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Removing the Burst of Speed Blur: here's the script, just delete the green??


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i wish to edit out a little effect that i find utterly annoying, the Burst of Speed Blur. could someone help me with this?


note this is for KotOR 1


here is the script. i highlighted the code i believe i must delete in green font. do i completely remove the green code below, or did i highlight too much?


  if(!GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_KNIGHT_SPEED) &&
     eLink1 = EffectMovementSpeedIncrease(99);
     eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectACIncrease(2));
     [color=Lime]eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_KNIGHTS_SPEED));[/color]
     eLink1 = SetEffectIcon(eLink1, 2);
    [color=Lime] if(OBJECT_SELF == GetPartyMemberByIndex(0))
        eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_SPEED));
     if(GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget))
        Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget);
        Sp_ApplyEffects(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, eLink1, 72.0, eInvalid, 0.0);

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(this is for KotOR 1)


all three do not have that line. only Burst of Speed has the line:


eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_KNIGHTS_SPEED);


however, all three (Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, and Master Speed) have these lines:


if(OBJECT_SELF == GetPartyMemberByIndex(0))
        eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_SPEED));


so just to be sure:


is it still just remove the first line from Burst of Speed, while leaving Knight Speed and Master Speed alone?


or is it remove the second set of lines from all three?


or is it remove the first line from Burst of Speed and remove the second set of lines from all three?

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Why bother with unnecessary scripting? Just open up visualeffects.2da and delete the row for the speed effect.


because i am already altering that script for other mods and i would rather not alter yet another .2da file. besides, i just want to know how this way. thanks anyway though



can anyone else confirm one which one is the correct method at the end of my previous post?

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ok after some testing i can not get this two work. i ran 2 tests, and both times ended with the same result: when i click on a speed power, the character goes through the casting animations, but none of the effects of the speed spell occur, no speed blur, no increase in walking speed, no defense boost, no little arrow on the portraits showing a beneficial boost, nothing.


test one, i added // below where they are green:


  if(!GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_KNIGHT_SPEED) &&
     eLink1 = EffectMovementSpeedIncrease(99);
     eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectACIncrease(2));
     [color=Lime]//[/color]eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_KNIGHTS_SPEED));
     eLink1 = SetEffectIcon(eLink1, 2);
     if(OBJECT_SELF == GetPartyMemberByIndex(0))
        eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_SPEED));
     if(GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget))
        Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget);
        Sp_ApplyEffects(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, eLink1, 72.0, eInvalid, 0.0);



test two, i added // below where they are green (note that even though only Burst of Speed is shown, i added them in the same spots for the other two speed powers):


  if(!GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_KNIGHT_SPEED) &&
     eLink1 = EffectMovementSpeedIncrease(99);
     eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectACIncrease(2));
     eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_KNIGHTS_SPEED));
     eLink1 = SetEffectIcon(eLink1, 2);
     [color=Lime]//[/color]if(OBJECT_SELF == GetPartyMemberByIndex(0))
        [color=Lime]//[/color]eLink1 = EffectLinkEffects(eLink1, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_SPEED));
     if(GetHasSpellEffect(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget))
        Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_SPEED_BURST, oTarget);
        Sp_ApplyEffects(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, eLink1, 72.0, eInvalid, 0.0);



what am i doing wrong? i know someone out there knows the correct way of doing this, as i saw someone mentioning they did this themselves in some old thread, but he/she didn't post how. i hope that person sees this thread!

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ok after some testing i can not get this two work. i ran 2 tests, and both times ended with the same result (snip)


Did you recompile the correct script? You need to recompile k_sp1_generic.nss and not k_inc_force.nss directly, since the latter is an include file used by the former.


If you put your modified k_inc_force.nss in the same folder as nwnnsscomp.exe and then recompile k_sp1_generic.nss and put the resulting NCS file in override it should work (unless you get compilation errors of course).

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Did you recompile the correct script? You need to recompile k_sp1_generic.nss and not k_inc_force.nss directly, since the latter is an include file used by the former.


