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Post your CLAN details here!


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Name: {Z} clan

Website: http://www.freewebs.com/bf2zclan

Sides: All

Recruiting: Always

Platform: PC

Location: International

Leader: {Z}anton-shirikov{L}, {Z}Kyfolam{L}


Not everyone can join {Z} clan right now, only good players. If u join us u will be able to:


- Play on Clan 2 game servers

- Make friends

- Play in clanbattles and trainings


To join u can contact me:


xfire: antonshirikov

icq: 272-397-763

email: anton-shirikov@mail.ru


Or u can fill form on our forum - http://bf2zclan.eamped.com/joining-z-clan-vf4.html?sid=604245886920bc6f886761c5498c3d06


Good luck everyone!

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Name: Team {JOG}

Website: http://www.teamjog.com

Recruiting: Always

Platforms: PS2,PS3,XBOX360

Location: International

Leaders: Chicali and Jeff

Members: 30+ and growing...

email: team.jog@hotmail.com

status: We are a mature group



JOG was created in April of 2006 by JOGJeff and Chicali within the gaming community of Star Wars Battlefront 2. The two had never spoken to one another before but had managed to become an unstoppable team throughout the assault ranks. When they spoke for the first time, the decided to create a clan. Alas JOG was born. Instantly once the JOG tag was seen, many players flocked to its banner. By the summer of 2006 JOG had become a rather large clan within the Battlefront Community. However due to its size, it began fracturing into smaller clans that would make up much of the competition that is still seen with in the game today. Among the few clans to come out of JOG is SDJ, AFH, JSM, OES, UDN and GOR. JOG went undefeated with in the assault community defeating all clans that it faced. Eventually it moved into other areas of the game and found moderate success in conquest. In recent months JOG has moved into the battlefield 2 Modern Combat community and has won several matches there as well. After a brief civil war between a few of the "Jedi Council Members" JOG's old web site and way of doing things perished. However the core of the clan remained intact. In the wake of this civil war, JOG has been modified to participate in all areas of gaming, including Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. JOG has recently opened its Xbox 360 sector with the game Gears Of War. It expects to expand into Halo3 in the coming months. JOG is still looking for direction on the playstation 3 platform, but it hopes to be able to have this sector up and running as soon as possible.


Visit our site and join our team!!!!

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Clan Name: The Gaming Front

Tag: {GF}

Site: http://www.gfclan.co.nr

Faction: none in particular


Platform: PC

Member count: just got done disbanning members so not much, like 4

Time: I am the leader and I am on Est.

Description: Well The Gaming Front is a enw clan, and we need more active members I am hoping to recruit some new ones soon because we have just begun out wars with other clans and would like some new people, so just contact me here and I will reply as soon as I can

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  • 1 month later...

An update on IGF, Imperial Ground Forces:


Currently 270 members strong. We'll be celebrating our 9th anniversary in November. Multiple SWBF2 Servers on PC v1.1.


Visit us at http://www.darkjedi.org/club/IGF (click "Enlist" in the left menu to join, and remember to set IronLight as your recruiter!)


Email or PM me if you have any questions. ironlight@gmail.com



-General of the Army, IronLight

Typhoon Regiment Commander

Imperial Ground Forces



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have recently been setting up a clan for the ps2 version with a friend of mine it's been in planning for a while but was officialy created only today.


We promote random insanity amongst our members and forum activity.We have a more relaxed approach to the game but that dosn't mean you can do what ever the hell you want oh no we have rules such as

- smart dress must be worn (feather boas and flouresant jackets optional)


I havn't had much time to work on the forums (which are here <snippet>) so sorry if they look a bit drab they will be changed some time soon.




Edit:Made a first attempt at a main banner, I'm undecided on it at the moment and If you want to join send me a message because apparently the name was inapropriate and SOMEBODY edited it out I mean come on we all the the `big bad` words around here this seems a bit rediculous.

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  • 5 months later...



