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New Mod - Star Wars: Legacy of War Announced


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The Moddb awards have started! I hope that anyone who can will vote for Legacy of War on Moddb here. The results will be announced in January or February.


I'm also please to announce also that we have a new Staff Member: Admiral Mackay. He is a modeler, a texture artist, and a concept artist. We look forward to seeing how he does on the [edited]. Welcome to the team Admiral Mackay.


I guess I can't go away without telling a bit of information so here it is. On Dec 25 we will be posting the Super Star Destroyer Executor in the members only section of the forum. Everyone else will need to wait until January 2 to see it. Three days after the Executor is posted we will also be posting another model in the members only section. You'll like it.

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Well its December 25th or Christmas Day. The Legacy of War Team wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Enough of my babble though lets get on to the main event.


If you tried to click on the teaser pic you won't get anywhere. That being said, if you are a registered Legacy of War Forum member and go to the section just under the News you will find the topic that contains the Executor. This early treat is to show appreciation for those who took the time to register on the forum. In the future though, those who have taken the time to register will be rewarded with updates and renders not seen on the main page.


The January update will be on January first and second. Why do we need two days? Its a very large update. One day will be devoted to ground units while the other will be devoted to space units including the Executor. On the second we will show the first textured units including a recently done and textured TIE/D. The Dark Troopers are progressing nicely I might add. Phases 1 and 2 are done with Phase 3 being worked on.


Until then I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This mod looks immense, and I shall be checking it out ASAP :)


Three questions at the moment.


1, Do you intend to re-scale any of the ships. If so, which do you feel should be made larger/smaller, and why?


2, In your mod, how much bigger is the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer than the Imperial-class Star Destroyer?


3, The Victory-class Star Destroyer is just that, so why is it classed as a medium cruiser in the demo? Will you be making it a capital ship and beefing it up a bit in Legacy of War?


Thanks :)

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