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Ok people i,ve got chapter eight done hope ya like it:) o and an early MERRY XMAS!!!!!!!!! from John Skywalker:)



Chapter Eight


After spending two days on the medbay table John had realised and planned out how he was going to kill the other seven Wookies. He was going to lead them all into a trap. John knew an abondoned warehouse where he had sent Buzz to rig it all with triggered explosives, the force was telling John that the time for them to come was soon, John estimated that he and his freinds had two days before they knew where he was. John remembered that today was the day that he contacted his Master to fill him in on his progress, he made his way to the holocron in his room, he input the coordinates and a blue image of a man with a familiar cloak over his face.

"Ah John you look in good health have you destroyed our problem yet?", Sidious asked

"No Master I have only killed one, but I have set up a trap for the rest, they should all be dead in the next two days my lord."

"Good, when you have finished report back to me in person."

"Yes Master Sidious."

The hologram of Sidious flickered out and John started to meditate, he had decided that he would meditate until the Wookies found him so he was ready in the force, he also warned Bugs not to disturb him for the next two days.



After meditating and delving into the richness of the hatred, fear and anger of the force the force nudged John and he opened his eyes.


He ran down the stairs into the shop and peaked outside the window,the Wookies were trashing all the other houses and shops one by one looking for John, he turned to Buzz and Bugs.

"We'll get into that speeder and make them follow us."

John and the others equiped themselves with with plasma rifles, but Johns real weapon was the force. He kicked the door open(to the dismay of Bugs) and they all ran to the speeder, one of the Wookies saw them and roared to all the rest, who started to give chase to the moving speeder.

"The warehouse is there, Master", Buzz said in his ever calm tone. John didnt bother to stop outside the warehouse, he drove into the wall and through it, they all got out of the car.

"When they all get in here both of you leave I will use the force to get out of here safely", John shouted hurriedly both Buzz and Bugs agreed to Johns orders. The Wookies started coming in John and his freinds were firing but they could'nt hit the Wookies,they must have some sort of shields on, John thought. In admist all the plasma bullets John shouted,


His freinds started to scamper away, he had the detonator in his hand. The wookies were close now. John dove fully into the force, he pressed the detonation button and commanded the force to give him speed, he got out of the warehouse just in time to see it go up in flames. He found Buzz and Bugs waiting for him in the speeder.

"Well we did it master", Buzz said

"Yes good job Buzz, Bugs take us home", John said, and they started to make their way to their speeder.



The Wookie lay on the floor just regaining consciousness he was about to go into the warehouse and then the explosion happened, all its companions were dead, with tears running down its fur it turned away it would get vengeance on the person that did this, but for now it had to get back to Kashyyk.



"You have shown great bravery and loyalty my boy, you have proved yourself worthy of the sith, here is your lightsaber", Sidious said handing a white cylinder tube with the bottom being gold and black rubber for a handle to the kneeling John. John ignited the lightsaber, it was blood red.

"Thank you Master", John said deactivating it, he felt proud of his new weapon.

"And now you have proved yourself you shall be named....", Sidious thought for a while and then smiled, "you will be named....Darth Magmus"

"Thank you my Master", John said bowing his head

"Lord Magmus....Rise", and then Sidious realised when his apprentice had stood up and he felt him through the force, The prophecy may become a reality!, he thought.

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Oh and since everyone is announcing their sequels to their work(getting more everyday:)). I just wanted to say the adventures of Johny Skywalker will have a sequel and maybe even a trilogy or a quadrilogy(like my idols J.K and RC:)) as this story is coming to an end, I am ensuring the ending will be a giant revelation:). Next chapter is due in about 2 days

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Well well folks the end is nearly here for these first set of adventure for ol' Johny boy but there will be a sequel. This is the first of the two last chapters:) (This is also my 100 post:))



Chapter Nine


From an onlooker they would see beautiful blood red whirls of lights carried by men in dark clothing, but to the men it was just another training session on their virander. The older looking man was just backing off the younger looking of the two, who was relentless and quick with his attacking. The younger figure thrust his blade upwards, aiming for the older figure's head, the older figure knocked the blade up and out of his opponents hands and stabbed him, he screamed and fell to the floor. The experience of the old figure prevailed over the young ones strength.

"If we had our lightsabers at high power, and not at the lowest, I would have killed you my young apprentice", Sidious said panting but still smiling.

"Yes Master, but i still gave you a run for your money", John said smiling and panting also.

"If you would practice on your saber skills as much as your confidence you would rival Darth Maul", Sidious said cheekily.

"But Master, I thought i already did", John replied smiling.

"Only in your mind my very young apprentice", Sidious shot back and they both laughed. After composure was back in the air Sidious and John went back into the lounge were they both sat, Sidious shuffled in his chair then he addressed John.

"Lord Magmus tomorrow you will do a task for me,it will be hard, your task is to kill a Jedi Master", he finished John beamed, he had been finally given his chance to avenge the death of the first Sith Lord he ever knew Darth Maul.

"I am thankful you have given me this chance Master", John replied.

