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master vrook: killer [spoiler]


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as typically happens after finishing my defense of Khoonda [LS], Master Vrook taught me an obligatory lightsaber form (Ataru, I believe)...this time--and ONLY this time--while he was teaching me he cut down the settler Suulru and Dopak the mercenary! I sure felt bad for recruiting Suulru... ;) the bodies remained on the ground for the duration of my time in Dantooine. I figured that it was a quirk in the cutscene and they'd still be living when it ended.


Has this happened to anyone else? Or did I just OD?


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No this has never happen to me Sullru always stands and takes it but lives also

when i was playing the game recently i fought Vrook as lightside but Sullru helped me out in the fight because after the cutscene where Kreia tell what form he using sullru ran in and stated to punch Vrook while i was fighting him so i was like GO ON MATE

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