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KotOR 2 media patch Released

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holy smoke batman, this thing is friggin huge...


they've finally released the media patch for Kotor 2, but it is Enormous...

is it worth the time it's going to take to download this behemoth patch?


here's the link:





56K users beware!


Edit: It would be cool if they offered these updates on a cd/dvd to those that have the game registered with them (LucasArts)... but somehow, i don't think that will ever happen...

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I ran them last night (early this morning) with no problem. Luckily I had a save in the Military Base, just before leaving for for Jedi Academy. 2 or 3 movies there so...


I usually skip the movies, but I could tell that they were clearer (the HK-50 that shoots your shuttle out of the sky was VERY pretty). To be honest, I didn't think the music was going to make that much of a difference, but I have to admit that it did.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that I was unable to play unlocked movies from the loading screen. Not sure how important that is to you, but I thought I'd mention it. I'm willing to bet that they'll be available after I play through again.

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The movies are, quite literally, a vast improvement. They're enormous; they don't work in Bink because of they're huge girth. You have to use the advanced play option to scale them down. That’s a good thing, though. They're great quality (and now we have a cutscene of citadel blowing up. I'm not sure if it's the same one from before; didn't people mention something about the ravager plowing into the station? Yeah, it doesn't. The station just blows up. It's pretty awesome)


I haven't really tested the music at all. It may have just been my imagination, but the sound in the cutscenes seemed much better to me.

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