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Color me bad...

Cygnus Q'ol

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Who would like to alter, enhance or change your lightsaber colors?


I don't mean just changing the crystals.

I mean with enough XP and the right crystals and fixtures found about in the game, you get the ability (using a workbench of course), to alter the hue or brightness of your selected color(s).


I wouldn'd mind a double colored saberstaff either.

... I had one in a dream once.

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Yeah... I mean we can take lightsaber customization up a notch but we cant get crazy with it. I think it would be cool if everyone had there own saber. By that I mean when you make your saber its (enter names) saber. And if someone is using there saber they get a +1 to hit with it. And maybe different sabers can have different things about them to more costomize the feel. Maybe you could change the way the hilt and stuff looks too. Serioulsy though in the movies you see Green, Blue, and Red. Mace Windu has his purple which is due to him getting some rare crystal on a quest or something...? So I dunno if we have to get that crazy with colors. Maybe a pink saber would be cool or different variations on the same colors.

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I would totally make a pink light saber with a aqua colored handle shaped like a Ketchup bottle. The ketchup bottle handle could squirt this aqua liquid that when placed on hot dogs it turns the persons skin thats eatin it green and its shrinks their penis to the size of 4inch speggeti noodle. That would kick ass. And ingraved on the bottle it would say Premium Knighty Olds Juice in Dark black writing. Just imagine what a Jedi would be capable of doing with that kind of light saber. He could rule the Universe single handedly.

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I thought about it a while ago, but I came up with the idea to add 'shading crystal slot'. In that slot you could put one of 2 crystals (a darkening one and a lightening one) one crystal makes the saber a lighter colour (red becomes pink etc.) and one make the saber darker. I don't really care to much about saber colour, as long as they have purple.

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I seem to remember reading somewhere that purple identifies with a rogue in the Jedi order. Hence Mara's purple saber. It didn't make sense for me to see mace with one until I heard that it was a contractual thing with SLJ so he would stand out in the Geonosis battle. Of course I could be wrong, but I swear I heard that somewhere. Maybe, idk....

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Yo I thought Mara Jade had a pink saber. And Mace Windus purple overrides Maras purple even if it was purple. Because Mace Windu was in a movie and Mara Jade is just in EU. It was more of a request from Jackson then a contract thing and Lukas agreed. He also wanted BMF on his hilt (I kid you not) because of pulp fiction but Lukas was like ok no. Originally in episode 1 the Mace action figures had a blue saber and the hilt was different. It was only after they decided to expand upon the role that Jackson requested purple. Now apparantly he built his Amethyst and Gold lightsaber between episodes 1 and 2. However he supposidly had purple the whole time and the reason being in EU is Mace when he was though Mace was the best pupil of the jedi trained with him he was the last to complete a saber. When asked why he told the council he wanted a real challange to collect the best pieces to complete his saber they sent him back to his home planet of Haruun Kal to find these pieces. There he saved a native from falling into a chasim and was rewarded with a unique Amethyst crystal... a crystal that produced a unique purple blade of a lightsaber. Also if a rogue had purple wouldnt Jolee or Quigon Jin have purple? Actually I gave Jolee purple purely because he was black and I think all black people should have purple light sabors. Seroiusly its my favorate color but especially for black people. My favorate PC in all Star Wars RPG Axe Windu... Mace Windus great great whatever whose a Jedi Weapon Master. See Axe is also a one syllable midevil weapon like Mace... see what I did there...

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the actions figures from TPM of Mace had a blue lightsaber... also the hilt in TPM was different then the hilt in Ep2 and 3... so there is debate whether Mace just changed the hilt and it was the same crystal or if in that time period he contructed an entirly unique and new saber, his newer saber also was laced in some type of gold. EU says Mace always had purple but non EU says he changed it between movies thats why in the 1st movie the action figures were blue. I just think they didnt know yet what color he had.

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im not so sure about changing the hue of the saber blades, i was thinking that when you make your first lightsaber then you can change the designs of the hilt and the color of the blade, and also the upgrades, but to keep it from being too powerful you cant upgrade the blade but only build it with the enhancements, that way you will have to get all the crystals first before you build it then put them in, after you build the lightsaber, you wont be able to change any of the crystals inside it

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also to comment on the lightsaber of mace windu, in the books and storyline of star wars, it says that mace windu got his purple crystal before he built his lightsaber, he always had dreams and visions of his lightsaber and wouldnt create it until it would look like his visions. then one day he saved the life of a boy who gave him the unique crystal of his lightsaber that is why he is the only one with a purple lightsaber in the movies

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All this Mace Windu history stuff hurts my brain. But, back on topic, I don't really like that idea because yeah like someone way up there said, the crystals controls it, and, well I don't want to work that much on it. And, uh, everyone stole my ideas! Everyone who disagreed I agree with them.

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I wouldn't mind something in which the power crystals could visibly affect the coloring and properties of the lightsabers. After all didn't Master Zhar say that the crystals could alter the coloring or even the properties of the lightsaber?

I do say this however, I hated building a lightsaber but a Jedi must learn to build their own if they want to pass the trials and be granted the rank of Padawan.

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