"This will not be an easy task Magmus, thats why Count Dooku will partner you on this mission and not your droid", John started to feel anger, he hated Dooku, but he had been showing his face more and more in these past weeks. John could'nt swallow his pride and ego and blurted out,

"Master, I do not need any assistance on this mission, especially his"

"You must do as i say Magmus, for our time to rule will be among us soon". John could'nt do nothing but agree he would do it, but he certainly wasnt going to like it.



John and Dooku set off the next morning. John had asked Dooku were the Jedi was.

"He is at the warehouse ruins that you blew up with the Wookies", Dooku replied.

"Well this is easy, is he by himself?", John asked.

"Yes i made sure of that, here put this on", Dooku handed John a mask, John was confused by the gift but put it on anyway, he just wanted to get to this Jedi.

It did'nt take long for them to get to the warehouse and the man they were looking for was standing near the dead Wookies burnt bodies. He turned to face them, the man had wrinkly skin and a dry face.

"Dooku?", the man called

"Ah my freind Cypher Dias, I'm sorry but i have to get to the point old freind", Dooku pulled out his lightsaber, at the top near the hilt his saber bended, Sidious had told him that Dooku created it for extra grip. Dooku finished his sentence,

"You will have to die", he held his blood red and slided into an attacking stance, Dias looked calm and replied softly,

"So you brought a boy to aide you?", John was angered by the downgrading comment, he took of his mask and cloak and activated his lightsaber.

"Remember this face, Jedi, because it's the last one you'll ever see", John shouted. Dias' face was one of shock he put his lightsaber back on his belt.

"Oh no J-John Skywalker", he stuttered out, John was confused, he turned to Dooku who was calm as can be and hen turned back to Dias.

"Skywalker? What are you talking about?".

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im really sorry i havent given you my opinions but i was tring to whack the writers block outta my head.


Great work, though i think it would be more creative if you made up your own dialogues. im not saying that what you wrote is bad but, you know, you can do much better with your talent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, Ive finally lost my writers block (all the great writers are getting these:)) and i present you the final chapter to this story. I have'nt decided whether to continue the story what do you think? That aside i'd like to thank RC,Jedi Knight,Vladimir and Hallucination who gave me advice after every chapter and also Machiavelli after the review in your thread i think i've had more views, thanks!:)


Final Chapter



"Do you not know your heritage?", Dias asked John.

"No old man, but you are going to tell me now", John demanded. Dooku seemed tense and before Dias could speak he was cut out by him,

"No!", Dooku said, "you will not tell this boy anything", Dooku then charged at Dias with his lightsaber in hand,

"NO!", John said and force pushed Dooku, he was caught off guard and crashed into the wall and lay still, unconscious. John watched Dooku for a second, satisfied that he would not interfere with them anymore he turned back to Cypher Dias.

"Old man start talking, i want to know about my heritage", John said.

"Yes", Dias nodded, "you deserve to know. You were born on Tatooine and you mother is a woman called Shmi Skywalker, she still lives on Tatooine. When she gave birth she gave birth to twin boys."

"I have have a brother?", John interjected with tears in his eyes,

"Yes, his name is Anakin and he is training to a Jedi."

"A Jedi", John spat, "He has picked the wrong path", John paused, whiping his eyes and then asked Dias,"How did me and Anakin recieve different paths in the first place old man?", John asked.

"Well you and Anakin are prophezied for different things, he is supposed to bring balance to the force and you...... you will-", Dias stopped suddenly at first John thought he was taking a deep breath but then he realised a red lightsaber sticking out of Dias stomach.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!", John said all was lost to him know he knew he had a mother and a Jedi for a brother but he didnt know his purpose in life, he felt lost. Dooku smiled at John.

"You fool, you know the truth but it's no good where your going Magmus", John felt hot rage, he ignited his lightsaber and without saying anything he lunged at Dooku aiming his saber at Dooku's head, Dooku parryed the tryed to stab John, he knocked Dooku's Blade away and started a barrage of attacks,Dooku blocked but he knew he could'nt keep the defense up as John's rage was making him stronger and stronger. John faked a move to the right which Dooku fell for and John kicked his saber out his hand then gave Dooku a roundhouse kick to the jaw, Dooku was dazed John was poised for a finishing blow, but before he could electricity was attacking him and he was screaming in pain he turned to see it was Sidious before he passed out. Sidious had electrocuted John enough to leave him unconscious, he turned to Count Dooku.

"Come Dooku and bring the boy we need to do this before he wakes up",

"Yes Master", Dooku said not questiong Sidious he picked up John and they left.


After about an hour Sidious and Dooku got to a pad full of starfighters, Sidious stopped. Dooku turned to Sidious.

"What is it Master?", Dooku asked.

"I know what is to become of the boy", Sidous said.

"What is to become of him?", Dooku questioned again.

"I've read the prophecy many times over and it says he who is the chosen one will be forced to spend time on his own to find himself.",Sidious finished.

"What does that mean Master?"

"It means that young Skywalker is to be exiled", Sidious pointed to one of the starfighters and Dooku knew what to do, he put John in one before Sidious told him to put the ship on auto pilot and let the force decide where he was going to end up, the starfighter started to take off with John, still unconscious, inside.

"Now come Tyranus, there is much we have to do for the Sith to rule". Sidious said.

"Yes Master". And while they where walking off the Starfighter was leaving the atmosphere, going to wherever the force wanted to take it.





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