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Revan vs. Exile vs. New PC


Revan vs. Exile vs. New PC; Who will you be?  

141 members have voted

  1. 1. Revan vs. Exile vs. New PC; Who will you be?

    • Revan
    • The Exile
    • New PC
    • Don't Really Care

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So we are going to be Mr. Bindo. Quarter black, quater asian, quarter twi-lek, and quarter whatever. Uh-uh, no. And if we are going on genetically possible, isn't it genetically IMpossible to breed with a different species, as in aliens? If not, well then, we could be anything. Twi-Lek, Miraluka, Trandoshan. So what if they put the option to be an alien in, you would only be half alien. Some half-breed human with the start of headtails half growing out of their head, or something worse :xp:.


Why not be Juhani's child? Or Canderous's? Or Mission's? Look at it this way. What about those people that went to Kashyyyk last because of Jolee? You might be causing a lot of people to be disgusted at being his child, instead of being a totally new PC without any known parents.


The fact is, while it might be genetically possible for their to be a round-shaped faced pale white person to be the son of a black square-shaped face person, it would be strange anyways. It would definitely not be common, and it would be very wierd. It might be able to happen, but only in a long shot, and it wouldn't make sense for some people.

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You're not considering the fact that Jolee's wife could have been alien (Twilek, Zabrak, Cathaar, Miraluka etc.) The child could be half human/ half whatever, assuming they could interbreed. I don't see why the race should be an issue with your PC being the child of Jolee.
At most his wife could only be what is refered to as near-human. Other species are just that, other species. So that means there can be no cross-breeding because the genetics are too different. So if the PC is alien, that eliminates romantic plotlines with human characters.


Personally I don't think that is the way to go.

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Other species are just that, other species. So that means there can be no cross-breeding because the genetics are too different. So if the PC is alien, that eliminates romantic plotlines with human characters.

While it is quite true that genetically two members of a different alien species would not likely be able to have children (Gene Rodenberry's universes excepted), this certainly does not remove any possibility of romance between them. As long as both cultures have similar concepts of love, etc. And are physically compatable.*


Just my 2 cents! ;)


* Last line added for LIAYD! :xp:

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I dunno. Possible I guess, but it would weird when they...you know...try to do...stuff...


To each his own I guess :p


Ahem...well, except for females twi'leks. They're just hot and cool :D


That top line is one of the problems I have about playing as an alien. What if you were a Kel Dor Revan and Bastila, you know, kissed you? That would be really wierd.

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For KotOR 3, I want to be the new PC. Because the developer of KotOR 3 should have made a choice about the road The Exile walks. Light or Dark....The same as they did in KotOR 2, where Revan walked the path of the Dark Side. Otherwise your going to start with someone who hasn't chosen yet. That is how you play KotOR. And that should be weird, considering you chose already in KotOR 1 & 2. Another fact is that you are already very strong in the Force and you couldn't choose as much powers as we did in KotOR 1 & 2. So KotOR 3 must be with a new PC.

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That top line is one of the problems I have about playing as an alien. What if you were a Kel Dor Revan and Bastila, you know, kissed you? That would be really wierd.


OMG, that's really weird two Kel-Dor's kssing each other?! They cover their mouths. If they removed that I say it's the most disgusting and slimy kissing scene in the world.


No alien's for me.

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OMG, that's really weird two Kel-Dor's kssing each other?! They cover their mouths. If they removed that I say it's the most disgusting and slimy kissing scene in the world.


No alien's for me.


Well, actually I was talking about a Kel-Dor and Bastila (human) kissing. But it would still be disgusting either way. :)

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The chances of them dropping the romance is probably about the same as getting rid of the Hawk, or the two droids. Its been there, its probably going to stay.


I agree even if some of the romance plots sound cheesy



Still I voted accidently for Revan but I would rather have a new PC. Just as long as the background makes sense. I went through the game TSL several times and still didn't make a good connection to where the Exile was coming from :racer::saberb:

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^I would actually rather have Bastila as your master.


The people from K2 and the others from K1 should all make cameos; Not all of them, of course, people like Juhani, Zaalbar, maybe Mission, and some from K2 probably shouldn't be there. Juhani could have been killed and it wouldn't have depended on Revan's alignment the first time; Anyways, she wasn't that much of an important character. Same for Zaalbar, he isn't important enough for the devs to try and fit him in there.

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I voted 'Dont really care'.

I can see why most people would want a new PC but it gets a little repetitive starting at lvl 1 all the time. We can all predict it already.


First level you're a normal person with no knowledge of the force. You're under attack from some enemy. You survive, meet a jedi master who trains you to become a jedi.

You become a jedi in record time and go off to the unexplored regions in search of Revan and the Exile even though you're hopelessly inexperienced, while all the other jedi masters just sit on their arses in some Enclave.


You know that's what it's gonna be like! :p

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I never said that Zaalbar should die, I just said he shouldn't be in there. Personally, WOOKIEES RULE!!!!!! For Chewie to die was just heartbreaking.... That *sniff* poor, poor Wookiee *sniff*....


I was just saying that he wasn't that important enough to make a cameo. But we need a Wookiee. Probably the most recurring things in KotOR are 1)Ebon Hawk, 2) T3, 3) HK, 4)A Wookiee. We need all four to come back.


EDIT: But, Anathema, it doesn't have to be repetitive. It would be nice if it was a bit different twist on things, although I have a feeling that it will be like you said. But the complications of making you be Revan/Exile again are just... Well, I doubt it could be done and make a good story.

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I agree with the Revan/Exile thing. I'd like the PC to start at maybe lvl 5 or something, as an already established jedi. A lot of people have said how they'd like to start the game with a lightsaber.


With the first two games they could justify the PC getting so strong so soon because they had previously been jedi and suffered the old amnesia thing.

If they pull that trick again with a new PC... :launcher:

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I'd like the PC to start at maybe lvl 5 or something, as an already established jedi.

You can be level 1 and an "established" Jedi. Starting the game beyond level one is unacceptable. Do not discern level as a statement of capability. ;)


Example: Bastila was less than level 4 when she boarded Revan's flagship and confronted Revan.

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