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Two Confusing Quests


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I can't finish two quests. I'm still on Telos for the first time so the second one I'm only asking because I've never finished in previous games.


1. The killers bounty. Where are they? How do I find the Devaronian and the other guy?


2. On Nar Shardaa, at the docks how do I that thing with the three different things, helping that twilek guy I think.

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1. The quest you just mentioned cannot be solved, it's part of the cut content. so better fortget about it.


2. To help this guy, you have to solve the problem with the Ithorian who has power cells, talk to the Ithorian, the twi'lek and ask for a power cell from the Ithorian. Put the cell into the terminal that is on the main way. Look for the codes of the ships that the twi'lek mentioned. To align them in the correct order, you have to align them from the ship with the biggest first two numbers, to the one with the smallest value of the first two numbers.


I hope I explained it good enough.

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The criminals quest can be beaten. After you hear about them, go th the Czerka office. Then tell Grenn that you killed them. Then, when you go down to the planet's surface, you will find them, an actually live up to what you told Grenn.

Vlad was right about the second one.

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1) there's a bug in that quest, the content hasn't been cut.



if you go to the czerka office after receiving that bounty/quest, the devaronian and rodian will run out of the office, and later will appear on the surface of Telos when you make your way down to the ocean shore. unfortunately, due to the bug, they won't spawn reliably.



This fix from TSL:RP rectifies the spawning issue.


2) vlad IS right about the second one, but you can also fix the power problem with sufficiently high computer skills and enough spikes. save the ithorian's power cell for the airspeeder.

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This was posted by Ileria on the Obsidian forum...



I'm now on my 5th playthrough of KotOR2 and I finally managed to meet those escaped criminals on Telos surface. I'm not sure what the bug is ... but here's what I did different this time.


1. I first did all "main" quests upto the point that I would have been ready to leave Citadel station with shuttle. I didn't even talk to lieutenant Grenn after I was realesed from house arrest until I had finished the "main" quests.


- I played light side character ... so the main quests where the ones given by Ithorians.


- I also did some side quests at this point. But only the ones that didn't involve lieutenant Grenn in anyway.


2. Once I had cleared the main quests and had obtained the right to use shuttle to fly to Telos surface ... I went to talk to lieutenant Grenn and asked about work/bounties etc.


3. I think first did the smuggling quest and Batu Rem quest. Then I went Czerka office. I saw the criminals there and talked to Orso about Batono. I finished rest of the open quests after that.


After that I left Citadel station ... and later on found the criminals on the surface. And you can't miss them ... they are standing behind the first set of mines in the first narrow passage in the area.



My guess is that the bug has something to do with Czerka office and possibly some quests involving Czerka office. So my advice is to do all the other quests first that you can and then go talk to lieutenant Grenn and do the quests that he gives to you. At least that worked for me


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Sprinkle is on the right track here. Install the fix to resolve the bounty bug (for your next game. Sounds like you missed the boat for this playthrough :(). If it makes you feel any better, you didn't miss too terribly much with this quest.


On Nar Shaddaa, put Bao-Dur or T3 in your party long enough to hack that terminal and you won't have to do the power swap thing.

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Wow, I guess I lucked into being able to complete it on my first playthrough.


I relatively did the same thing as what was posted on Obsidian; I just played the game as it was meant to be played and stumbled into the Czerka office at the right time, I guess. It was actually whenever I went to question the woman about Batano that I saw them, so maybe that has something to do with it?

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It seems to be completely hit or miss. I got it the first time I played too, but then I never saw them again (until I installed the TSLRP fix). Although it frustrated me to no end, I tried not to let it bother me as it was the only bug that I experienced in the game.

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^That's the only bug you experienced?!?!

You must have a better version than me, cause I got a s**t load of bugs. My first playthrough, I was on Nar Shaada(sp?), going into the Jekk Jekk Tarr, and my companions' portraits went black and all their names changed to "I am broken, so very very broken."

I also couldn't get off Dxun the time you leave in the Basilisk to help in the war on Onderon. I kept spawning there as Visas (the leader of the team sent to the tomb) instead of my own character.

In the tomb itself, I got the an ansewr for the math problem that should have been right, but it still blew up in my face, no matter how many times I reloaded and tried again.

Every time I saw Kavar, my game froze completly.

Vash was actually standing in her cage, but was still dead.

Hk-50 (the one on Peragus) couldn't be killed: His helath literally would not reach zero - it froze at half way.

On Nar Shada, the HK droids you fight as T3 wouldn't attack - they just stood their, and every time I tried passing them, the script to have the protocol droid destroyed restarted.

I didn't get all the way through the game un til my 8th playthrough. Stupid devs...

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You're right, there was one other bug. In the Hidden Academy, Atton would be out in the hall during the Kriea/Atton cutscene. You could hear Atton but not see him and after you met with Atris, he could be found standing next to Handmaiden. So there were two bugs. One was fixed by the patch and the other was fixed by a TSLRP mod.


My game never randomly crashed, all of my party members behaved themselves, everyone died when they were supposed to. So again, I didn't complain too much because I knew others were having a lot more difficulty than I was.

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i wish there was a no-cd fix for the officially-patched exe =( else i would use it regularly. most of my music collection isn't digital. I'm lame, i still listen to cd's.


lord ignarn, there are a number of known post-official-patch bugs that have been fixed by the folks over at TSL:RP, but they're most certainly not done with their project.

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The only "real" party member bug that I experienced was with Atton. Supposedly if the other members in your party are alive, he shouldn't be able to be KO'd, right? Well, I've tested this one many times and apparently if you send him up front with a Lightsabre he drops pretty easily. I learned this when I used the Tandem of Mira and Atton when on Goto's ship rescuing my main player character.

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