war beetwen the republic and the true sith (with Revan and Exile on one of the sides, perhaps each on opposite, it would be interesting to see Revan fight the Exile as well give Carth a chance to pay back Revan for his actions or fight together with him against this new threat).


Oh and this is my first post :)

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says that Revan will die as the Exile has if he/she persists in his/her quest to stop the Sith Lord. They engage in combat and the Sith Lord triumphs. Instead of killing him/her the Sith Lord decides to spare Revan's life because Revan did fulfill his/her purpose - he/she weakened the Republic. He strips Revan of the armor, his/her powers and his/her memories of the Dark Planet's location (only the memories of the location of the planet, not the entire personality like in KoTOR 1), puts him/her in a stasis pod and sends him/her in a small unmanned aircraft back to Republic space.


While your idea sounds good, why would it be the Exile to die anyway? Revan has spent all this time out on the Outer Rim.. Also, I don't think the players would like Revan being stripped of anything in my opinion.

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Well, honestly since I want to play as Revan again (and, yes, build him up again from level 1) I had to get rid of the Exile somehow, that's why it's not a perfect idea.

Revan can't just die in the Outer Rim, since so far everything in KoTOR revolves around him and he is more powerful than the Exile and has more chance of surviving in the Unknown Regions.

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You can't have both the Disciple and the Handmaiden in TSL, therefore only one of them can become a council member


Why not? They would just be making appearances, not be your love interest anymore anyway..Their destinies were to be at the Jedi Council, but they never seemed smitten with your character as Atton or Visas did o.0. Plus, they started off with names so that makes Atton and Visas more important to me automatically lol.


Bastila is the one who is more likely to form the new Jedi Council, after all she is a more experianced Jedi than the Handmaiden, or anyone else from the Exile's party - they're all novices


I think that Jolee should be the head of the Jedi Council, he's been a Jedi longer than any of them and deserves a cameo -_-. Plus, Bastila should travel and find out what happened to her lover in my opinion.Like she said, she was always too impatient, too quick to act. Bastila would not want to wait on her love much longer in my opinion...


what if the Exile decided to stay on Malachor and become the new Master of the Trayus Academy, instead of going to the Unknown Regions;


Light or Dark, your destiny is supposed to follow Revan anyway.. Perhaps it could start a year or so afterwards, so the Exile had enough time to build the Academy?


if in the end you play as the new character, then Revan and the Exile will have to get voices and will have to wear some kind of masks during the game;


No they wouldn't, you could do character customization and pick the faces for them. As for voices, I am not sure about yet hehe.


your version of the story starts immediately after the end of TSL - it is more likely that KoTOR3 will be happening 3-5 years after TSL.


Why? Revan has already been in the Outer Rim for like 4 years... he/she needs help asap >.>

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Why not? They would just be making appearances, not be your love interest anymore anyway..Their destinies were to be at the Jedi Council, but they never seemed smitten with your character as Atton or Visas did o.0. Plus, they started off with names so that makes Atton and Visas more important to me automatically lol.


Because whether you get the Handmaiden, or the Disciple depends on whether the Exile is a male, or a female.


I think that Jolee should be the head of the Jedi Council, he's been a Jedi longer than any of them and deserves a cameo -_-. Plus, Bastila should travel and find out what happened to her lover in my opinion.Like she said, she was always too impatient, too quick to act. Bastila would not want to wait on her love much longer in my opinion...


Jolee should definitely make an appearance at least as a council member, if not as head of the Jedi Council.


No they wouldn't, you could do character customization and pick the faces for them. As for voices, I am not sure about yet hehe.


So, you're thinking there should be three character customizations in KoTOR 3 - One for Revan, one for the Exile and one for the new main guy/girl?


Why? Revan has already been in the Outer Rim for like 4 years... he/she needs help asap >.>


True, but still the story will probably start a few more years after TSL.

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While your idea sounds good, why would it be the Exile to die anyway? Revan has spent all this time out on the Outer Rim.. Also, I don't think the players would like Revan being stripped of anything in my opinion.

