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Memorable player names


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Has anyone else noticed that the rebels have actual human names? I'm sure you have. But have you found out they're probably the must dumbest too? I find an infamous Rayce Farelle, choosing favorite unit a Wookiee...talk about choose you're own race :p And then his favorite weapon was a blaster pistol.. And you thought it was a bad weapon. Have any of you found any other infamous names? There are plenty more to note, I just want to see if you users have expierienced anything wrong with certain AI.

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Kind of a pointless subject here. I mean the instructions and readme say something like: "all names are not mean't to represent any one person and are purely fictional." If there are any names that appear in the game that are really people in real life it's most likely pure coincidence. I mean you don't see an AI walkin around named Michal Jackson.

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