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Opinions about the Main Characters and the Party Members


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Well, I have time to lose, so I guess I'll do one too :)


Starting with KotOR 1


Bastilla Shan- She's the typical arrogant spoiled rich kid full of talent that everyone finds annoying but is so darn hot so she's forgiven :p Seriously though, her fall to the Dark Side wasn't that much of a surprise or anything really special. I expected something like that. She was too arrogant for her own good.

She lacks anything that would make me want to feel bad for her...


Carth Onasi- I liked Carth. I find his rant sometime annoying, but he's a very complete character, very 3 dimensional. He serves the Republic but also seeks vegeance. He's a good man with a dark side.


Juhani- She's boring. She never seems to have anything very interesting to say. To me, she sounds more like an angry teenager then anything else.


Jolee Bindo- The most hilarious old man in the galaxy. He's the one questioning the entire belief of the Jedi but isn't a Sith or Dark Sider. His philosophical stories are very entertaining.


Canderous Ordo- Awesome Mandalorian. He brings a nice vision and different vision of the world. He isn't inherently bad, it's just his culture. We see Mandalorians in a whole new light, they aren't brutes but rather strong warriors who find honor in battle. I must say I love his warrior like attitude.


Mission Vao- The little child in the group. She's really amusing. I can't wait for her to grow up.


[Jolee]Oh..and that body...[/Jolee]


Zaalbar- Emo Wookiee :p I like his conflict with his father and brother. He's the archetype of the strong yet silent warrior.


T3-M4- Didn't have much to do in KotOR 1.


HK-47- Best. Story. Ever.

HK-47's life is hilarious. No one has ever made a droid like him. His homocidal tendencies are among the funniest dialogues ever. No droid ever comes close to him.


Darth Malak- Vader on steroids and with more limbs. He's very similar to Vader in his rampaging ways. He also kills incompetent officers like Vader and hired a bounty hunter to get the heroes, like Vader. He was just mean to be mean though, brutal to the finish. Thanks to mods, we can make his suit black, which should be the proper color for a Sith.

I can't stand his red armor.


Calo Nord- Dany DeVito with goggles and blasters. He's just a cool character, but no one can really pinpoint why he's cool. He's like Boba Fett with a bit more lines.


Admiral Saul Karath- The traitor, a good side villain. We don't know much about him other then he bombed Telos and betrayed the Republic.


Darth Bandon- What, two, three lines? He's the lesser Darth Maul.



KoTOR II: The Sith Lords


Kreia- Weird old woman. Interesting character but rather annoying. She pushes you to do Dark Sided things. Didn't like her very much but she's the best Sith up to now in both KotOR games.


Atton Rand- I really liked Atton. The way he is, the way he talks, the way he cares about nobody. He's just like Han Solo.


Visas- I don't like her that much. She does have Kelly Hu's sensual voice though. Other then that, she's just Nihilus' slave. Nothing much.


Handmaiden (Brianna)- Hot, but slightly boring. She's almost childlike in her devotion to Atris but she really isn't a child, if you know what I mean :naughty:


T3-M4- Awesome ancestor to R2-D2. He's totally like R2. K2 gave him a personality and very well succeeded in doing so.


Bao-Dur- I love his creepy voice. He's not much of fighter and I think his anger backstory isn't very well done.


Disciple (Mical)- People usually really hate him, but I don't. He doesn't have much to say and serves only as a source of information about the story. Nothing very interesting.


Mandalore- Ain't as cool as Canderous, but still the good old Mandalorian we know and love. I would like him to remove his helmet once in a while though. I know he's not supposed too, but it would be cool.


Hanharr- Angry Wookiee. I think they tried too hard to make him the opposite of Chewie, like how HK-47 is the opposite of C-3PO. I find him rather uninteresting.


Mira- Hottest clothing in the whole game. She's an ex-Mandalorian who becomes a Bounty Hunter who hates killing. That's not right and that's what I think killed her character for me. She should have been this baddass chick with an attitude, who doesn't care about anyone, a bit like a female Atton. Instead, she doesn't like killing...