Actuelly, I would like to start with Revan stripped off of everything. THey must have done something to him. Otherwise, he would have returned long ago, if he finished the job.

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@Buzz1978 Ok,while you have good ideas.... A Fable-ish setting would not work for K3[...]


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "Fable-ish", I always thought fables had to do something with animals... (English is not my native tongue.)


[...]because that would mean 20 years into the future and 20 years of Revan and the Exile all by themselves fighting on the Outer Rim with hardly any help until you grow up and come along.


Who would be able to help them anyway? Nobody can follow them.


That would mean all of them are nearing 50, Jolee is long dead, Canderous is about to die from old age, etc.


As for the Jedi I don't consider this much of a problem. Yoda was 900 years old, when he died - ok he's no human. But Marka Ragnos ruled the sith on Korriban for over 100 years and even then he didn't just die but was killed by Naga Sadow (???). Or look at Atris: When the Mandalorian wars began she was already a master and a member of the Jedi council on Coruscant. So she might have been 35 or more likely 40 years old then. 10 years later, when she meets the Exile again, she looks like she's no more than 30.

So the Jedi remain powerful and goodlooking even at old age and Canderous gets a few more implants and keeps running and running...


So the love interests of I and II would not have seen their loves for 25 years...


You are desperate for that happy end are you?


Handmaiden and Disciple would form a new Jedi council in Corsucant, etc.


I believe the Disciple is supposed to become a senator and never use the force again. The handmaiden goes back to Telos and becomes the historian and rebuilder of the Jedi order, Atris believed herself to be.


6 months pass and it shows little clips of party members and what they have been doing with their time before it finally centers on the third character. You are trying to sleep and a low in ranking Sith Lord yells at you to wake up, "Come on! You have to deliver these packages for me!" You stumble out of bed, hating being someone's slave.


Sounds good so far, but do I get it right, that this place is supposed to be in the unknown regions and is pretty much like every other place besides being incredebly evil? What makes the true sith special then? Why did Revan/Exile have to leave their party behind?


When you step outside, a cutscene shows Revan and Exile walking with cloaks and masks on. For some reason you feel drawn to them, even to their presence makes you want to know more about them.


You see them over the next few weeks and one day Revan slams you into the wall, his/her hands upon your throat. "Are you a spy?!?!" You tell them you are not, and they ask why are you following them. You explain your reasons and the Exile tells Revan to calm down. "Sorry, just the darkness of this place makes me quick to anger and with all our plans being foiled.." He/she cuts off sharply and they give your their names after sensing you are not a threat to them. You give them yours and over the next few times you run errands, you keep bumping into them more and more. One day, your master is with you and beating you brutally for not delivering a package on time and the Exile and Revan promptly kill him.


That's exactly what I meant by "stop being your Revan and Exile". This behavior seems to go with your image of them, but it certainly doesn't go with mine. My Revan tried to pull Malak back from the dark side until the very end, never would he just kill someone just for beating somebody.


They ask to you join their resistance group, you say yes and they lead you to their HQ. They have you do some menial tasks to prove your worthiness and once you are worthy, they inform you that they need new members.


The Exile hands you a list of people to join their ranks, surprisingly members from I and II and some new ones as well :-p. On each planet on where they are on, you gather up more and more crew members which takes up half of the game.


Sorry if this is a rerun, but why didn't they take their party with them if facing the threat of the true sith can be done in a "everyday manner"?

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Igyman and Vladmir, I am starting to come to your way of thinking about playing as Revan again o.0. I guess playing as a whole new pc character would be out of the question anyway due to difficulties, like I said in another post... this series is like a movie. Why would you want a whole new character for each movie?

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Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "Fable-ish", I always thought fables had to do something with animals... (English is not my native tongue.)


Fable is an X-box 360 game where you start off as a little kid and have different stages of life. Kid, adolescence, and then an adult.


Who would be able to help them anyway? Nobody can follow them.


