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Can this be done?


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Is it possible to have the jedi robes (just the standard ones, not modded/special robes) from KOTOR 2 in KOTOR 1? I like the longer jedi robes better and wondered if it was possible to use those in KOTOR 1.


I looked on the various modding sites but either haven't found it yet or it hasn't been done yet.

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Thanks for the quick answer. I didn't realize it would be a legal issue. I've seen other mods that cross over between the games such as http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/12825.html, http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/12679.html, and http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/8532.html.


Anyway, if it can be done with "new" creations so that it isn't legally wrong, is it possible and if so is anyone willing to work on it?

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That's the main problem, the robes in K2 have special animations and we cannot add/change animations at the moment, so if somweone DID remodel a robe for K1 looking similar to the ones in K2 the robe wouldn't flutter in the wind when a (N)PC walked/ran.


And those mods you posted links to aren't

technically ports because most of that stuff (witht the exception of the music mod) was left over in the K2 data files but not used in the final release.

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So if someone modded an existing K1 robe to look like the K2 long robes, it would be legally fine (though they would lack the animations)? If someone extracted the model, textures, and animations from K2 and imported them into K1, there would be a legal issue with that? The reason I'm asking is that I know the work has already been done in K2, so it's just a matter of getting it into K1. It may be a pain in the butt to add the animations in there, but I just want to clarify the legal issue mentioned by Bob Lion54.


I'm totally new to modding, so forgive my ignorance.

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So if someone modded an existing K1 robe to look like the K2 long robes, it would be legally fine (though they would lack the animations)?

Perfectly fine as we would be just adjusting an existing K1 model. Not moving a model from K2 to K1 (or vise versa if someone wanted too.)


If someone extracted the model, textures, and animations from K2 and imported them into K1, there would be a legal issue with that?

Exactly, K1 was done by Bioware, K2 by Obsidien. Both may use the same engine etc but Lucasarts doesnt want us moving things from one game to another so have decided it is a no no and that we will not be allowed to do it.


Technically we arent even allowed to mod K1 or K2 anyway as it breaches the EULA but they havent complained about us yet (by that I mean no lawyers letters) so we make sure we stick by certain rules to keep them happy including the "no porting" and "no showing anyone how to port".


The reason I'm asking is that I know the work has already been done in K2, so it's just a matter of getting it into K1. It may be a pain in the butt to add the animations in there, but I just want to clarify the legal issue mentioned by Bob Lion54.

You can modify a K1 or K2 item to look like the opposite games item but you cant extract a item from one game in to another, except for modder created items ie lightsabers, guns, textures storylines etc (with the makers permission of course).


I'm totally new to modding, so forgive my ignorance.

No worries mate we were all noobs at modding K1 and K2 at some point.

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Thanks to all three of you for clearing that up and for the quick answers.


So... anyone want to make a K1 robe for me that looks like the long robes in K2 (not the master robes with the big shoulders but the other long robes -- I can provide the name if needed but I'm not at home right now)? I want to see how bad (or not) it turns out without the animations.

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