HK-47- More info on his background. Knowing that he was a Jedi Killer made me feel weird. He just doesn't seem to be a Jedi Killer. Some of his lines are funny, but most aren't that great.


G0-T0- WHY? The thing is so useless. He's just a droid with too much love for economics. That's it. They could have made him a better evil overlord. If only they weren't dozens of clones of G0-T0 on his yacht.


Darth Sion- He looks awesome, has an awesome voice and is brutal. A nice counter-balance to Kreia. I wished he did more though.


Darth Nihilus- What did he do again? Nothing. He's this "world eater" Sith Lord. I don't really like the concept and he simply didn't have much to do during the whole game.

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Well, I'll list my opinions as well.




Darth Malak: A classic STAR WARS villain. A vicious brute who simply wants to crush everything in his path and has no idea what subtlety means. He was also a very well-writen, very interesting character, and the confrontation with him was very meaningful and more epic than in the movies. In other words, he was simply perfect for KOTOR I.


Bastila: Every hero/villain needs a romantic interest, and Bastila is Revan's. She's a nice character with some interesting dialogue, and has meaningful role in the game. For best results, complete the romance sidequest and never talk to her again. You'll get some great lines at the Rakatan temple. ;)


Carth: He's a good addition to KOTOR, and a nice, permanent member of the crew of the Ebon Hawk...





...but I still hate him.


Jolee: What can I say? Great stories, great dialogue, great voice, great humor... great in about every way, except for hom you have to kill him :(


Canderous: Very interesting stories, and useful in combat. Excellent character.




T3-M4: Absolutely nothing to say, but I still like him.


Mission: I thought she was a great character, but she didn't have enough to say.


Zaalbar: A strong, silent warrior. Not my favorite party member, but a good member of the Ebon Hawk's crew.


Juhani: In my opnion, she's not a real party member. More like a bonus character who's fn to have a couple times, but feels very out of place. Now, I always kill her at the grove.


Darth Bandon: He had so much potential, and could've had such a good role in the game. A pity it was all wasted.


Saul Karath: A good character, although his main purpose was to be Carth's nemisis. I thought he was a good addition to the game.




Kreia: What can I say? Best party member in both games. She has some of the most unique views on the Force I've seen yet, and was one of the most well-writen characters in both games. She was especially fitting for TSL's darker story, and was basically a female Sidious.


Darth Sion: A smaller Darth Malak that's gone through a meat grinder and is addicted to steroids. Awesome character with great dialogue, especially if your PC is female. I thought that was a nice touch. I especially liked it how he was more than a match for the Exile, and how in order for him to die, he had to be defeated mentally. He's very fitting to that loadscreen hint in Jade Empire: "Doubt can cripple the mightiest warrior." The only flaw is how you don't see enough of him.


Darth Nihilus: The big bad Lord of Hunger was a great character, but you just didn't see enough of him. He had so much potential, and only some of it was used up.


Atton: He had potential, but just didn't have enough dialogue.


Mira: She had potential, but just didn't have enough dialogue.


Visas: She had potential, but just didn't have enough dialogue.


Bao-Dur: He had potential, but just didn't have enough dialogue. I hated his voice.


GO-TO: I thought he was actually a good character. He could've used more dialogue, though.


Handmaiden: The most hideous thing to ever exist. The hairdo added to the effect.


Disciple: The most bland and useless character I've ever seen. I never use him.


HK-47: He had a better voice than in KOTOR I, but he just didn't have nough to say.


Mandalore: Not quite as good as he was in KOTOR I, but I liked him. He needed more dialogue, though.


T3-M4: He's been improved in about every way. Great character.


Hanharr: An interesting character, especially for a wookiee. The lesson of strength was very interesting. He could've used a little more dialogue, but otherwise, he's fine.

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  • 1 month later...

1.CALO NORD: Most awesome bounty hunter EVER would like to see him as a party member in KOTOR 3

2.Carth Onasi: Cool character liked his cameo in KOTOR 2 love to see him in KOTOR 3

3.Bastila Shaan: Awesome character must see in #3

4.Revan: SWEEET all time coolest PC would be cool trying to track down in #3

5.Jolee Bindo: coolest jedi ever it would be a cool cameo in #3

6.Kreia/Darth Tyra: Boooo annoying nagging witch of a character... ya cant go three feet without hearing her evil idiotic quips.

