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Two Years, Two Masters


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Sion Smiled, as he continued searching this girls soul, for her darkest fears. "You have done well apprentice, you are a sith now, you serve the Darkness, which means you serve me. You will become the greatest assassin I have ever trained. Kneel, it is time for you to earn your Sith name."


((OOC: What would you like your sith name to be Jokemaster Darth ........... fill in theblank, or i could make one up for you.))


He turns back to the girl, "Have you a name, or just a hidden rage, that you try in vain to hide from me."

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Sion Returns his gaze back to the kneeling Kent threepwood. "From now on, you will be known as....Darth Severus, you have severed all ties with the light, and surrendered yourself to the will of Darkness. Rise.Rise Darth Severus, Assassin of the Sith." Sion hands Him a black Hilt, with Unique markings on it..."Your new weapon....Sith." Sion returns his attention to the girl, I grow weary of asking, will you surrender to me, to the dark, as Lord Severus has?" He takes a step towards her.

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Syscha, nearly at a mental breakdown, curled up into a fetal position. Mandalore groaned, and said, "Hey, don't worry, I'm fine... now." And, as though a miracle had occured (well, one had, I suppose) Mandalore rose back up to his feet, and helped Syscha up with his once-severed hand.


"But...how?" she asked, only to recieve a shrug.


"All I know is, that these feel as good as new." Though Mandalore didn't act much different, Syscha could tell, there was a good deal of light energy radiating from his new limbs.


"Be wary, child," Syscha once again heard the voice of Kreia. "What you have done is no mere miracle, you have channeled all of your connections to the light side into him, into healing him. Now, you will fall from the light, and be consumed in darkness."


=Lussk + Kreia=

Kreia sighed. "It is... unfortunate."


"What is?"


"I fear that if you cannot teach her, then she will fall, as will all else."




"She is fully in tuned with the Sith, and such a being will not conquer much, before one falls. As would all Jedi Masters, fully in the light. I had hope for her, and I still do, but, it is nearly gone. A lost hope, I suppose."


"How are you so sure that she can't just defeat Sion with her own abilities?"


"Because she attempted to at one point, a time when she was far more powerful, not fully into the light, and she still wielded the dark side to aid her. And though it would seem as though she had succeeded, well, it's quite obvious that she has not. As long as Sion remains connected to the force, he shall live on."


"And my... 'ability' basically sucks the force right out of them, doesn't it?"


"Yes... very similar to Nihilus."




"Nothing, nothing. But that is why she can learn it."





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Elron came over to Syscha and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up.

"Very good, that was...quiet an impressive performance. But tell me...why did you do it?"

"What?" she asked, a bit confused.

"Why did you sacrifice yourself to heal this Mandalorian? It took all of your strength. Were they not your enemies so long ago?"

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Sion walked closer to the young girl, each step he took closer, she took one back, until her back was pressed against the wall, and she had nowhere left to run. He continued closer, until he was face to face with her. "There is nowhere left for you to retreat girl, join us on the path to power, and stand with me now, or fall forever....the choice is yours."

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Syscha looked at Elron with sad yet peaceful eyes. "Aye," she said,

"but his strength and his darkness will join ours in our quest to defeat

Sion. No doubt, Mandalore will want revenge upon the creature who

almost destroyed him! If not, then he's more in tune with the Light

than I thought he ever was or could be. I'll recover...just hold me."


(OOC: See you later tonight--busy weekend. Going to see a comedian! :))

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"Before I submit to you, there is something you should know," Falya said quietly. Suddenly, her hair darkened to brown, her eyes turned to a dark blue, and there was an immediate sense of a powerful Force presence in the room. "Do you recognize me now, Sion?"


The look of astonishment on Sion's face was priceless and Falya laughed.


"Yes," she said. "I am a Jedi. You killed me once. But I was cloned and my spirit was brought back. The cloners had hoped I would oppose you and defeat you... but I will not."


She dropped to one knee. "I surrender to you. Train me in the darkness I once feared."

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Tysyacha rested in the warmth of her Master's arms, waiting for the

Force to come back to her. It regenerated quickly due to her training

and the meditation discipline that she had learned from Mical, the

Disciple, while aboard the Ebon Hawk only a few years earlier.


Suddenly, she felt a sharp jolt of electricity ripple through her.

"Sion!", she hissed, making the Dark Lord's name an abrupt one-

syllable word. "He's got Kent now, as an apprentice, and Falya

may succumb, too. With both of them on his side, it's going to

be much harder to defeat him than I originally thought! We might

not be able to, because the more servants he has to feel his pain,

the less he has to bear. He could become well-nigh invincible!"


Elron had a sour expression on his face that said, "Peh", but

Tysyacha continued, "Sith don't underestimate the power of

any of those who have recently fallen to the Dark Side.

Lussk may have viewed Kent Threepwood and Falya as mere

annoying teenagers, but those two have more hidden power

in their minds and bodies than he thinks. Than we think,

my lord. Somehow, we have to convince them to join us."


She laughed ruefully. "Our little branch of the Sith! How ironic

that the Dark Side is fighting against the Dark Side in order to

save the galaxy! It would be hilarious if we weren't in such peril!"

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"Hmph, small we may be, but wiser and stronger than they. But you are right...a Dark Lord and his apprentices may very well be beyond our abilities...at the moment. However, this can serve as a test, so I will leave it to you. The path before us is a difficult and uncertain one, but at the moment we have two choices: we can fight, or we can flee. Most likely, only one will allow us to survive. This is your choice, my apprentice. This is the point of no return."

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Sion Stared intently at his new apprentices. "this day, the sith have been reborn, red-blooded and strong. Success, and victory will be rewarded with Power...pure unadulterated Power! Failure, will not be tolerated, and will be severely punished." He takes a step towards the two eager new Sith. "come there is much to be done." He turns flanked by his apprentices, and exits to search the palace for his enemy.

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