Clan Name: Imperial Ground Forces [iGF]

Clan Website: Imperial Ground Forces Website

Open to Challenges: Unknown. Requests are to be directed to the Gaming Division Commander and Gaming Division Executive Officer (look under Roster on website for bio: Paradoxian and Athena Dark Warrior).

Recruiting: Always open enlistment on website. Select LordJhredmo as recruiter when enlisting oneself in drop-down list.


For more information, click here.

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  • 7 months later...

Our Clan is called: Pro Miners (pM)


We are here to provide a server for all the professional Clone Heavy Troopers, Assault Battle Droids, Rebel Vanguards, and Shock troopers. We are located in North America, and are accepting new members! Visit :

http://swbf2-prominers.spruz.com for more details!


Since we are a new clan, we are looking for a lot of input from you guys! Summit map requests on our forums!



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  • 7 months later...

game recruiting for: star wars battlefront 2

platform: PC

Clan name: Warrior Nation

Clan Tag: WNx


About: Warrior Nation is generally a laid a back clan, with a competitive attitude. We support numerous games of all genres. I'm here to particularly recruit new members into our World of Tanks Pre - release section. In our section, you'll meet a wide variety of members from across the globe. We host wide variety of events, such as Gamenights (where we all get together on private matches, and face off with fellow clan mates), and Raids (Where we group together and join the same public match until we take over an entier team.) We will be doing monthly in clan Tournaments here soon, in which we will be facing off against other clan members in a official tournament. Our site has numerous forums for all games, in which members may chat in. Each forum has a selection of Leaders that take care of that particular forum's game. We currently have 1,500+ members clan wide.


Website: http://warriornation.net/


How do I join Warrior Nation?


Warrior Nation is a invitational clan only, so there are steps required in order to join.


First you must be at least 13 years of age to join, do to COPPA. Must act Mature (Though some immaturity can be tolerated), communicate well, and stay in contact with fellow clan mates. You must also keep track of information on our forums.


Then you must read up on our Laws and Policies.

WN Laws: http://warriornation.net/law.php

WN Policies: http://warriornation.net/policy.php


After that, you can go to the registration process.


Registration Link: http://warriornation.net/join.php


Read through the Disclaimer that the above link takes you to. Toward the end of the disclaimer you may then click on link that will allow you to register. That link is: http://warriornation...m/register.php?


Enter your date of birth on the next page. Do not lie about this!


You'll be taken to another page where you will have to read another set of forum rules. After reading, check the box, and click "Register"


You are now on a page that asks you to fill out information.


1. For the user name, you must have WNx in front of it. (Ex: WNxUserName) You will not be accepted without it.


2. Enter a password of your choice.


3. Enter a Valid email address. A confirmation email will be sent to this, which you must accept, before we can except you.


4. Fill out the Anti-Bot box thingy (So we know your real)


5. For your Primary Game, select star wars battlefront 2 from the drop down list.(if its not there don't worry select "Development Other"


6. For the "Who recruited you?" You must put WNxvegetto71. This is so I may vouch for you. Without a Vouch, you can't be approved.


7. Select your Country Flag from the drop down list.


8. Select your true Gender. Do not lie about this either.


9. Select your timezone, and if you wish to receive emails form Admins, and/or other members.


10. Finally click submit


After all this, a email confirmation will be sent to you. You must follow the link within the email, or your account will never show up for approval.


Once you do all this, I can vouch for you, and you will then be accepted within the clan.(please private message me on the wnx forum so i can vouch for you)


It's long registration, but it's worth it. You'll meet a lot of great people.


If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me with the following,


Xfire: wnxvegetto71

if you can not reach me on Xfire contact me on the following:

yahoo messenger and msn messenger: prince_ssjvegeta71@yahoo.com same for msn except @hotmail.com.


Skype: vegetto71


xfire is recommended to have since this is usually our main way of communicating with everyone, also we use ts 2, ts 3 and ventrillo so it is a good idea to have all three just in case, we would prefer using voice while in game then typing for tactical advantage.


Thanks for checking us out.

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