T3-M4 could help, that's why he was supposed to stay behind to gather followers to help out Revan.


As for the Jedi I don't consider this much of a problem. Yoda was 900 years old, when he died - ok he's no human. But Marka Ragnos ruled the sith on Korriban for over 100 years and even then he didn't just die but was killed by Naga Sadow (???). Or look at Atris: When the Mandalorian wars began she was already a master and a member of the Jedi council on Coruscant. So she might have been 35 or more likely 40 years old then. 10 years later, when she meets the Exile again, she looks like she's no more than 30.

So the Jedi remain powerful and goodlooking even at old age and Canderous gets a few more implants and keeps running and running...


Lmao >< I guess.. I still don't think it would be 25 years anyway. Last one took place 4 years after the 1st, and I am sure it would be somewhat like that for the third.



You are desperate for that happy end are you?


Not only am I that, but I am a big fan of finishing storylines. After all, that's what rpg's are about. It would not seem complete if not all their stories were finished.


Sounds good so far, but do I get it right, that this place is supposed to be in the unknown regions and is pretty much like every other place besides being incredebly evil? What makes the true sith special then? Why did Revan/Exile have to leave their party behind?


Ok I am not a game developer, but Kreia was talking about how their are some places born out of darkness.. and the True Sith are the Real Sith because the Real Sith just worship the True Sith's ideals, but the True Sith is like a race if I have read correctly. And Revan/Exile had to leave their party behind because they could not take ones they loved with them.


That's exactly what I meant by "stop being your Revan and Exile". This behavior seems to go with your image of them, but it certainly doesn't go with mine. My Revan tried to pull Malak back from the dark side until the very end, never would he just kill someone just for beating somebody.


Yeah, but I was thinking that if you were in an evil ridden place... then sometimes it would be hard to resist the temptation to succumb to the dark side no matter how light you are.

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Fable is an X-box 360 game where you start off as a little kid and have different stages of life. Kid, adolescence, and then an adult.


Why do you think it wouldn't work for K3?


T3-M4 could help, that's why he was supposed to stay behind to gather followers to help out Revan.


And only one follower met the standards... Would be a bit too much of an inflation if there a lots of them all of a sudden.


Lmao >< I guess.. I still don't think it would be 25 years anyway.


Neither do I to be honest. I just wanted to find of way to unite the major wishes and by doing so I inserted my major wishes as well. I still think it could work that way. Becoming a Jedi as an adult just isn't the proper way and I would really like to see it properly done for once.

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Why do you think it wouldn't work for K3?


Simply because of the urgency I would feel for Revan. I mean, if Revan spent 25 years out in the Outer Rim and there was no contact not only would I lose interest in the story, but I would seriously think something happened to Revan. Either Revan died or Revan joined them. I mean at times of war, help is needed asap. You just cannot wait for someone to grow up to save the day. However, being able to grow up through the different stages would make a GREAT idea if there was a Kotor 4. I would absolutely support that one.


And only one follower met the standards... Would be a bit too much of an inflation if there a lots of them all of a sudden.


Well..Kreia also said that Revan needs all the Jedi and Sith he/she can get. So what it seems, LS or DS ending is that you at least need to play the Exile to get a few members after a year or so I, II, and some new characters in III but not all of them at once for I think Revan would have made a couple of friends while on the Outer Rim all these years.With the help of T3-M4 he would unlock the navicomputer, and you would follow Revan's footsteps with a few people and set out to find Revan.


Neither do I to be honest. I just wanted to find of way to unite the major wishes and by doing so I inserted my major wishes as well. I still think it could work that way. Becoming a Jedi as an adult just isn't the proper way and I would really like to see it properly done for once.


Like I said before, it would be a great idea after the Revan and friends saga was over with. :)

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this series is like a movie. Why would you want a whole new character for each movie?