7.Darth Nihilus: coolest Sith lord of all time they dont tell u anything about him though

8. Darth Sion: Pretty sweet character awesome idea for a character held together by hate

9. HK-47: too creepy and annoying

10. T3M4: that droid is boss

11. Atton Rand: Cool character sort of carth cloned but more jedi like

12. Mira: she should get in like a bounty hunter battle with calo nord and loose defending others(killing her)

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Revan: Best PC character in the history of gaming!!! Yep, he/she's that cool! It's your classic tragic hero who has once fallen to the darkside and now has to painfuly crawl back to redemption. The only negative thing I have to say is that after the Leviathan I would've liked to see a bigger emotional impact on our character, you know, you should be pretty shaken up but it doesn't really happen. We just go on our merry way completely unphased by that event. More dialogs there would have been nice.


Carth: Hehe just read my name, it says it all! Definitely one of my favorite character of KotOR. He's a bit frustrating at the beginning but after you talk with him a bit he opens up and he's real nice after that. It's so funny to tease him and insult him when playing a LSF, and he likes it! :p Oh and he's got the charm and the looks. :)


Bastila: My first impression was I hated her. She was this uptight and snotty Jedi that you just knew was too arrogant for her own good. But her character development was actually pretty good and she grew on me after a while. Her fall to the darkside was very predictable tho... and it seemed a bit too easy. But nothing really surprised me at that point. Heck, you can almost change Korriban's entire population back to the lightside using just a few words so... yeah.


T3-M4: Kinda bland. Has nothing to say and really isn't all that useful except to open one door... :/ He's far better in TSL, no doubt about it.


Mission: I like that gal, I really do. She's the only one who instantely stood up for us after the Leviathan without a single thought! That says a lot about her. She's cheerful and nice to have around, tho they could've made here a tad bit more useful. Her background story is interesting enough too. God I seriously wanted to kick her brother in the groin so much I hated him! :firemad:


Zaalbar: He's your typical silent hero. The downside of that is that he really has nothing to say (no d'ah!). It's kinda hard to connect with a character that doesn't talk all that much. His story on Kashyyyk was nice, but I just wish there had been more than that.


HK-47: OMG, simply the best! The most original thing I've seen in a video game in a long time. When you have him in your party you have some of the funniest moments of the whole game...


HK-47: Can I break his neck now master? It's been a long time fantasy of mine...

Revan: Maybe later...

HK-47: Did you hear that meatbag? "I'LL BE BACK!"

Yuka Laka: Err, well... ah...


Jolee: Another gem of KotOR. I dunno who came up with all these cool characters but, man, whoever they are they're pure genuises! Anyways, Jolee is wicked cool, no doubt about it. Funny thing is, even tho I usually play a fully lightsided PC, I agree with just about every thing Jolee says about love and about the Jedi tenets not being necesseraly right. The Jedi's could certainly learn a thing or two from him that's for sure.


Juhani: Errr.. Hate her gut. Her looks and her voice are just plain terrible... And her life story is just... bleh. Could've been better overall.


Canderous: He looks so badass! I wished he had more than just war stories to talk about tho but, oh well, he's cool still.


Darth Malak: Oh yeah, nice villain indeed. I like the missing jaw and the metallic voice. I don't like is clothes all that much tho, but I have a mod installed that makes him look fully metallic, he's a lot cooler that way.


Calo Nord: Leaves me completely indifferent. I dunno why so many people seem to like him so much. I really didn't think he was anything special. His appearances were simply too brief for me to make a real opinion of him.


Darth Bandon: Could've used a background story, most will agree.


Yuthara Ban: For some reason I really liked that character. I liked her looks, her tatooed face especially. In my first playthrough, I thought for sure she was gonna join my party after I had turned her away from the darkside, but she didn't... :( She sure would've made a better party member than Juhani, that's for sure!!



Well I'm tired now... I'll continue tomorrow if you guys don't mind.

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