If you put your modified k_inc_force.nss in the same folder as nwnnsscomp.exe and then recompile k_sp1_generic.nss and put the resulting NCS file in override it should work (unless you get compilation errors of course).


yes, i compiled it correctly. i made the adjustments to k_inc_force.nss, then i put it with k_sp1_generic.nss and k_inc_debug.nss and compiled. the result was a k_sp1_generic.ncs file that i put into my Override folder.


something must be wrong with what i remove itself. Stoffe -mkb-, when you said it should work, did you mean my test 1 or my test 2? or do i have to do both at the same time, which i did not test yet?


edit: for Doctor and Clone, the blur will not show up if in your graphics options you have Frame Buffer Effects unchecked.

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It sounds almost as if you are compiling with the old compiler without the -v1.00 option... The resulting script would not give errors, but it would not actually run either... because the casting anim is part of the spells.2da and not the script it would show up, but because the script is compiled with the correct version of NWScript it will not run.

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ok, i ran a whole bunch more test and discovered that whether i am editing the speed out correctly or not is irrelevant, because all the powers i edited the duration to be longer don't work at all.


what i did was revert all the edits i made on the speed blur back to what it original was. i had given up on editing it out through the script, i figured i would just go with Emperor Devon suggestion and edit the visualeffects.2da (which i have not done yet). the only edits i kept in the script now are tk102's Chain Lightning edits, and edits i did myself (copying the edits in Achilles's Extended Light Side Powers mod).


like i said in a previous post, i compiled the mod correctly, with all 3 need nss files together (the edited k_inc_force.nss and the unedited k_sp1_generic.nss and k_inc_debug.nss). compiled, through the resulting k_sp1_generic.ncs in my Override, and booted up the game. again, all the powers i increased the duration on no longer work at all. my characters raise their hand as if it cast the power, but no visual effects occur and no boosts in attributes or stats occur like they should.


i went back and over and over and over again checked the lines of the spells' script i altered with the original in-game script i extracted with KotOR tool. everything is identical exception the duration number, that's it. just like the old thread i read said, and just like Achilles did with his mod, i increase the number after the 5th comma in the Sp_ApplyEffects line.


how can i get this to work??? in know in that old thread about extended light force power duration, i believe it was Achilles who had said that he made the alterations and the powers did not work at all, so he started over from scratch, making the exact same edits, and for some unknown reason, it worked that time. not only did i checked it again and again, but i have also redone it 3 times. it is not working. can anyone help me with this??


(for some reason whenever i try to do this with quote tags, the page freeze and the browse has to be shut down. that is way all the quotes below are in yellow font instead of the quote box)


TMPhoenix in your post you said: "It sounds almost as if you are compiling with the old compiler without the -v1.00 option... The resulting script would not give errors, but it would not actually run either... because the casting anim is part of the spells.2da and not the script it would show up, but because the script is compiled with the correct version of NWScript it will not run"


though i have no idea what the -v1.00 option is, here is what i have. in the readme it says:




Copy all files from this archive to your KotOR Main Directory.

There is one batch file included which will compile all NSS Files located in the "Override" subfolder.




Version 1.3:

First Public Release"


is there something wrong with this version? am i suppose to have a different version?

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Well the -v1.00 option was present in the original nwnnsscomp. Because this compiler was written for Neverwinter Nights (=NWN) and NWN was later upgraded to a newer version of the scripting language the compiler was upgraded to be able to handle this. But since KotoR (1 & 2) use the first version of the scripting language you need to tell the compiler to use this version, hence: -v1.00, as in nwnnsscomp.exe -v1.00 myscript.nss .

If however you have a newer version of the compiler written for KotoR, by I believe Fred Tetra, this was no longer necessary.


Try compiling it by calling nwnnsscomp.exe with the -v1.00 and see what happens...


BTW. if you want to remove the speed blur there is a scripting command to do this...


// 563: Turns on or off the speed blur effect in rendered scenes.

// bEnabled: Set TRUE to turn it on, FALSE to turn it off.

// fRatio: Sets the frame accumulation ratio.

void SWMG_SetSpeedBlurEffect( int bEnabled, float fRatio=0.75f );


And you ask if you are supposed to have a different version... No.. Any version will do... It's just that Fred's version may be a little easier to use... Although personally I still use the older version...

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It sounds almost as if you are compiling with the old compiler without the -v1.00 option...


well after more testing, you were absolutely right TMPhoenix! thank you very much for pointing this out to me, i had no idea. ha i thought it was my novice script editing that was to blame the whole time! thanks again TMPhoenix, and thanks everyone else who tried to help me out too!

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