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New Mod - Star Wars: Legacy of War Announced


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Star Wars: Legacy of War is an expansion mod that will add the New Republic, Imperial Remnant, Chiss, Yuuzhan Vong, and Galactic Alliance. In Single Player mode, the player will be able to traverse the entire Star Wars saga after Episode 6 and fight some of the greatest battles of all time. The campaign will be enhanced and added onto and as the game goes on, new faces will appear and new technology will be unlocked.






The first piece of Member-Only content is up in the forums for members to check out. We are also in need of skinners to skin these models, a few modelers to model units and infantry, such as a Yuuzhan Warrior or Imperial Dark Trooper, and concept artists to concept out how things will look for the Chiss. If you think you could help out, contact me, Juggernaut1985.










Those are just a sampling of the units we will include. Expect more soon.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Keep up the good work Juggernaut. Our very new Modding Central will be launching before the year is out so you will be getting plenty of coverage!



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No ours is the A6, not the A5. Need to redo it anyway.


On a side note I posted some new on the site. I'll just quote it.


You're asking "Where is the new model?". This week there will not be one unfortunately because of things going on behind the scenes in preperation for the November update coming up in a few weeks.


What will be in the Update? I won't give too much away just yet but you could expect to see some more favorite units from Star Wars and we'll also be unveiling two new site features. What does this entail and what does it mean to you? You'll just have to wait and see but I suggest you register on the forum if you want to have a chance at it. If you're selected you will get a custom rank and be a part of a special group of the forum.


I know I'm being very vague but expect something good. I said two new features so even if you don't register on the forum you'll have a chance at the same thing but you'll have to use your mind to make the best of the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small Update:


Well we have been busy thee past few weeks. We have had 3 new people join us and we have been making many things. As you can see we have a new site for the mod. Its not as unorganized as the old one and is cleaner and even loads faster. There are many things to talk about though.


First of all in addition to Legacy of War we will be making a mini-mod called Star Wars: Road to Victory. This mini-mod will include all of the Ep 5 and Ep 6 things we were looking forward to in EaW but are not going to get. Units such as the B-Wing, TIE interceptor, ect. We will put these units in and also complete the camapign so you will be able to go all the way up to Ep 6. This mod is for those who generally do not like the Expanded Universe but still want to see Ep 5 and 6 in the game. This mod will be out before Legacy and also include a few ships such as the Lancer Frigate which were in service during that time period. If you don;t like the EU but still want to play through Ep 5 and 6 then this is for you.


ATPTthumb.jpg Interceptorthumb.jpg K-Wingthumb.jpg


As you may have noticed we have been lacking in the showing of ground units. I'm pleased to say that we will now be showing more. What units could we possible be making? I know for one that there are many Dark Trooper fans out there =). You will see more ground units from now on. We are still in the process of making more units and have even now just begun to have the textured. The next update should be interesting indeed.


I would like to welcome three new members to the Legacy team. Eldor, Cubit, and Avace. Eldor has already shown himself to be a highly motivated individual with a good eye for detail. He will be doing some spaceships and later on he will be doing ground units. I know we haven't shown many if any at all of them but they are on the way. Cubit has also shown himself to be a highly motivated but is at the moment undergoing exams at university. We look forward to his work in the very near future. Avace is the first texture artist to join the team. Many thanks go to him for joining. He is currently texturing the TIE interceptor and from looking at his work on other projects I can say that it will be somehting to look forward to. He will also be texturing our other models as well so if you thought that we were putting in these ugly grey models into the game you can lay down your fear.


VongTransportthumb.jpg TIEPhantomthumb.jpg VongWorldshipthumb.jpg


We will, sometime at the end of December and early January, start randomly selecting people from the forums to be Beta testers. Obviously you have to be a member of the forum to be picked, but the opportunity to be chosen is an interesting prospect. We will randomly select one person a month. If they decline the offer then we will pick another person. Beta slots or even the rare Alpha slot will be given away in this fashion. Sorry Staff you already have your slots ;).




Recently is was revealed by Delphi that heros can be brought back but at a price. The staff is debating the idea of making heros so they can die and stay dead. We would like to hear your thoughts on the matter and why you feel one way or the other. In the future we will have polls on the forums about particular issues and we would like you to give your thoughts. I'm also proud to announce that around early January we will have our first Mod Chat. This will be where you the fans can ask the team questions about the mod, all in real time. No list of questions. You'll hear more about this at the end of December.


What does the future hold? Does it hold B-Wings, yes. Expanded B-Wings, yes. What about Super Star Destroyers? ;) What about textured models? defiantly! I am thinking about purchasing a domain name for us so that will be interesting indeed. I'd also like you to turn your attention to EaWNexus. This will become the premier source for modding knowledge. The site is still in its early stages. When the game is released there will be tutorials and scripts up for download to help aspiring modders. Legacy of War is on there so go stop by and register.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Erm....one *smart* question about this Legacy of War.


- Legacy of War is a mod (like an unofficial expansion pack) for EaW? It will need the EaW to be installed, it will expand EaW (not change it upside-down!) by adding new units, campaigns etc etc.....right?


Well, easy on the comments about this *smart* question people :)

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