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Ok, so you're all aware of the Sephiroth model that came with Szico VII's Midgar Map, right? If not then, go away...


Any-hoo, I was just thinkin' last week after lookin' through my brother's issue of EGM... I saw a picture, of Sephiroth from a different angle as he is in Advent Children - I noticed I did the hair and his nose all wrong... on the model. So I was actually thinking about going back and re-doing him, since he was fairly rushed, and, at the time, I didn't want to put too much effort into a model that I thought I didn't give a crap about...

Truthfully, I really wasn't sure where to begin, on fixing him up.


Luckly Jimesu_Evil came along and e-mailed me and actually went through all the work of making the MAJOR cosmetic changes....



Old Model, at the left - Jimesu_Evil's tweaked model to the right...


So he sent me the .MS3D file, and I tweaked, and skinned some stuff here, and there, (completely remodeled the nose) and I finally have this:



Many thanks to Jimesu_Evil, for pointing me in the right direction with this model - so It doesn't suck anymore.

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OMG you can only do that with sabers >_> for player models and vehicles you need to have a program that can weigh a mesh to bones and give the model the proper heirarchy, milkshape cant do that. sorry to say but, its a waste of $30. then you have to export to .xsi and bring the model into carcass and attach it to the _humanoid.gla and compile it, then you get the .glm. exporting to md3 then to glm will not let you do all this, many have tried before and it is IMPOSSIBLE to use ms3d to get a player model or vehicle in game.

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Not if you export the model to 3DS MAX, when you're done with it.

I have both 3DS MAX and MilkShape 3D...


I use Milkshape to do simple, quick edits, and I use 3DS MAX for the complicated stuff that MilkShape can't do - like hiearchy and bone-mesh weighting, and bitchin' 3D renders...



Believe me, I'm not some 14-year old, on his parents computer, doing this for the first time.

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Not if you export the model to 3DS MAX, when you're done with it.

I have both 3DS MAX and MilkShape 3D...


I use Milkshape to do simple, quick edits, and I use 3DS MAX for the complicated stuff that MilkShape can't do - like hiearchy and bone-mesh weighting, and bitchin' 3D renders...



Believe me, I'm not some 14-year old, on his parents computer, doing this for the first time.



OUCH! Now thats a 3rd degree burn! Told ya he was a legend and that he is that damn good! And Madcow thats one of his characters in his Single Map Series/Fan Film he is making.

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The fact is no one knows when they will finish making something, therfore they can't just give you an exact time and date. Some models are never finished!


OMG you can only do that with sabers >_> for player models and vehicles you need to have a program that can weigh a mesh to bones and give the model the proper heirarchy, milkshape cant do that. sorry to say but, its a waste of $30. then you have to export to .xsi and bring the model into carcass and attach it to the _humanoid.gla and compile it, then you get the .glm. exporting to md3 then to glm will not let you do all this, many have tried before and it is IMPOSSIBLE to use ms3d to get a player model or vehicle in game.


Well, I didn't mean directly from MD3 to GLM.... Calm down...

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