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Most amount of Credits


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What is the most amount of Credits you've ever had?




In my current game I have: 781,.907 credits --by selling A LOT of armor that was sold for like ... in the tens thousand range. --AND...I'm only just at the part where you board the Ravager.


^Heck! I didn't need the armor, because : Bao-Dur, Disciple, Visas, Kreia (grrrr), Atton, and Mira were all Jedi...and you can't change Mandalore/Canderous' armor, and the Droids can't wear 'human' armor...so that extra armor was useless to me!! LoL

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Me too. Without selling anything i think the most credits i've gotten was something like 35000, nothing impressive...but with the exception of pazaak cards and maybe a czerka utility belt, a robe, or nonrestrictive armor early in the game, i don't use money except when it's quest-necessary.


I do end up with a ridiculous amount of components most of the time, in excess of about 25000 all told if i go on a breakdown frenzy. having a 1:1 build/breakdown ratio (with a 20 repair) makes building upgrades a lot easier.

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I usually walk around for the last half of the game filthy rich. The merchants sucks so you mostly depend on the random loot generator for the good stuff. At some point you have more components than you could ever use, so you just have to start selling stuff.


Speaking of the Random Loot Generator...You made me think of something.


It really is pretty fascinating that it is Random, because in the my current game that I just finished (Light Side), I ended up getting the 'Onasi Blaster' FOUR times, in ONE game....and I've never gotten it before in any previous save; except for this one.


So...when they say 'Random Loot Generator' ---THEY REALLY DO MEAN RANDOM!

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I like the random loot, but like LIAYD said, getting multiple "unique" items is kinda silly. Like the Onasi blasters, one game I ended up with 5 or 6 of them. hehe


I told myself it was a line of blasters Carth created. hehe


It would be nice if once you had a unique item, the game removed it from the list of possible items. I mean, how many robes did Onassus have?


Anyway, most of the time I have enough components to make anything I need. I never really paid attention to credits exept early in the game.

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