Because KOTOR is not a movie. It is a lot more complex, and has a lot more depth and storyline than a movie. Compare KOTOR to Ep. 4. Do they really compare? One is about 2-3 hours long, the other.... And unlike movies, games usually (and should) have a new character each time. If TSL had Revan as a PC, of course, bring him back in K3. But since you were a new character, I believe that they will have you as a new PC. Besides, especially in this kind of RPG, there are a lot of complications and major changes that would have to be made/overcome to reintroduce Revan.


Actuelly, I would like to start with Revan stripped off of everything. THey must have done something to him. Otherwise, he would have returned long ago, if he finished the job.


So most KOTOR fans are going to enjoy (or dislike) a running gag of Revan's continued amnesia and power-loss? :) They can't just keep doing that, it'll get old.


Why do you think it wouldn't work for K3?


Because it is unlike the style of the previous two games, you are pretty much taking a game where time really does not exist, technically, then in the third game you introduce it all of a sudden. Besides, would people really want to start off as some kid, and not only that, fast-forward to a certain spot and then just pause time?

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Because KOTOR is not a movie. It is a lot more complex, and has a lot more depth and storyline than a movie. Compare KOTOR to Ep. 4. Do they really compare? One is about 2-3 hours long, the other.... And unlike movies, games usually (and should) have a new character each time. If TSL had Revan as a PC, of course, bring him back in K3. But since you were a new character, I believe that they will have you as a new PC. Besides, especially in this kind of RPG, there are a lot of complications and major changes that would have to be made/overcome to reintroduce Revan.


There is going to be a lot of complications and major changes whatever route we go. I mean, first of all some people want them in the story. Ok that is all well and good, but simple things like 2 voice actors (one for male and one for female) would need to be hired to take control of Revan and the Exile and how the game developers vision of Revan and the Exile might be different than yours. And then some should just have stories, but then it is going to feel incomplete with the rest of the gang from I and II.

And then if you take control of one character, what is going to happen to the other? Tossed aside? In your party? Killed off early?

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Jolee should definitely make an appearance at least as a council member, if not as head of the Jedi Council.

Jolee would never agree to be on any council. He is not the kind of guy who would sit in meetings. I could just see him...


Jolee: This meeting of the Jedi Council is now called to order. What are you all doing sitting around chatting up an old man? Shoo! Shoo!

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^ I agree. Jolee as a head of the Council? That doesn't make sense if you just remember his personality, and how he viewed the Jedi. Besides, would the Jedi really take him back?


I think he'll make a cameo, of course, whether in person or as a Force Ghost, but not as a Jedi Master, or head of them. He'll still be the kind of person he was in K1, a hermit/exile (if he is alive and not a Force Ghost.)

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Besides, especially in this kind of RPG, there are a lot of complications and major changes that would have to be made/overcome to reintroduce Revan.

Have you thought how even more complicated will be to introduce a new character now? In TSL, it was required, because we didn't know how the story would progress. But since Obsidian made it clear that the protagnoists are now Revan and the Exile; how can you hope to insert a new character now?

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Overall, it's not a bad idea, but it has a few flaws.

You can't have both the Disciple and the Handmaiden in TSL, therefore only one of them can become a council member;

But still the Handmaiden is true to the Jedi ideal and is best suited to rebuild the Jedi order. I don't see her as a council member though. The Disciple is supposed to become a senator anyhow IIRC.


what if the Exile decided to stay on Malachor and become the new Master of the Trayus Academy, instead of going to the Unknown Regions;

In TSL Revan was forced to become the saviour of the republic. At least some facts have to be "premade", even if they conflict with possible paths in K1 and K2.


We are taken to a huge throne room where Revan (in his famous robes with the mask) meets the Sith Lord who will be the main villain in KoTOR 3.

Too early to reveal the main villain IMO.


The Sith Lord tells Revan that he/she made a big mistake by coming there and says that Revan will die as the Exile has if he/she persists in his/her quest to stop the Sith Lord. They engage in combat and the Sith Lord triumphs. Instead of killing him/her the Sith Lord decides to spare Revan's life because Revan did fulfill his/her purpose - he/she weakened the Republic.

