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The Rakatan= Mon Calamari


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I looked around but didn't see it mentioned but as anyone else ever felt that the Rakatan are really the race that will later come to be called the Mon Calamari in the next 4000 years. The likeness is definitely striking and the fact that over the years so many ships have crashed on their watery world would likely curb a portion of their interest towards ship design.

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Sorry GreenGoblin, but no, they aren't at all similar. The Mon Calamari a a different race, and besides, the Mon Calamari didn't rule the galaxy 20000 years ago, because they would have remembered and it would have been known. And the Rakatan were very primitive, while the rest of the galaxy was already in space travel. And guess what; The Mon Calamari are water breathers along with air breathers, a lot of them live underwater. Look at the difference between them here:


Mon Calamari: http://www.starwars.com/meta/rd/expand/expand.html?world=databank&img=/databank/species/moncalamari/img/movie_bg.jpg&width=undefined&height=undefined&import=undefined


Rakatan: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a7/Rakata_%28star_wars%29.jpg


Very different.

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I agree with both of you, and, the mon calamari have allways lived in the same planet, the one they share with the quarrens. And as there are some quarrens in TSL (between k1 and k2 they hadn´t time to go out at space), I think that definitively the rakatans aren´t mon calamaris.

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Just so that Green Goblin doesn't feel too beaten up on, I think it's safe to say that the Rakata were clearly based on/influenced by the Mon Calamari. However as everyone else has pointed out, they are not the same species.


Hmm, that's the price of me making such a claim while going by what I remember instead of looking it up. Oh well, let it never be said I couldn't admit I was wrong.


So...how's life treating everyone today?

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Staffsaberist, they did build an empire but then they lost space travel and became primitive, that doesn't really change anything. They would have to regain all of that. And what are you talking about the pics? I showed you a Mon Calamari's face and a Rakatan's face, what is the problem? And if you want to see a Mon Calamari's face (even though I already posted one), go look at Admiral Ackbar in episode VI. He is Mon Calamari.

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What I was talking about was that in the pics, the two look similar, not identical, and I was wondering if a view of the front of a Mon Calamari's face would change my opinion. That's my problem; they look similar, just as if a Rakatan is an ancient version. I am not saying this is true, actually, I am agreeing with lukeiamyourdad and RedHawke when they say the Rakatan are the Kotor version of the Mon Calamari. ;)

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Here is a pic of a Mon Calamari's face in front:




The fact is, maybe they are similar, but look at it this way. The Rakatan have a much more elongated head. Their eyes stick out from their body and look forward, while a Mon Calamari's are in their head and look kind of to the side. And look at their arms. Not to mention that the Mon Calamari are amphibians. I agree with LIYAD, Redhawk, and StaffSaberist when they say that the Rakatan are the KotOR version of the MC.

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Uh...me and RedHawke said that the SELKATH are KotOR's version of the Mon Calamari. Not the Rakatan.


No where does it indicate the Rakatan being sea dwellers.


How in the world did I miss that???? Yes, the Selkath are closer, I don't know what I was thinking. And that is another point, the Rakatan aren't sea dwellers. You stick their head underwater, they die. Too bad you couldn't do that with The One.


And Doctor- Humans aren't monkeys. Otherwise I would have had some cravings for bananas at breakfast.

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I hope that the upper left one wasn't a picture of a certain person. Brother, is this going into evolution now? If you ask me, I see no resemblance between either one. Both look quite a little bit different. And I haven't heard of any monkeys running for governor lately either because they got smart and human enough.

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That was a picture of Bush! I am going to force lightning you to death and... Oh wait, I can only do that in KotOR... *Looks up at Darth Terros towering over* I...think I will go now :giggle1:. :D


Yeah, I can understand how it would remind you of that. Pretty much the same thing, just about a non-existent (as we know :) ) species in a game. And, I think that they have the same wrongness. Even if they have some resemblance, they are two totally different species, and the body form even so is only slightly close.

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