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Whispering Rock Fansite..For Sale?


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  Purple Squid said:
You could also put that your thought bubble is good for lighting up dark areas.


Saved my butt on more than one occasion.


Maybe clairvoyance would be easier to get if it were 'to see through another's eyes'?


Ahh. That would make more sense.


My thought bubble has lighted dark areas that have saved your butt? Totally awesome.

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  Klia said:
HAHAH, No you don't but you make fun of me for my scanner. ALL the time.


But hey, it's only grammatical errors.


It isn't even a grammatical error.


But I'm letting it slide.






I'm very sensitive, and I totally hate that. I'm like an empath I'm so emotional.

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  Klia said:
You weren't on drugs or nothing. I know this because you are Everywhere.


However I would like to know who is this Tentacle.


Purple Tentacle.


From Day of the Tentacle.




I had no idea what that game was about until I joined this board, and then decided it looked cool.


Our names are oddly similar, I think.

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Hey. I got something for someone to take up. The overview!


I'm already doing the Walkthrough. I may do some Character Profiles. However if anyone wants to do them just ask.


-Someone needs to take care of the screenshots/renders/concept art/memory vaults.


-Another Audio


-Another Wallpaper..we could leave that up to fancontent though.


-Move avatars to Multimedia and Add a new fansection with Fan Media.


Just notes to myself.

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I love the enthusiasm, everyone. It's awesome.


The site is up. I just have to deal with FTP account making and shiznit. I have a buttload of homework today, so I'm not going to work on that... unless I end up staying up all night. We'll see. :)


I'm going to need to know how many people need access to FTP. Uploading can be handled by a few people - just because a staff member doesn't have direct access to the site doesn't mean they are lesser staff or anything. Just saying.


My email is cara@pfenix.net -- emails about this are welcome, though you can post here too. But if I get it in email, it's on record.

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  Darth_Ave2011 said:
Wait a tic, what about a video section with trailers or interviews or maybe Windows movie maker things?


The problem with trailers and the like is that they suck up a lot of bandwidth and space.


BUT. If we do want to do those, I have both game trailers, the full hour-long Icons episode (it's split up into multiple parts, though), and a GameSpy interview with Tim from...eh, I'm not sure, actually. Before the game came out. That's all I know. So, if we want those on the site, I can get them to...whoever's going to upload them.

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