Why would a sith ever spare a defeated opponent who fulfilled his purpose?


and then once again search for clues of the location of the Dark Planet, the capital world of the True Sith Empire.

The navcomputer of the Ebon Hawk and (most likely) T3-M4 know where it is.

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Simply because of the urgency I would feel for Revan. I mean, if Revan spent 25 years out in the Outer Rim and there was no contact not only would I lose interest in the story, but I would seriously think something happened to Revan. Either Revan died or Revan joined them. I mean at times of war, help is needed asap.

What war? The true sith haven't attacked yet.


Well..Kreia also said that Revan needs all the Jedi and Sith he/she can get. So what it seems, LS or DS ending is that you at least need to play the Exile to get a few members after a year or so I, II, and some new characters in III but not all of them at once for I think Revan would have made a couple of friends while on the Outer Rim all these years.With the help of T3-M4 he would unlock the navicomputer, and you would follow Revan's footsteps with a few people and set out to find Revan.

It messes with the image TSL pictured of the unknown regions IMO. I'd like it better if they come back to ... well ... maybe find a relic of Jedi power that can be used to destroy the sith's source of power or "redeem" it or whatever and only go back to the unknown regions for the showdown.

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But still the Handmaiden is true to the Jedi ideal and is best suited to rebuild the Jedi order. I don't see her as a council member though. The Disciple is supposed to become a senator anyhow IIRC.


She doesn't necessarily have to be in the council, but if she makes an appearance, she will most likely be a historian in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.


In TSL Revan was forced to become the saviour of the republic. At least some facts have to be "premade", even if they conflict with possible paths in K1 and K2.


True, but so many others have asked similar question, depending on the event being discussed, so I had to ask the ''what if'' question here.


Too early to reveal the main villain IMO.


Why too early? Malak has shown his face almost at the begining of KoTOR 1 and the same goes for Sion in TSL. Besides, that Sith Lord (if this means anything to you) would (in my vision) wear a red cloak with a hood that is completely hiding his face and he would be extremely powerful in the force, thus he wouldn't even use his lightsaber (at least in the intro sequence).


Why would a sith ever spare a defeated opponent who fulfilled his purpose?


Why would these True Sith be the same as their spawns that were previously encountered? Sparing Revan wouldn't be a sign of weakness, but a sort of payment for weakening the Republic.


The navcomputer of the Ebon Hawk and (most likely) T3-M4 know where it is.


Then in KoTOR 3 you should go searching for the Ebon Hawk, visiting different worlds where sightings of the Hawk have been reported (or something like that).

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She doesn't necessarily have to be in the council, but if she makes an appearance, she will most likely be a historian in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

I see her more as headmaster and historian of the Jedi enclave on Telos...


Why too early?[...]

for my taste... I'd like it better if it took some time to reveal the real threat.


Why would these True Sith be the same as their spawns that were previously encountered? Sparing Revan wouldn't be a sign of weakness, but a sort of payment for weakening the Republic.

The true sith are supposed to be something like *the* role model for the previous sith, so they can't be entirely different. For me the true Sith even more than the true Jedi is all about purpose - he doesn't simply kill someone unless it fits his purpose but on the other hand he doesn't spare someone unless it fits his purpose.

Why not let the dark lord's apprentice fight Revan and be slain by Revans hands? Afterwards the dark lord wounds Revan seriously and lets his subordinates take Revan away to let Revan cultivate his anger. Malak was afraid to try making Revan his apprentice but this one isn't...

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For me the true Sith even more than the true Jedi is all about purpose - he doesn't simply kill someone unless it fits his purpose but on the other hand he doesn't spare someone unless it fits his purpose.


Exactly. It doesn't fit his prupose to kill Revan - remember I only thought of a beginning for the story, not the entire thing, so if someone who has enough imagination (or even me) to come up with a good story out of this puts his/her mind to it, then sparing Revan would probably have a darker purpose than killing him/her (maybe the purpose would be to lure all of Revan's allies to the Dark Planet where they could be destroyed).

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