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how to become jedi with kotor2 characters


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@ Achilles


1) I assume that your dialog bug fix does not conflict with the bug fixes that TSL Restoration Project has done?


2) I assume you have to have a positive influence with Kreia in order to get her full story.


3) In your walkthroughs I noticed that you left out some influence points Such as Kreia on The Harbinger where you can tell her that you were distracted or the killing of the NPC in apartment A2(?) on Telos Atton or Kriea.




4) At what level do you need be for each sparring match with the Handmaiden?

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@ Achilles


1) I assume that your dialog bug fix does not conflict with the bug fixes that TSL Restoration Project has done?


2) I assume you have to have a positive influence with Kreia in order to get her full story.


3) In your walkthroughs I noticed that you left out some influence points Such as Kreia on The Harbinger where you can tell her that you were distracted or the killing of the NPC in apartment A2(?) on Telos Atton or Kriea.




4) At what level do you need be for each sparring match with the Handmaiden?

1) I haven't been invited to collaborate with that team, therefore your guess is as good as mine. Re: the bug fixes that have already been released, I don't believe that any of the same files are used, so I have no reason to suspect that they would conflict.


2) Nope. If you read the first section of my walkthrough you'll learn that you can unlock each character's bonus with <10 or >90 influence. This applies to Kreia as well.


3) Nope again. Once more if you read the first part, you'll see that the walkthrough does not include every influence option...just the ones that you need to max (or min) each NPC as quickly as possible. For the LS walkthough, you're focusing on Atton in that conversation, not Kreia. I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you read through, you'd know that I also put together a comprehensive guide that does include every option in the game (including the aforementioned dialog with Kreia). I hope that taking the time to at least read the introduction will help to address any other questions that you may have.


4) That's in there too (hint: the specific levels are provided in the Dark Side portion). I feel I've repeated myself enough for one day, so I'll leave it to you to find that part in the walkthrough :)

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The first one I believe is lvl 8 or something the second one is 12, and I want to say the last one is 15 but it might be 18. Whatever level triggers you to become a "prestiege class".
Looks like I won't be able to escape giving this one away :(


1st: Don't know. Never found myself in a situation where I wasn't able to get the first one out of the way right after meeting her.

2nd: Level 14 (one below the min for your PrC).

3rd: Level 19

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2) Nope. If you read the first section of my walkthrough you'll learn that you can unlock each character's bonus with <10 or >90 influence. This applies to Kreia as well.


Thank You The_Maker and Achilles.


The reason in #2 I thought you had to positive was if it was negative she wouldn't tell you. So I guess since she stays neutral. I am assuming this. She doesn't care if you become like Yoda or Vader. I guess Jolie in KotOR 1 has clouded my thinking, He was neutral but you could not be evil past certain point with out you having to kill him.

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In my experience, Bao-Dur can only be made a Jedi if you're playing as a female PC. I've never gotten it to work as a male.
I believe this is generally known as "user error".


Actually the levels are (for sparring):

LVL 1: 12

LVL 2: 15

LVL 3: 18

Funny, because I distinctly remember testing this several times as part of my walkthough and coming up with 14 and 19 for the 2nd and 3rd matches respectively. No matter.
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I kept Kriea in my party (so as to not get any influence loss if I, say, killed an innocent for no reason) and did the Influence +'s that I knew of. When I said +3, I meant you had to have complimented/gained influence with him towhere you have a +3 over what you begin with (neutral) with him. In other words, if you do no influence loss with him, you can gain it through only 3 Influence gains with him, but if you lose once, then you have to gain four times before you can do it.


Anyways, just the simplest ways possible, Doctor. I got him to look at the Bike (or whatever) that you can find and fix on Nar Shadda after I fixed it, and other than that, just complimented him and responded in ways that I felt that might increase my influence. Overall, you just have to keep him in your party as there are NO dialogs for him on the Ebon Hawk or even by just talking to him that you can gain influence from it.


I was also Dark Side and a Male, so that disproves your sexist comment :). Anyways, I took several hits to my DSPs to get some party members influence up, but Bao-Dur owns with dual sabers :).

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^ If you can do it as a male, how? I've tryed numerous times, and the dialogue option never[ appears. If you're so smart, how do you do it?
Check out the influence walkthough. There's a link in my signature.


And BTW, you picked the totally wrong guy to call out on influence. You look like a complete tool right now ;)

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In my experience, Bao-Dur can only be made a Jedi if you're playing as a female PC. I've never gotten it to work as a male.


Not Necessarily, I've turned Bao-Dur into a Jedi Guardian twice playing as a light side male jedi guardian, and as a consular. In my experience it's harder to turn Bao-Dur into a Jedi when you are playing as a dark side character, mostly because he keeps going lighter the more you go dark, so it's hard to make him into the jedi that you want.

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Bao-Dur is pretty easy to train. You need 2 conversations to max his influence and then make him a force user. Just remember that if you're DS, once you lose enough INF you can train him to become a LS Jedi. Gaining INF so that you can make him a DS Jedi is tricky b/c you have to do LS stuff which totally screws with your mojo.

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^ Except that, as a male character, I can never have even two conversations with him. I can never talk to him after I meet him on Telos.

Like I said, I have never been able to train him as a male character. I don't believe I ever said that it was impossible to do, as Yanstrol appears to believe. I was not trying to sound rude when asking Achilles to tell me how to train him. I was asking for advice, not yelling at him. Sorry if that wasn't more clear.

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