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which ebon hawk texture is the "real" one


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I've been trying to make a reskin of the hawk with an airforce style grey paintjob, but there are so many hawk textures, and none of them work ingame, is it impossible to skin the hawk, or am I missing something?


Why would I want to reskin the hawk you say?


Because a bird in the texture editor is worth two dull ingame ones ;)

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If I'm not mistaken the textures for the Ebon Hawk are different and unique to each module, as it is part of each landing area level... since reskins won't change the take-off and landing movies, reskinning it for just the landing areas probably doesn't look good.


I know people have messed with it in the past, but nothing has been released. ;)

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I'm pretty sure I tried that one, I'm using GIMP 2.0

yeah so what if I can't afford photoshop,

it would take a tenth out of my house savings :D


I've tried many variations, always starting with the module, I'm in, then using other textures while staying in the same module, going through all available textures, then moving on to a new module, even trying the ones with non module specific titles like the one above.


And if I can get it to work, then yes I'll actually release it, I want to do others to, but they'll be a surprise when you visit kAShYyK KustYMS auto shop, If only some intelligent person would explain how to make a shop......................;)


Okay twist my arm that's far enough, another one will be a trippy reskin that makes the outer hull look like an old VW hippie minibus, and the inside look like Austin Power's SHAG PAD, YEAAAAAHH BAAABY YEAAAAH

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