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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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916) You speak the words "Star Wars Anime"


917) You try to change your combat stance to deflect blaster fire when up to bat in baseball


918) You think you can kill multiple people around you by screaming as loud as you possibly can.


919) Your window is a 'viewport' and the glass is 'transparisteel'.


920) You think you'll have to restart life when the intense music doesn't start as you attack your friends.


921) You go to a website and talk about ways to beat a game you've beaten 1,000,000+ times and come up with 921 reasons why that's sad.

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926) You give Visas every melee weapon possable and watch her killing herself with each and every one of them.


927) ... In a Dancer's Outfit Mod.


928) You finally convert the Dancer's Outfit for the Male model.


929) ... or, you just give them the female body!

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930) You start to think there are people in serious need of psychiatric help when they make up things such as 929


actually I am thinking of HK47 in female body as I type that, think of all those things he will say about it.


931) you have actually ported kotor content to other StarWars related games, be it E@W, JA, or even BF

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937) ...You perform terrorist acts at Trekkies.

938) ...You ever seen Rancor furres(or other Star Wars monsters)

939) ... or erotic versions of it.

940) ... which you get a hard on from.

941) ... and you have ever created any!


PS: Those unfortunately exists.

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951) You write a 1000 page thesis on "How Macgyver was actually a Jedi".

952) You read the 952 above points.

and thus know I posted the exact same thing as the 569 point (obviously with 568 and not 952)


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