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Strange TSL Music Files

Nur Ab Sal

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Does anyone know what game moments are linked to these music files?






mus_s_kreiadark (different from "Dark Kreia"!)


Browsing with KOTOR Tool brought me no answers, so maybe community could help here.

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I believe the music is from "Sleheyron" the planet (and Yuthura's homeworld) which was cut from Kotor 1 and since a whole TON of stuff was copied over from K1 into K2 a lot of it wasn't deleted. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe those songs are also in the K1 directory...


Lemme check.

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Does anyone know what game moments are linked to these music files?






mus_s_kreiadark (different from "Dark Kreia"!)


Those are all short music sequences that are played when certain conversations start. Here are the locations I have found them used:



002EBO: enter.dlg (Cutscene when T3 + sidekick goes topside on the Ebon Hawk)

102PER: 102atton.dlg (Comlink with Atton in the mining tunnels)

402DXN: cs_tob_1.dlg (Cutscene with Tobin telling off Onderon Capt. for letting the Hawk escape)




101PER: 101awake.dlg (Cutscene of Exile waking up in Kolto tank)

101PER: sithspawn_dlg.dlg (Cutscene of Sith Assassins briefly decloaking)

401DXN: dezanti.dlg (Talking with the Duros Bounty hunter at crashed ship)

401DXN: zhugcv.dlg (Precognition scene warning of Duros bounty hunters nearby)

602DAN: azkul.dlg (Talking to Azkul in Khoonda)

605DAN: enc_ruin.dlg (Cutscene showing ruined Jedi Enclave)




401DXN: reunion.dlg (Chatting with Tomb Group leader after returning from Onderon)




101PER: 101t3m4.dlg (First comlink talk with T3-M4 from the Admin Console)

605DAN: encl_cam.dlg (Cutscene of sweeping camera showing the Jedi Enclave)




001EBO: intro.dlg (T3 'waking up' in the Ebon Hawk cockpit, Prolog briefing by the Ebon Hawk computer voice.)

402DXN: beast_co.dlg (Kreia teaching you Beast Trick on the Boma beast)

701KOR: kreia_cv.dlg (Scene with Kreia telepathically telling you about the Shyrack Cave when approaching it)

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Thanks stoffe -mkb-! :ears1: I knew someone here will ultimately help me! In the meantime, I have found one, additional use for mus_s_misc: during "Mines Cleared" bik movie.


Now if only I could decide how to name those tracks so they could fit in my playlist...

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Or, if you just want to listen to them - rename the extension mp3


Also OT: Something weird has happened to me - I deleted the small transition music files that play after a battle (those that are a sec or two long) because I got tired of hearing those damn things, but they still seem to be played, and in higher quality + stereo :/

Does anyone know why that is?

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Semi-OT, how do you open the music files out-of-game? I can't get them to work in anything!



Use the player that comes with the Miles Sound Tools, it should allow you to play the music files.


or you can use your current media player i.e. windows media player or whatever... some of the files will play as is, most if not all are .mp3's with the .wav ext. and some you may need to convert to mp3 or true wav file format... (good to know if you want to edit sound/music files) but if you want to take the easy route, use stoffe's idea, the miles sound player works really good too...

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Or, if you just want to listen to them - rename the extension mp3


hehe, you beat me by a couple of seconds... :D



Does anyone know why that is?


have no idea, if you deleted them they shouldn't be playing... maybe the game is reading them from the cd or maybe those particular sounds are inside modules...

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Something weird has happened to me - I deleted the small transition music files that play after a battle (those that are a sec or two long) because I got tired of hearing those damn things, but they still seem to be played, and in higher quality + stereo :/

Does anyone know why that is?

It's because...

There's stereo versions of the mus_sbat files in streamsounds, including music themes and mus_s files... Well? Don't just sit there. Get GoldWave and decode them!


Yeah, I'm nuts.

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When you open any sound effect from streamsounds, they're usually in 22050 kHz and 16-bit mono. However, what you want to do is open these at 22050, 16-stereo. Sad thing is I was expecting 44100 or at least 32000 (that's still high quality for me) when it turned out to be 22050. The stereo is in reverse. So click "Effects" (without the quotations) then click "Stereo" then "Exchange". Then with another sound editor (I recommend Nero Wave Editor, it's very easy to use and keeps quality.) remove the click that GoldWave gives it, or try removing it with GoldWave.


As for the rest on how GoldWave works, I don't know.


EDIT: :doh: I forgot to mention something, you want to open it with the attributes set to "16 bit, stereo, signed" and a Format of PCM. This should give you a correctly decoded sound file with the small inconvenience of a beginning click. Don't worry, this won't ruin the entire file, this should give it a close to quality decode.

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