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Are you aware that Knights of the Old Republic 2 was incomplete?

Are you aware that this isn't a great way to start a discussion? Especially with so many whiny "[insert baby Cries Here] TSL is incomplete" threads made already.


While TSL left questions un-answered, it felt very much like ESB for this reason. You do remember that movie titled The Empire Strikes Back, don't you? There were definately questions left un-answered at the end of that movie... and yet no one claimed TESB was incomplete. :roleyess:


You can answer many questions, if you actually played the game through a few times, didn't skip through the dilogues, and can actually use your cognitive ability when story points aren't simply spoon-fed to you, that is. ;)

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Yah know what keep these threads comming. Maybe LA needs to realize all the people who complained about the game being incomplete. Maybe they should actually make something to finish it like downloaded content on live or something. You dont release an anticipated sequal to 2003s game of the year incomplete. Though conversing gives you many answers yah know an answer I found through talking to my party members? How to track those HK50s... man we were gonna get them good they only were involved in the plot the entire game... oh wait we never found out where they were or put a stop to them. And then we have the magnificent ending... where you play as remote for 15 minutes to get a cutscene with an incomplete ending. Then when you beat Kreia the Ebon Hawk flies away... what happened to Mira beating Hanharr? What happened to Remote? What of your other party members and Malachor. Ahh that doesnt matter we gotta get this game out. Seriously how hard is it to make a better ending. This game better be the first half of a 2 part finish to a sequal. If this is the ESB of Knighty Olds thats fine as long as the next game answers these questions. Also please stop calling it whining... your just degrading an opinion to the game that isnt just riding its joystick. Seriously saying we know is cool and saying yeah dude we know get in line but dont say stop whining.

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Yah know what keep these threads comming. Maybe LA needs to realize all the people who complained about the game being incomplete.

The LA company doesn't read these forums, perhaps you need to post these issues you have with the game on the LA forums.


Maybe they should actually make something to finish it like downloaded content on live or something.

TSL is not XBox Live capable, so you are SOL on additional content.


You dont release an anticipated sequal to 2003s game of the year incomplete.

Only those mis-informed ones in your camp seems to think this way.


Was the game rushed? yes. Did it have adequate Q&A testing? No.


Can you reasonably complete the game? Yes.


No problem here, as that is all that a game company is required to deliver. Remember OE delivered to LA a game that met the necissary requirements, a ton had to be removed due to time constraints, and LA failed to do proper Q&A testing to it to cut out some of those removed remnants you are complaining about here.


Though conversing gives you many answers yah know an answer I found through talking to my party members? How to track those HK50s... man we were gonna get them good they only were involved in the plot the entire game... oh wait we never found out where they were or put a stop to them. And then we have the magnificent ending... where you play as remote for 15 minutes to get a cutscene with an incomplete ending. Then when you beat Kreia the Ebon Hawk flies away... what happened to Mira beating Hanharr? What happened to Remote? What of your other party members and Malachor. Ahh that doesnt matter we gotta get this game out. Seriously how hard is it to make a better ending. This game better be the first half of a 2 part finish to a sequal.

It is not the game being "incomplete", as you constantly put it. These are mostly due to a distinct lack of Q&A testing by LA, so those parts could have been properly removed if proper testing was done, it wasn't.


Your important party members fates can be inquired about from Kreia at the end game, the rest was meant as a cliffhanger ending. Which is to allow KOTOR III to pick up on.


TSL suffers from a lack of polish, but it is far from the definition of 'incomplete'.


Fact: KOTOR I is considered complete and had a ton of stuff cut from it, but it had adequate Q&A testing so the refrences were all but removed, so the "whining" about that content is near non-existant.


If this is the ESB of Knighty Olds thats fine as long as the next game answers these questions.

Some of them they will have to, and I have always thought that was the intention.


Also please stop calling it whining... your just degrading an opinion to the game that isnt just riding its joystick. Seriously saying we know is cool and saying yeah dude we know get in line but dont say stop whining.

I'm sorry you feel "degraded" but if my opinion offends your sensitive sensibilities, and if I use the word "whiny" to describe those in your camp and you find it offensive, then perhaps you shouldn't reply to my posts and invite further chances of "degredation".

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:eyeraise: Ummm, yeah. Where have you been AngryFan? Obviously not reading these forums much since you joined back in April. You're preaching to the choir but apparently don't know it... :¬:


Has anybody realized yet that this thread was intended as a joke? There are tons of threads discussing the game's incompletion, so I thought it would be humorous to create a topic stating the obvious.


Can we laugh now? :)

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Screw you guys Im going home... I dont care get off its joystick... team gizka restoring the content isnt LA stepping up and saying we messed up. Im sure you could get something available for xbox that would restore the content. Noone wants to admit they messed up. Im not saying releasing the game was illegal Im saying they shouldve completed it they had an obligation to the fans of the original. No explanation for HK 50s, no completion to remote scene, bad ending, amoung a few other things. It lackd Q&A whatever cool thats there fault they shouldve fixed it. I can understand how your getting sick of people complaining about it but I dont understand how you are going to ignore the fact they left content out and try to stick up for them.

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Has anybody realized yet that this thread was intended as a joke? There are tons of threads discussing the game's incompletion, so I thought it would be humorous to create a topic stating the obvious.


Can we laugh now? :)


It's just a wee bit too late to try to backpedal your way out of this one. The tired and overplayed "Aw man, come on! I was just joking!" bit doesn't really cut it so late after the fact. And judging from the posts to the thread you started it doesn't seem like anybody would really be interested in laughing it off now.


Hopefully you'll chalk this up as a lesson learned...

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