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Sith Lords: You know you have it bad when...


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957) You patition to get the "Brianna onboard the EH" incident canon.

958) You patition to get the "Mical kicked off the EH" incident canon.

967) When that doesn't work, you go on a hunger strike and chain yourself to the LA HQ building.
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LOL, this far into it I'm having a hard time trying to come up with something to contribute. This thread is fantastic. 1000 fast approaching...


977) You go to night school for an advanced degree in computer programming so you can develop your own Kotor expansions ad infinitum.

978) You attempt to hire the original voice actors for your mods, because nothing else will do.


979) You absolutely refuse to play a DS female Exile, because you can't romance Atton when he looks like *that*.


980) You're certain Carth Onasi is still waiting for when you get back from beyond the Outer Rim (aka real life), and you wish you hadn't left T3 and the Ebon Hawk at Malchor because now you have no ride.


981) You no longer care about the armor's stats, you're just looking for something to give each of your men the fullest package...


982)... And you're openly impressed with Mandalore (what *does* he have under there?).

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990) You want to make a ''naughty'' mod for the Handmaiden to use with the skin.

991) You want to make a movie about the Mandalorian Wars.

992) You spend a great amount of time working on a script for 991.

993) You notice that this thread is seven numbers away from 1000.

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994) You wonder what people are thinking when they come up with these crazy numbers

995) You call the forest surrounding your dig site Endor and you imagine you are a Jedi trying to protect it

996) You change the planet in 995 to Duxn because you are convinvecd that you saw a drexyl and a cannock in the forest

997) You think your dig instructors are Sith Lords because they make you go on death marches

998) You think Base Camp is actually a Sith Academy

999) You think the camp mutt is a Boma, an unusually friendly boma

1000) You realise that all 1000 of these entries could apply to you or someone you know and you try desperately to resist but fail--KOTOR consumes you

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1001) You are not satisfied with only a thousand items on this thread.

1002) Because of 1001 you decide to get the number up to 2000.

1003) You're getting closer to accomplishing 1002, since you've just waster three numbers on stating the obvious.

1004) Now you've wasted four numbers.

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1007) You swear to be the one to post the number 2000.

1008) You continue wasting numbers to faster accomplish your goal.

1009) You post things like ''just 991 to go and it will be 2000''.

1010) You realize that you've succesfully wasted four more numbers and you stop for the time being.

1011) Now you've wasted five numbers. :D

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1012) When you get the logo engraved onto your back.

1013) When you invite all your friends over, like a Super Bowl event, and you play through a game on widescreen.

1014) When you name your first child 'Revan', and then your second child 'Exile'.

1015) When you get a bumper sticker that says, "Visas' Onramp or Bust."

1016) You have your girlfriend change her name to Mira.

1017) You believe you can use Force powers to get an extension on a due essay.

1018) You believe you can use Force power to cut in line at Disney Land/World.

1019) You go to court to fight a speeding ticket, and you negotiate as if the judge was a Huttese.

1020) You believe your ride-along lawnmower is the Ebon Hawk.

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1021) You don't do 1016 you actually find a red-haired girlfriend named Mira.

1022) You have a tattoo of the Death Star on your shoulder.

1023) You're seriously considering of adding a logo tattoo on your forehead.

1024) You call your mother Kreia.

1025) You dedicate your life to knowing the Force.

1026) You've just realized you could have written all these things in separate posts, but what the heck, it's more fun this way.

1027) You've just realized you've wasted seven more numbers to get closer to the number 2000.

1028) Now you've wasted eight more.

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1034) You get shipped for Jae's Hotel Asylum for 1032 and 1033.

1035) You apply for a job at Hotel Asylum.

1036) When filling a form, under occupation you put Padawan.

1037) You get 1034 for 1036 too.

1038) Oh yes, you realize you've wasted five more numbers on this thread.

1039) Now you've wasted six. ;)

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1040. You begin looking up to igyman for his large contributions to the count.

1041. You stop eating entirely to play TSL.

1042. You teach your cousins about lightsaber fighting styles and hilts while they are voluntarily gathered at your feet at a family reunion.

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1043. You mentally create a permanent 4th party member, yourself, replete with riveting backstory, fighting skills, and one-liners, who is much wiser and shrewder than the Exile, because -- duh -- the old lady is the bad guy. And you're more attractive than the Exile, too.

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1044. you spend 53 hours fixing a glitch so you can play a 30 hour game through

1045. you have no idea why you are posting and realize its futile

1046. you read all 1046 of these at 1:30 in the morning in a set of star wars footie pajamas

1047. you realize reading all 1047 of these is a waist of time when you could be modding or better yet playing through the game for your 15th time!

1048. korriban is your "happy place"

1049. your diet consists of captain crunch in chocolate milk and cheese its

1050. you think its an accomplishment that you actually got the 1050th post, if only to waste time.

1051. you own the c3p0/r2d2 star wars christmas special

1052. you have read the horrible episode 7,8,9 scripts but have sent 335 emails to george lucas telling him to make them anyways.

1053. you realize that no one cares about this thread anymore, but you still want it to reach 2000

1055. you have over 10 numbers on one thread

1056. you strive for twenty

1057. you waste more space than anything realizing these are unfunny, but all the good stuff was taken.

1058. (probably has been said) you wonder why darth Nihilus is capable of destroying entire planets, but couldn't even handle you.

1054. you realize that 1054 is 4 higher than 1055

1059. youve made servers to online games for the exclusive bonus of lightsaber mods(working on this one)

1060. you realize that you only have 4 posts to go and ive probably overdone whatever limit was set on numbers/person on one post, but i dont care seeing as id rather not post 4 threads of 5

1061. you own a talking darth vader bank that says "Impressive. Most impressive, but you are not a jedi yet" every time you put a coin in.

1062. you have waisted 18 numbers in a row

1063. you buy $350 worth of star wars minis just to get the entire kotor series of guys

1064. you realize your post is complete and someone will probably yell at me for making it so long.

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